Roanoke Firearms website message

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I like the message...very High Road.

Note from all of us at Roanoke Firearms:

To those of you who came to this site to send messages of encouragement -- we appreciate your concern, kindness, and goodwill. We are as troubled by this trajedy as much as anyone, except, of course, those who lost friends or loved ones, and your words of support mean a great deal to us.

To those of you who came here to send hateful emails -- you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how misguided and inappropriate it may be. How many of you called the company who sold Timothy McVeigh the diesel fuel or fertilizer he

used to make the bomb in Oklahoma City, or the company who rented him the Ryder truck? Should we outlaw diesel fuel and trucks? How many of you read about a drunk driver who crosses the center line and kills a family, then call thedealership who sold him the car? Should we outlaw automobiles? If we ban silverware, do you think there would be no more obesity?

One individual bears the responsibility for the heinous acts committed at Virginia Tech, and that is Cho Seung-Hui. If you think otherwise, you have not thought this through. Please be adult enough to reach out and help someone in need, rather than leaving anonymous, vitriolic emails on our site.

God bless us all.
What a horrible position those guys are in, but their message is extremely well said.
I know the owner of Roanoke Firearms. I took my CCW class with him. He is a very responsible individual. Some people lash out in pain. Unfortunately this hate should be directed at the ones responsible. The shooter and the people who did not lock down the campus after the first murders.
I saw an interview with him yesterday and he handled himself in an extremely professional manner despite some very misleading/weighted questions from the reporter.

I was VERY impressed!

I would gladly purchase from them based on the attitude/demeaner demonstrated in the interview....too bad there aren't more people like him.


Do us a favor. When you see him (the owner) next, express our support. His words on the website were wonderful. One of my very dear friends here in Michigan is going through this very same right week earlier, Target Sports, Royal Oak, MI. The shooter in Troy, MI bought the firearm from my friend who owns Target. That was unexpected. Your friend there was a real stand-up guy! He didn't run from the media! He met them head-on, honest, down-to-earth. He did us firearms owners right proud!!!

Anyone else care to have that message sent to the owner as well? I think it would be a nice touch to hear that support from THR, and nation-wide at that.

Too bad that there are so many people in this world that tries to blame others for something they had no control over.

Put my name in the support for Roanoke Firearms also!
DOC2005, the website is temporarily down. I agree, the owner of Roanoke Firearms seems to be a standup guy, and deserves our support.

Doc, I think you and I know some of the same people. I was at the funeral home for Madeline K. on Friday, and will continue to pray for her family.
I do not work fridays. I will stop by Roanoke Firearms and tell the owner how concerned you guys are about the situation. I will tell him The High Road family and myself wishes him the best.
He did a fantastic job in the interviews I've seen him give the media. Really kept his calm, even when describing the hate mail and death threats he's received.

What kind of genius threatens a gun shop, anyways? :confused:
Wait, wait...I just had thought (and that's rare with me:what: ) :D ...anyways. I don't want to start any fights here, but want to start a discussion.

Didn't Roanoke Firearms find something in the killer's background that would've prevented him from purchasing the handguns in the first place? Didn't the killer have some sort of bad record...hearing from the recent news that two women reported him for stalking? Just wondering.
Roanoke Firearms is not responsable for the background check. They only call in the information, and the decision to proceed is made by the FBI and Virginia State Police. The FFL holder who calls in the check gets no information other than confirmation on whether or not it's okay to complete the sale.
I believe I heard that the two women thought that he was stalking them, however never reported it to police.

That being the case, it would not show up in a background check.
two women thought that he was stalking them, however never reported it to police.

Everything I've been hearing, they did call the cops but declined to actually press charges when given the opportunity. No charges = nothing on record.
I don't think it is the FFLs responsibility to know every thing about him. It is the Fed/Gov who is responsible for knowing that. If the Doctors/Judge/Police did not enter that into whatever database they use for NICS checks (I'm not really sure how information gets to be listed in that database), then the FFL has no way of knowing that the individual has any negative background information.
He should have stoped after the first paragraph. I am not going to pick apart his statement, but he should not have tried to reason with the people who sent the hate mail. Since there is little he could say to change their minds. I feel sorry for him, and hope this in no way effects his business.
He seems like a well meaning, honest, stand up guy trying his best to defend his position in an ugly situation. He conducted himself like a true gentleman during the Dateline NBC interview last night... and the questions were far from pretty. I wish there were more FFLs like him around here. He would get my business.
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