ruger standard question

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Sep 25, 2006
after field stripping the weapon for the first time, im having trouble getting the bolt stop pin all the way back up into the reciever ...the frame is lined up and everything...i followed the ruger assembly instructions on the site but it didnt work! andthing dumb im doing wrong?
keep fiddling with it. the ruger is a pain to put back together. i have found that if I hold the firearm upright it goes together easy sometimes
push harder. look for a video on youtube. actually seeing somebody do it is helpful. the ruger's are great guns, but a pain to take apart, and even worse to detail strip. I got to where I just stopped taking it apart until it started actually malfunctioning because it was so dirty. That doesn't happen very often.

Just to clarify, you're struggling to put the bolt stop pin into the frame, not to push the mainspring houseing back into the frame? I had 2 before went to the mkii, and one was hard to put in, the other was easy. can you put te bolt stop pin into place without the bolt?

parts list reference
It looks lined up, but it isn't.

Smack the muzzle with a plastic hammer, or block of wood to fully seat the receiver on the frame and the pin will go in.

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