Ruger LCR

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Jan 9, 2004
Belcamp, Maryland
Let me set the tone for this post. I am a Ruger fan, but understand what a Ruger gun is. I don't buy all the Ruger models made, but have great faith in the models they make which I do find appealing.

I was curious about the LCR but didn't have any great desire for one but was curious about it. Up to this time, I've had some experience with small carry pistols and revolvers, so I have a basis for comparison. I am familiar with shooting accurately and quickly.

I was at my favorite FFL/gun shop for other business and saw an LCR in the gun counter. I hadn't seen one but was curious about it. I asked to handle it. He said okay, opened the cylinder and handed it to me.

What I felt was light, but balanced. Spinning the cylinder indicated a new but smooth feel. I closed the cylinder, examined the exterior lines and fit. Nice fit, consistant finish, even the screws and pins looked "worked" into the design. I took a firm hold of the revolver. Yep, small frame, pinky under the butt hold. But it was good with the factory grips. Pointing the pistol at the floor, I saw the front sight was a good size and the serratiions allowed my aging eyes to quickly find it. Then I pulled the trigger. A smooth, disciplined pull to feel the action.

What everyone is reading about is true, this is a splendid, factory, mass production pull. $100 later it was on layaway.

Fast forward to the day I shot it. Using 148 grain cream puff loads and standard pressure 158 grains loads, indicated small, light frame recoil. Even the light loads let you know you were shooting something which needed attention and technique. But it had manners and direction. It recoiled straight back into the palm, across the entire width and length of the grips. Muzzle flip was lower than most would expect and almost entirely in a straight back direction. The revolver settled down for the next shot quickly.

Accuracy. It was good for my performance that day. It was running around 4 inches at 30 yards that day when I did my part. Remember, this is a double action only gun. Mechanically, you could cut that in half.

What really impresses me about this revolver, and this character enchances with use, is the double action pull at fast speed. It is smooth and consistant, doesn't stack or hang up, creep or grope. You must get the trigger all the way forward to fire the next shot, as you should anyway. This one is a little more insistant in that respect. But it is a fast, smooth action and this revolver comes to life when you run it fast. In all my years of shooting, this is one of few guns I've owned that really demonstated real performance when shooting it fast.

Most guns with that characteristic are custom built like that. A Jim Clark, Sr. full house High Standard I have is like that. I can build it into 1911's and some revolvers myself. I have a professionally built PPC revolver that doesn't have "that". This is a production gun...this one is good example of that characteristic. Shoot is slow and staging the trigger is okay, has its merits. Shooting fast a closer that's fun.
I give the LCR two thumbs up, especially for the trigger pull. I admit I was very skeptical at first. I sat at my gunsmith's shop with a LCR in one hand and a S&W 442 in the other for the better part of 3 hours. I have always loved Ruger SA's (have 7 right now); however I have never picked a Ruger DA over a S&W or Taurus. I knew after shooting it I definately made the right choice with the LCR.
Thank you for the report. I have been considering one of these myself. Maybe with the CT grips.

Do you know, can the front sight be replaced? I like the XS Sights Big Dot sights on snubbies, just wondered if it can be done.

Great review.
Thanks for the great report.

I let my wife choose any revolver that she wanted, after she became disillusioned with semi-autos. (long story) She had a chance to feel and dry fire the revolver inventories of three gun shops, and she finally picked the LCR as her favorite.

After some coaching on trigger staging and revolver grip changes, my wife quickly became a master of the little LCR. She now shoots her LCR better than any of the semi-autos she has owned... She LOVES her LCR.
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Thanks for the report. I hear (via a friend who has shot an LCR) that +Ps are a quite a handful. His girlfriend bought one and I'm looking forward to trying it out sometime.
So many guns, so little time. And money.
I'm glad the post was informative. The jury was out for me on this revolver until I handled it. The pics in the magazines really don't do it justice - there's a blend of old and new world in it. When you read about how it is built and the design behind it, the LCR brings about an element of intrigue.

I've never been a small gun fan, except for my M63 S&W. But I must say, I really like this one. It will probably be getting shot quite a bit.
I think one of the XS dot sights would be nice, I handled one of the S&W M&P j-frames with the XS front sight and it seems to be a nice sight on that type of weapon. I just could not like the price on the M&P!
Love mine.....

It's (at least for now) the only revolver I use!
Once I'd put a couple hundred rounds through it, I sold my S&W Model 36 and S&W Centennial Airweight. I had owned that '36' for over 25 years!
THAT's how impressed I am with Ruger's little jewel.

The non-CT model, with the Hogue "Tamer" grips is a softer shooter, but I got the CT version and it has a pretty solid recoil slap, even with 'normal' loads. kicks STRAIGHT BACK and there is no appreciable muzzle flip, which greatly enhances accuracy.

With the laser I can place 5 rounds, rapid-fire, into a 3" circle at 15-feet almost every time.
And though I don't expect to have to in a real-life defensive situation, I can put all 5 rounds into an 8" paper plate at 30-feet (again, rapid-fire).

I really like the LCR and plan on buying one in the future. This video has me a little worried though, But it is still a great looking weapon.

It amazes me how this one video keeps popping up in any Ruger LCR thread. I don't see pics of the few examples of exploded scandium frame Smiths whenever a 340SC or 360SC thread pops up. This pic is an M&P 340, Scandium-frame .357 J-Frame. The owner fired six rounds of .38 Special through it without issue. The first shot of .357 blew up the gun.


Don't get me wrong here. I love my Smiths and I love my Rugers. What I cannot abide is rumor mongering... Especially when the rumor begins with a single incident amongst tens of thousands of perfectly functioning examples.
Looks like he is shooting hot handloads. That will be the first thing Ruger asks about the pistol.

Better pics would help, that's for sure. The white look is all around the barrel, including areas not eroded. Look carefully (pause, continue, repeat) at the left side of the barrel. Looks like it is eroding already. Hot loads do that.
its not a rumor. Its just a video I found a while ago when looking at the Ruger. I like Ruger, and I still want one, That picture of the SW is one I will save also. If you have a Ruger don't take offense to the video. Your doing the same thing with the SW picture I just did the video. Its just info.
its not a rumor.
Not a Ruger owner, can't say I ever shot one, but come on... everyone say it with me
"The plural...
Something's fishy about that video, and dude(video)... are we going to crawl to a point sometime this week?

Shenanigans! Yep, they've been called!
I appreciate the range update. I have my eye on a LCR too. As a matter of fact, it is at the top of my list for my next CCW gun.
im kinda looking for a lightweight "j frame" gun and been scoping out the lcr but cant bring myself to buy a gun with one of those internal locks on it. looks like a nice little carry piece though.
Don't you call me a plural! Your a plural!

Well played, Well played indeed.

I saw n LCR for the firs time today. Definitely a better looking gun in person than in pics.
Didn't get a chance to handle it.
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