Ruger LCP vs EC9S?

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Whenever pocket carry comes up, it makes me think: There are pockets, and then there are pockets. Look at some pictures of men's clothing from the 1920s and '30s, and you can see why the Colt 1903 was considered a "pocket pistol."
Have both. Lcpll fits easily in pocket hardly notice it's there. Lc9 is not too hard to conceal. I really like it. Reliable and accurate. Kicks a little and take down is different. It's one of my favorites though. like it so much I put nite sights on it.
I pocket carry my LC9s Pro mainly during the winter.
I front-pocket carried a pocket-holstered LC9 for months, mostly in generously cut Key jeans or khaki shorts. By coincidence my one DGU occurred in this period, and that LC9 came out of my pocket as slick and fast as any belt-holstered pistol. (It probably didn’t hurt that my hand was already on it.) It’s the garment, not the gun.
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