Ron Paul Mega-Thread (Mergeness)

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Any politician who says he will end income tax needs to say just exactly how he would fill the money gap. Ron Paul is in cloudcuckooland.

It is interesting that so many on the right who want to pay no taxes also support a powerful (and expensive) military, big border fences, a big internal security system to find terrorists and illegal immigrants, etc., etc. Oh, and the same folks who want that big homeland security program to find bad guys don't want it to interfere with any little illegal activities they engage in, like smoking dope or making machineguns.

Come, on guys, get real.

Have you looked at your paper "money" lately? It's backed by nothing, it's only paper and ink. The feds are having it printed at an alarming rate, out of thin air. So tell me again, when they already print extra out of thin air whenever they feel like it, in any amount, why income tax is necessary?

I don't recall ever supporting a big government or military, I've long held the same opinions as some of our founders, namely, keep our military weak, our state militias strong, and stay out of world affairs and alliances that will pull us into wars. Wilson didn't listen to that advice and got us in WWI, which lead to WWII and the Cold War and Korea and Vietnam...and now we're in a mess and are wasting our money and our soldiers' lives in countless foreign locations while our borders here are wide open.

And according to the Second Ammendment no arms are illegal, nor does the Constitution list anywhere a federal authority to ban/control drugs.
Not quite, if the Browns do something serious that makes the public hate them, Paul can condemn their actions, saying he supported their earlier non-violent action...

Come on!

He can say that all he wants, but the fact of the matter is, he's on record supporting them. His support for them can be quoted up, down and sideways by his opponents, and all he can do is chase after them, with a pathetic-sounding, defensive claim that he condemned them afterward. That makes it worse, not better.

It's the "I voted for it before I voted against it" problem, but 10 times worse, if things turn ugly in NH.

This is POLITICS, not nursery school. Like I said about playing with the big boys...
Have you looked at your paper "money" lately? It's backed by nothing, it's only paper and ink. The feds are having it printed at an alarming rate, out of thin air. So tell me again, when they already print extra out of thin air whenever they feel like it, in any amount, why income tax is necessary?

Because they DON'T "print extra out of thin air whenever they feel like it, in any amount." I remember when they did do that, or something that seemed like it. They're not doing that now. Note the inflation rate for the past 10 years.

Whatever we think of the Federal Reserve System, let's at least criticize it with some semblance of accuracy.
I think Bear pretty much nailed it; even if it is only the first time he got it right on Paul

Thanks, I think. :)

I don't think Ron Paul is a different guy today than he was two weeks ago, though. I just didn't suspend my cynicism.

...which is not to say that cynics are always right, even in politics...

...but in politics, the cynical bet is the safer bet...:eek:
IMHO Ron Paul is a man of far to much character, conviction, and integrity to ever make it to the White House. Federal income tax is illegal and always has been. The required number of states never approved FIT as an amendment to the Constitution. The 16th amendment is therefore null and void. Most people with this knowledge pay for the same two reasons I do, fear and coercion. The rest (again IMHO) do so out of ignorance or apathy.... Many years ago "Sixty Minutes" did a story about a wealthy (and very skilled) attorney from one of the northern states (Michigan I believe) who refused to pay FIT. For more the 20 years (at the time) he returned his yearly 1040 to the IRS with an attached note. The note read (relying on memory here) "Refuse to pay FIT. Illegal, as 16th ammendent to the US Constition was never legally ratified". When the story aired he had never once been audited, charged, or even contacted by the IRS. I think about that story every time I write the IRS a check for another 2K or so every April. I quess I can't fault Ron Paul for calling it like he sees it...
I am wondering how many comments are based on the headline, with out hearing what was said by Ron Paul.
That was a small part of the interview. He praised them for their stand, but warned that those that take a stand will suffer for it.
The Browns tried to work within the system for several years. The IRS pushed the issue, the courts denied a defense, or the ability to present one.
The Browns have attacked no one, nor have they threatened to. They went home, and stated that they will defend themselves.
The FEDS have stated that they will not attack, This is a lie.
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The feds aren't going to attack yet.

First they need to fabricate drug allegations and then fabricate allegations of child abuse. Then they'll have their excuse as it'd be "For the chiiiiiiiiiiildren!".

But, if the Browns don't actually do anything and the feds attack, this could be a major windfall for the good doctor. Somehow I don't think any of the other GOP candidates or the Democrats want "Should our government be killing people over mere taxes?" to be the hot question for the election.
Because they DON'T "print extra out of thin air whenever they feel like it, in any amount." I remember when they did do that, or something that seemed like it. They're not doing that now. Note the inflation rate for the past 10 years.

Whatever we think of the Federal Reserve System, let's at least criticize it with some semblance of accuracy.

The FR stopped publishing the M3 data, and before they did, the money supply was going up and up and up.

And as for the "official" government inflation numbers, they're almost meaningless with the amount of manipulation (leaving things out that would show an increase, making substitutions, etc.).

And all the money they're printing is still out of thin air, no matter the amount. It's backed by nothing.
He equated a couple who threatened violence and accused the court system of being overrun by Freemasons to.... Ghandhi.

Instead of discussing the things that smart politicians should and shouldn't do, some are once again debating about tax code, thereby dodging any talk of possible wrongdoings commited by His Almightiness, Ron Paul.

Wow. Just. Wow. Step away from the kool-aid.

I liked Ron Paul. I really did. But come on. This violation isn't like getting caught smoking the reefer back in college.
Federal Income Tax was approved. The misspellings you are thinking about are not anything to worry about, or we might give up the RKBA because some copies had commas in different places. Also,,id=159932,00.html#_Toc153765522

That said, in order to entirely get rid of the income tax, we would have to cut spending to the level it was at in 1990. Seriously, the budget was 1/3 of what it is now, and less than 2/3 of the federal budget is provided by the income tax.

Fire the IRS, Fed Dept of Education, BATFE, etc, we could be there fairly quickly.
I think you need to stop believing everything the mainstream media is telling you. They are trying to affect people's perception about the Browns and now Dr. Paul? Kind of like threads saying "ZOMGGZERS RP SUPPORTS NUTJOBS".
Any politician who says he will end income tax needs to say just exactly how he would fill the money gap. Ron Paul is in cloudcuckooland.
Yup--we need that trillion-dollar budget, and every ounce of golden pork in it.

Bring the military home to defend the US, stop all unconstitutional activities by the federal government, and go back to what the framers intended, and they could get by on 1/1000 of the current budget. My share of that, based on this year's taxes, will be under $20--so I'd probably even donate THAT amount. :evil:

How do I love thee Ron, let me count the ways.

When I mad my predictions about his campaign a month ago I never factored in anything like this. Can we all now admit that the closest this man will ever get to the whitehouse is the guided tour.
Here is the curious thing. Since the government has been trying to keep this low key how will they react now? Paul is hardly a household name but he is running for president and a sitting member of congress.
The initial "ZOMFGWTFBBQ!!! RP supports nutterz!" is more based on fear than any rational basis. It's all about the state-provided gravytrain. For Democrats, it's socialistic "entitlements", and for neocons it's a massive military. Either way, it's welfare out of everyone's pockets.

In many ways, it's the initial reaction of a heroin addict to the possibility of his supply getting cut off.
It may not have been the smartest thing for Paul to do and the Browns may be a little "off" but deep down inside you're on their side... At least Ron isn't afraid to say what he thinks openly and honestly. I can respect that, especially during a time when politicians do so much backpedaling, double talk and outright lying.
I have to wonder how many of the posters that support the IRS position, and the Federalized police action are making their living by screwing the American people.
The Constitution does not support this.
Nice vid pcosmar. And to quote someone's sig on another forum "he delivers babies. BABIES!" I'm sure someone can figure out how to spin that into something cracked or dangerous.
This won't hurt Ron Paul's chances at all. After all, positive or negative... a zero multiplier ends with a zero result.

I agree with some of Ron Paul's positions, but he never stood a chance of being elected, and the more votes he gets the better the chances of us having to get used to the sound of the words 'Mrs. President' and 'First Gentleman Bill'. <shudder>
In an interview with Lee Rogers, who runs the website, Paul expressed his sympathy for the couple, who have been holed up in their hilltop home for several months, threatening violence if marshals come to arrest them.

The Browns have each been sentenced to 63 months in prison for crimes related to their refusal to pay federal income taxes for nearly 10 years. The Browns contend that there is no law compelling Americans to pay income taxes.

And libertarians attack people who call them anarchists.
"The Constitution does not support this."

The facts don't support your statement.

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes"


edited to add: Will the last Ron Paul supporter to leave the room turn the lights out.
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