Romney and guns?

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I am not comfortable with candidate Romney's gun control views. I think he has his veiw of the 2nd Ammendment, and I don't think it matches mine, or most folks here. When he says that some guns are too dangerous to own, I don't think he is thinking of RG revolvers or Raven pocket weights like I am. If he is the candidate selected to run against Obama, I won't like doing it, but I'll vote for him.

Well said and spot on. Romney is NOT my hero, by any stretch. I didn't feel "good" about voting for Kasich in Ohio, but I knew at the end of the day, he was doing less damage than Strickland was doing (via appointments).

It's still some time away. Perhaps we will have a candidate that is much clearly thinking on issues. One can only hope anyway. At the end of the day, there is no doubt in my mind my choice would be Romney over Obama. Actually, we MAY be pleasantly surprised. I see the POTENTIAL in Romney to do good on with policies. I see none of that in Obama. Spend more of my money and take more control of my life is his goals (and he has done much to accomplish them.

I think Romney desires America to succeed. Sadly, I don't think Barack feels the same - certainly not in all the speeches in which he trashed America. I think Romney can overcome our misgivings. I KNOW Obama can't. Let's hope that if nominated and elected, Romney will prove his naysayers wrong.
If it's Romney or any other R candidate, I will vote for him no question. The Heller decision was only 5 to 4 in our favor. Which means a SCOTUS with a few more Democrat appointments means this case could get overturned. 3rd party candidate only helps Obama and the Socialists. IMO
Romney HAS to realize that it is extremely dangerous politically for him to mimic what he did as governor as far as gun rights.

Would it be, though? It's actually more dangerous for a Democratic President. The GOP Pres can assume the RKBA crowd have no other place to go. Are we going to vote for the Democrats if Romney turns south on gun rights?

What his state record shows me is that gun issues are very minor for him. He doesn't really care about them, and when push comes to shove he may well opt to "compromise" our rights in order to get his own agenda through a Democratic hill. Now if the GOP controls one or both houses I see little threat, but there's no guarantee of that.

As far as Court appointments, the key there is to get sufficient conservative Senators in place to police the nominations. A Republican president is no guarantee that the appointed justices will be friendly. There's a long list of justices who changed stripes after getting that lifelong tenure. It's the Senate judiciary that weeds these folks out.
Romney is a politician. You will never really know how he feel about anything becuase that changes with the political climate

The dynamics of a GOP Pres weak on firearms and a Democratic hill are very dangerous. Obama considers the issue a third rail and won't openly touch it regardless of who is in control in Congress.

Between these two statements, I don't have to type anything new to make my opinion known.
Romney HAS to realize that it is extremely dangerous politically for him to mimic what he did as governor as far as gun rights.

what he did as gov got him this far, a front runner to become president of the U.S. of A. So his flippy floppy on 2A, or socialized health care hasn't really hurt him any.
If it's between Obama and Romney I'll vote third party or write in a name.

I played the lesser of two evils came with McCain and I felt like a giant whore. Never again.
Would it be, though? It's actually more dangerous for a Democratic President. The GOP Pres can assume the RKBA crowd have no other place to go. Are we going to vote for the Democrats if Romney turns south on gun rights?

Well, that is a valid point. Saying that, the point is really only valid if you have a Democratic President who actually cares about the RKBA crowd. If he thinks he can buy their votes with government handouts why care about 2A rights? Is there danger Romney could "turn south" on gun rights? Possibly, but what would he gain by doing so? The anti's would never vote for a Republican and by honking off the RKBA folk, Romney will assure that even if they don't go to the dark side, then they may well sit at home on election day. That happened with George H W Bush when he lied about "reading my lips"

As far as Court appointments, the key there is to get sufficient conservative Senators in place to police the nominations. A Republican president is no guarantee that the appointed justices will be friendly. There's a long list of justices who changed stripes after getting that lifelong tenure. It's the Senate judiciary that weeds these folks out.

Yeah, that would be great to have sufficient conservative Senators... but they DID have enough to block Obama's last two anti-gun appointments to the bench and they didn't. Isn't it better to have someone in office who isn't almost a guarantee to appoint anti-gun judges?

Romney HAS to realize that it is extremely dangerous politically for him to mimic what he did as governor as far as gun rights.

what he did as gov got him this far, a front runner to become president of the U.S. of A. So his flippy floppy on 2A, or socialized health care hasn't really hurt him any.

Sure it has hurt him. He may be front runner (on some days) but even when he is, it isn't by much of a margin. He knows full well that his STATE government health care plan causes much concern in potential voters. As far as 2A issues, I go back to my above point, whose vote does/would he gain by supporting anti-gun measures?? Those who would applaude him for doing so aren't going to vote for him. Those who are upset about his doing so will sit at home come election day.

If he can't convince me that he is 101 % pro 2nd Amendment he will not get my vote.

Just what would it take to convince you? A hunting trip like Kerry took? And Mr. "Cling to your guns" Obama obvious is 101% pro 2A, right? *sigh*

The President, and the rest of us Democrats, is NOT a Socialist.

I certainly didn't say ALL Democrats are Socialist and I hope you're not implying I did. As far as Obama - well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... Believe whatever you want, but though he may not be a PROCLAIMED socialist, he is one in sheeps clothing which is, IMHO, far more dangerous. He has put government into our lives more and more, promotes class warfare by demonizing those who are successful - socialistic actions those. Years ago, I WAS a Democrat, but I left that party because it was taken over by extremists. I do still vote for a Democrat or two if I think they are best for the job, but I hardly think Obama is better for the job than Romney... Romney is hardly a pure-bred conservative but as far as 2A goes, I think he is ambivalent. NOT a good trait, but far, far better than someone who endorses such actions as Fast and Furious. Think of the damage that would have done if it was successful in it's intent. THAT is who is now in office and that is NOT who Romney is.

If it's between Obama and Romney I'll vote third party or write in a name.

I played the lesser of two evils came with McCain and I felt like a giant whore. Never again.

While I understand and have felt much the same (especially after having to choose between Obama and McCain), I would submit that 3rd party vote is essentially a non-vote which will help keep Obama in power. That is exactly what happened with the Perot vote in 92. Clinton didn't even get 50% of the vote and if those who voted for Perot had voted for Bush we never would have seen the AWB signed into law. Just things to consider.

Romney as the lessor of evils over Obama? Well, I won't feel as strongly about that vote as I did about McCain's. That was a horrible choice. If you think about things with your head over your heart, I think there is much to like about Romney - certainly no Ronald Reagan, but neither is he one who wants to spend YOUR money buying votes.

Interesting thread and I for one appreciate those who express themselves in a cordial, thoughtful manner (even if I may not agree with you). I don't consider myself a single issue voter, but the RKBA is near and dear to me. I don't ever expect to see Romney on the range next to me, but neither do I see him enacting any legislation that restricts gun rights (if he is elected.) I do think Obama will have the opportunity to appoint at least one (possibly two) more anti-gun judges for the SCOTUS. If that does happen, the anti's will be out in force to get anti-gun issues to that court. And the 5-4 victories that squeaked through will be lost for years to come. And if voting for Romney keeps that from happening, that is how I will vote.
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Sometimes I think the RNC is laughing at us; they nominate their worst candidate instead of their best because it's funny watching us agonize over whether the D or the R is worse this time around.

Republicans take gun owners and pro-lifers votes for granted just like Democrats do blacks and illegal aliens.

And they will continue to as long as we "hold our noses" and vote for the trash they put up for us to choose from.

Romney's stance on RKBA is clear as crystal and eloquently laid out in the linked to video clip above. How anyone pro 2a could support any such canadates stance is completely flabbergasting compared to an Obama who wont touch the issue.

Romney flat out tells us we don't need xxxx weapons. At least Obama has the political sense to skate around this issue. Which brings us back to why Romney is the medias choice. He cannot Garner support from the base and he's too much like Obama to make swing voters care. In other words a natural loser which is the only thing that'll save a floundering Obama administration from one term mediocrity.

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Vote for a flip-flopper? Which one?

Romney is a politician and yep, he made some bad calls as governor of a liberal state. I don't think he would repeat those on a national level.

Unfortunately, the best indicator of future performance is past performance. Romney has been a flip-flopping backstabber. Most likely future role? Flip-flopping backstabber.

It's not just that he changes positions with the political winds. It's more fundamental than that. If you vote for Romney, you will never really know who you voted for! Maybe the Romney you vote for is more pro-Second Amendment than Thomas Jefferson. Then the wind changes and he comes out in favor of banning 10+ round magazines, so-called "assault weapons" or any "dangerous guns". By having a spine made of rubber, he can keep the undiscerning voters HOPING he isn't what they fear most... but he might be.

Examine all of the candidates in the same light.

Perry - tried to force young girls to be inoculated against sexually transmitted diseases, while taking political contributions from the company that made the drug. (No conflict of interest there!) What does it say about his beliefs concerning the power of the state? About his integrity? And did you see that speech he gave up in New Hampshire? Was he drunk, high - or was that the real Perry?

Cain - well, we're just starting to learn about Cain, aren't we? Except, if you have really followed him, you will find half a dozen items where he's flip-flopped or outright lied (unless you believe him when he says, "I never said..." that thing that is in the video of him saying it.) The thing most people don't get is that Cain is a Federal Reserve insider - a former president of the board of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. In case you haven't kept up on the news, the Federal Reserve conjured $16 trillion out of thin air and handed it out to businesses and foreign banks. And Cain is on record as saying anyone who wants to audit the Fed doesn't know how the Fed works and that he sees no reason to audit the Fed. Okay, that's not strictly Second Amendment stuff - but what are you going to do with your Second Amendment rights when this Country's economic system completely collapses due to such manipulation by the monied interests?

We're all Second Amendment savvy here, aren't we? We all know that the GOA is deadly serious about protecting the Second Amendment. They watch the Congress like a hawk. So who do THEY rate A+ on the Second Amendment? Bachman and Paul are at . Look it up. And while you're checking, read Go ahead. I'll wait.

Got it figured out yet?
Originally Posted by dcludwig
Romney is a politician and yep, he made some bad calls as governor of a liberal state. I don't think he would repeat those on a national level.

Unfortunately, the best indicator of future performance is past performance. Romney has been a flip-flopping backstabber. Most likely future role? Flip-flopping backstabber.

It's not just that he changes positions with the political winds. It's more fundamental than that. If you vote for Romney, you will never really know who you voted for! Maybe the Romney you vote for is more pro-Second Amendment than Thomas Jefferson. Then the wind changes and he comes out in favor of banning 10+ round magazines, so-called "assault weapons" or any "dangerous guns". By having a spine made of rubber, he can keep the undiscerning voters HOPING he isn't what they fear most... but he might be.

Examine all of the candidates in the same light.

Just out of curiosity you will be voting for........??
If he thinks he can buy their votes with government handouts why care about 2A rights?
Because he realizes that making new gun bans an issue (as Clinton/Gore/Kerry did in their ill-fated campaigns) causes Dem and independent gun owners to stay home in droves or vote for the other guy, and energizes Republican gun owners to get out the vote like crazy.

There are approximately 80 million gun owners in the United States. More than 80% are nonhunters, and around half of those expressing party affiliation are Dems and indies (including me, FWIW). We gun owners are registered to vote (and vote) at a higher rate than the national average, we are more educated and slightly more affluent than the national average, we care about the issue WAY more than most fence-sitters do, we outnumber the hardcore prohibitionists by probably 100:1. Even the Third Way types now realize that, I think, even though I know they don't like it.
While you guys may be right about a weak republican like Romney I fear the ideologues Obama would feed us as supreme court justices much more. What do you think would be more damaging? Four years of Romney? Or a life term for 2 or 3 more liberals on the bench? You guys may be selling our Supreme Court down the river just for a short term solution by saying you would vote for Obama over Romney. I would NEVER, NEVER vote for Obama. ANY republican would be better to me.
jon_in_wv said:
While you guys may be right about a weak republican like Romney I fear the ideologues Obama would feed us as supreme court justices much more. What do you think would be more damaging? Four years of Romney? Or a life term for 2 or 3 more liberals on the bench? You guys may be selling our Supreme Court down the river just for a short term solution by saying you would vote for Obama over Romney. I would NEVER, NEVER vote for Obama. ANY republican would be better to me.
Two of the majority in McDonald v Chicago were recently appointed. Do we have any reason to expect the other three to be stepping down soon?

It's a rather odd case of denial which allows people to think that replacing Stevens and Souter with Kagan and Sotomayor caused a significant shift in the Court composition.
A few weeks ago I got a phone call from Mr. Romney. It was a conference call. I was asked to puch a number if I wanted to ask him a question.

I did and got a screener who asked me about the nature of my question. I told him it was 2A related.

He said I would be placed in line and ole Mitt would get to me.

The conference call ended beofre I had a chance to ask my question concerning gun rights.

I wonder if that was a coincidence.
Romney is a NE Rockefeller Republican = RINO which means, I cannot consciously vote for him, unless he was the only choice against Obama. Also, agreed voting third party is a vote for Obama.

Another issue is that, due to his record, I believe he will be hard pressed to campaign effectively against Obama, which is a real good reason for the Statist media and defeatist RINOs like Karl Rove to be pushing him heavily.

Like both Bush 1 and Bush 2, electing him will get us further down the path of Regressionism just slower than Obama and other confirmed Statists. Like Bush 1 and Bush 2, mealy mouthed principle-less RINOs only get us something worse when their terms are over, i.e. Clinton and Obama.

I'm working like hell to get one of the real movement Conservative's elected in this primary.
I think Romney is malleable on almost all issues, but in particular the 2nd Amendment. By that I mean he will say whatever he thinks the current audience wants to hear. It's what he does that is important and he has done some anti 2nd things in MA which is not surprising given the mind set of the electorate there. However, if he is the candidate for the GOP, I'll have to vote for him and pray we can stiffen his spine vis a vis the 2nd.
If Romney gets the nod, I will hold my nose as I vote for him. I didn't vote Obama last time and even if this country surges to a spectacular recovery in the next 10 or so months, I won't next time. Period.
I would like to encourage everyone to think long-term, beyond just the next 4 years. Sure things might be a tad bit better under Romney than Obama, but what does it do to the future of our Party to keep letting RINOs like him win the nomination, and to give them the knowledge that they can count on the votes of even the principled folks, because they have nowhere else to turn? What we have to do is to draw the line and refuse to vote for posers like him, and send the message loud and clear that RINOs are UNELECTABLE in a general election, and should not even be considered as serious contenders in future primaries.

Now I hope this doesn't come to pass, and I am doing everything in my power to keep it from happening, but if it comes down to Romney and Obama in the general election, I hope you will join me in abstaining from the presidential part of the ballot.

Voting for the short-term lesser of two evils will just slowly take us down the same road we've been going down, and will end up leading to the same monstrous evil as if we supported the other party all along. Our only chance to save this country and our party is to flat out refuse to vote for spineless flip-floppers and people with no consistent principles on the role of government, like Mitt Romney.
For me the bottom line is Romney is anti-gun. Pure, simple and proven.

You know how sick I would feel if I voted for him and he repeated his prior position on firearms but on a national level? I suppose you could say he is "flip-flopper" so there is a chance it won't happen but... too risky. I am not opposed to staying home on election day anyways, I am not a "lesser of two evils" type of guy.
"....if it comes down to Romney and Obama in the general election, I hope you will join me in abstaining from the presidential part of the ballot."

You can stand on your principle if you like, but most of the rest of us choose to deal with the real world:confused:. I've had this same conversation with an alarming number of people on another forum I spend time on. If enough people boycott the next election ( and I fear it won't take very many), then they will quite likely be a party to very substantive infringements of the 2nd amendment during the following 4 years, infringements that will never be rescinded.
"....if it comes down to Romney and Obama in the general election, I hope you will join me in abstaining from the presidential part of the ballot."

You can stand on your principle if you like, but most of the rest of us choose to deal with the real world:confused:. I've had this same conversation with an alarming number of people on another forum I spend time on. If enough people boycott the next election ( and I fear it won't take very many), then they will quite likely be a party to very substantive infringements of the 2nd amendment during the following 4 years, infringements that will never be rescinded.

Then I suggest working your best to ensure Romney doesn't get the nomination. Because as you can see he's unelectable.

Cause I nor a lot of voters will lie on our backs and whore our principles away over short term fear again. We did that last time NEVER AGAIN

The "real world" is if you elect rhinos you'll get more rhinos

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