Response to Bush's public AWB stance

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I have a problem finding a concervative in the Republican party any more. There are a few, but the party itself is trying to appeal to so many segments of the population that they are losing their way.

George Bush spoke as governor about "common sense" legislation for guns long before he became president.
A lot of people voted him into the governor's mansion here because the incumbent, Anne Richards would not approve CCW for the state. So much for the apologists saying it was some kind of tactical ploy.

GW Bush is not tactical. He is an in-your-face born again christian, and he will tell you what he thinks, good or bad. I respect that of the man, even though I do not agree with some of his thinking.
He looks better than Kerry by light years mainly because he doesn't try to promise everything to everyone.

It's pretty plain to me the conservatives of the Republican party are not in charge anymore. Thats a shame, because I will always vote for a conservative, regardless of party.
The Republican Party is sunsetting the Assault Weapons Ban. Does everyone understand that?
Reward the Republican Party for helping to restore the Second Amendment and don't do a thing that would allow the anti-gun dem party into office.
Just Imagine if every single conservative who was upset with the treason within the republican party was to vote 3rd party !! We are talking about a revolt in the millions !!!
And if your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle.

Y'all need to chill about the AWB. It's gonna sunset in two weeks, precious good it will do me here in Californistan. :p
Just Imagine if every single conservative who was upset with the treason within the republican party was to vote 3rd party !! We are talking about a revolt in the millions !!! It decidedly would cause the collapse of the republican party and the libertarians, constitutionalists..etc.... would jump to a position of power never known before. Once again the people of this country who really care about its survival would have a political voice !!!

The only problem with that is to get everyone that supports Bush to drop their support, then get them all to vote on one of the many third party canidates. Something that is not going to happen, in my opinion
I have a problem finding a concervative in the Republican party any more. There are a few, but the party itself is trying to appeal to so many segments of the population that they are losing their way.

Try to find the word "conservative" in the RNC 2004 Platform

The Republican Party is sunsetting the Assault Weapons Ban. Does everyone understand that?
Reward the Republican Party for helping to restore the Second Amendment and don't do a thing that would allow the anti-gun dem party into office.

They are sitting on their hands because they know it would cost them their jobs. MUHAHAHA!

Well, dumb or not, I am not going to vote in a manner that my conscience tells me not to.

Bush has messed up enough things during the last four years that I really don't care if he loses.

No way I will vote for Kerry, but I am not going to vote for a president who has admittedly signed something he thought was unconstitutional into law (ie, campaign finance reform). He has also increased Medicare spending more than anyone since LBJ.

In the long run, four years of Bush will end up hurting us more than the eight years of Clinton did. I shudder at the thought of a second Bush term when he won't even be bridled by the need for re-election.

I supported Bush in 2000 with my vote as well as my campaign contributions, and have never been more let down by anyone. He is simply a liberal disguised in conservative clothing.

If we end up with Kerry, maybe the partisan politics between a republican controlled legislative branch and a democratic executive branch will stifle some of the poor legislation we have seen coming out of Washington lately.

Bush got Clinton's policies in place in less than a year where Clinton couldn't get it done in 8 years. Have you ever wondered why Democrats, especially liberals, didn't put up more of a fight against the Patriot Act, which passed the Senate with only one dissenting vote. Many thought it was because Dems didn't have the guts to stand up, and were afraid both to look unpatriotic and to risk defeat at the hands of the mighty Bush. But there may be another reason: The Patriot Act enhances major incursions into civil liberties that were sponsored by Bill Clinton in 1994 and 1996, including the setting up of secret courts and the launch of mass deportations.

Bush supported Ted Kennedy's bill that expanded federal involvement in education, pushes for amnesty as a response to illegal aliens, and signed campaign finance reform into law. Then wants to ban the 527s it created. Anti-terrorism laws are being used to prosecute those with no interest in taking down the American republic. If Clinton had signed laws allowing the Feds to search houses without letting the owner know about it, add phone taps to lines based on no review by a court, and limit free speech before elections, among other things, we would all be screaming for impeachment. Bush does it and it is somehow noble?

Who cares about what Bush thought he had to say 4 years ago to get elected! It's called polotics. He is now killing the AWB in spite of all the static from the police chiefs and mayors. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THEN WORDS AND WILL BE REALITY ON SEPTEMBER 13th !!!!!.

Let it go already, will ya. You guys are starting to sound like a Kerry attack ad.

Who cares about what Bush thought he had to say 4 years ago to get elected!

I do. I think it is bad for someone to make misleading statements for his own personal gain, and if you think his support for the AWB renewal was just a political ploy then he was being deceptive.

There are much bigger reasons to dislike Bush than his stance on gun control.

He signed Campaign Finance Reform, after saying this was probably unconstitutional. He signed it because he thought it was politically popular to do so, and as a result the first amendment has been partially stifled. He did this knowing it was the wrong thing to do.

I feel he would sacrifice the 2nd Amendment on the same altar of political popularity, with out a second thought, if he thought it was necessary to stay in power.
Yet, he hasn't sacrificed the 2nd A. It was politically unpopular with the masses and the media to say the 2nd A was an individual right, yet that is now the official position of the American gov't. It was equally unpopular with the media to push for a clean firearms manufacturer liability bill, yet he did it. It was also unpopular to let the AWB die, yet it is certainly dying on the vine without presidential support.

I've got no love for Bush's campaign reform stand. But I'm not going to claim he'll screw us when the evidence is the other way.
Bush is one of those politicians that you have to watch what they do, not what they say. Suits me fine since I tend to judge people on actions and not intentions.

Individual right--words only. To the best of my knowledge the doctrine has not been used to drive any DoJ initiatives.

Clean liability bill--that was water carried by Larry Craig along with the support of the NRA. To the best of my knowledge Bush was eating popcorn and watch the festivities. If he was working the phones it has not been reported.

AWB death--again, he did nothing to CAUSE its death. He just let it happen. He did say he would sign a new bill if it made it to his desk.

Campaign Finance Control--said it was probably unconstitution but signed it anyway. Counted on SCOTUS to kill it. Rest is history.


I'm waiting for action on his part in support of the second amendment. I've already seen his action in support of the destruction of part of the first amendment. The man is no friend of individual liberty.

I disagree... let's take a look at some of the things where Bush took action and protected the Second Amendment with that action:

You feel that reversing 35 years of previous Justice Department doctrine is words as it has not yet had any effect on gun laws. I disagree, after all how long did it take to get from the Emancipation Proclamation to real equality? Yet without that first step, the journey could have never started. Still, for the sake of argument, I'll give you this one and all the others you mentioned.

Now how about these:

1. UN Small Arms Restrictions blocked by US

2. Attorney General refuses to allow legitimate purchase of NICS data to be used for fishing expedition - Ashcroft stops grabbers from sifting through NICS data of legitimate purchasers to look for "terrorists".

3. Ashcroft changes NICS data holding from 90 days to 1 day - NICS data on legitimate purchases will now be purged from the system in a single day as the law intended rather than being held onto for 90 days per Clinton policy

4. Bush ends taxpayer funding of useless HUD gun buybacks

5. Partially repeals Clinton ban (to the extent allowed by the Unsoeld amendment anyway) on import of some semi-auto firearm parts instituted in Summer of 2000 to allow import of parts for repair purposes.

Note that I have left out all of the pro-RKBA legislation that he has signed since it could be argued that GWB wil sign anything presented to him. these are all executive actions that he has taken to help protect RKBA during his four years in office.

I'd also ask you how many political parties will stand up, not once; but twice and kill a bill that polls show better than 60% of Americans supporting? I can't think of too many examples in the past; but the Republican party did that for us just this year.
I will be voting for Bush this November. And for now, I'm alright with that. His views on the 2nd do scare me. Especially in the arena of politics and law, where it seems it is a chess game of sorts, thinking many moves in advance. Seemingly meaningless concessions now, could in the future effect our lives drastically. This election, yes, Bush is the lesser of two evils.... Much Less... But if a conservative 3rd party actually had a shot in the dark, I'd be inclined to change my vote.

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