S&T In The Event Of Civil Unrest?

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You know, I am concerned about this, but it does seem a little weird. For instance I can't think of much to say or advice to give beyond, have food, water, guns, shelter and stay indoors watching the news.
You know, I am concerned about this, but it does seem a little weird. For instance I can't think of much to say or advice to give beyond, have food, water, guns, shelter and stay indoors watching the news.
I would not be trusting the news. They will be sanitizing any reports of rioting by Obama supporters. By the time you get any useful information from the news media it will be too late.

I think about all you can do is stay away from places likely to be riot zones. I think you can figure out by yourself where those areas are.

Secondcitycop is suggesting cops living in certain areas of the city evacuate their families to the northern suburbs for the day. Its a good idea if you live in iffy areas, or in the case of Chicago basically anywhere within a 5 mile radius of Grant Park.

If you live in Chicago, be forewarned. One of the plans in case of riot is to raise the bridges to contain the rioters. I would hate to be caught on the riot side of the containment with no chance whatsoever of getting out. If you want to get out you must get out ahead of time, otherwise you are stuck. There is nothing worth dying for at the Obama rally/riot. If you live in that area, there is nothing in your apartment worth dying for. The only buildings the cops will be protecting will be government buildings. You are completely on your own. There will be no police protection at all for average citizens in the riot zone(s)

If you insist on staying in the likely riot zone(s) be aware that it may be days or weeks before things get back to normal. Get water and food, and blankets now. It may get cold in your apartment if the power is off for several days. Fill your bathtubs with water for flushing the toilets as water supply could also be interrupted. Basically if you insist on staying in a potential riot zone you need to consider this to be a SHTF event and prepare accordingly. The best thing is to stay away, or get away.

One other thing. if you don't have it, get renters insurance if at all possible on Monday. It may be too late, but some insurance companies may be foolish enough to write policies the day before a riot.

There is also a chance there will be no riots at all. But there is just no way to tell, and the only safe thing to do is take proper precautions. You don't fasten your safety belt when you get in the car because you think you will get in a crash. It is because you think you won't, but you might crash anyway.
I agree that bad things could happen in urban areas, regardless of who wins. In an act of truly awful leadership, Obama's told his constituents to take the day off. Many likely will, and many likely will drink. This will guarantee some violence, even if not outright riots.

In vulnerable urban areas, the best thing to do would be to stay away after about 6 PM Tuesday and watch what happens. Elsewhere, normal precautions should be enough. Avoid displays of weapons or otherwise committing acts of incitement.

Most importantly, pray for our country.

- NF
Unless you absolutely have no choice, if a riot is coming your way, get out of dodge.

* Mark a map with alternative exit routes.
* Contact a relative where you can stay a couple of days.
* Reserve a hotel room in case you need to get of out of town.
* Establish a meeting place in case some of your family members get caught across town during a riot.
* Keeps some cash at hand and your bags ready to leave at moments notice.
Let's see...

Extra Ammo.
Range card for around the property.
Charged cell phones.
Plans to evacuate the premises if needed.
Loaded magazines.

Yep. I'm ready.
Why was this thread allowed to stay open, but my thread on travel to NYC on election day was closed?

Both threads deal with safety on election day, yet my thread was closed, and I am very confused.

Here is a link to my closed thread:


I don't think I am crazy because I am worried about safety in a large urban area when civil unrest has been predicted.
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closed due to different levels of mod optimism,i guess.

even though i was'nt close to katrina,i could pick up wwl. they had nothing for a day or two except people calling in live to give sitreps. same when tornados hit.

so,there should be some way to keep up with local happenings without dealing with eyewitless tv types.
Why the other thread was closed.
Jeff White said:
The idea that one wouldn't be safe on the streets of any big city on election day is absolutely ludicrous. This is the United States of America and we've had a peaceful transition of power after every election since the nation was founded.

I have to guess the mods took a vote and decided that Obama supporters won't be rioting after the election.

OTOH, there are parts of many urban areas that are not safe on any day, election or otherwise. I am not convinced they will be any safer on election night.

If it bothers you, stay away from areas that are more likely to have riots. Like the places where there are riots after sports events. If you feel it is safe to do so, feel free to go to Grant Park in Chicago Tuesday night with the other million Obama supporters (and no toilet facilities BTW) and celebrate.

I personally expect some trouble in some urban areas. I also expect the transition of power to occur fairly normally in January. I am troubled by the parallels to what went on in Germany in the late 20s and early 30s and our current situation. We are not there yet but seem to be slowly sliding that way.

Some comments from Chicago cops on what they expect.
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Lone Gunman,

I agree, your post was closed very abruptly. I hope it was not because of my post which was meant to lighten the mood.
I saw a friend of mine. He was buying the following items: Beer, chips, and pornography. He said it was all he'd need to take a few days off of work and hang out around the house.

Well, beer and chips don't tend to last very long, and fresh porn comes out every month, so those are sensible items to wait until the last minute for. :)

I think I'll back up some stuff on the computers in case of bug-out, fill up the gas tanks, and double-check the radios. Other than that, I'm figuring on doing some target practice out at the land. This isn't exactly a swing county, and the nearest city over 20,000 is an hour's drive away, so I suspect any early riots will be short-lived.
in reference to lone gunmans thread closure,jeff should have said,of course with the exception of 1861.
Depending on how it goes down, I am worried about product shortages because of the inability to move product in and out of effected zones.
In reference to lone gunmans thread closure,jeff should have said,of course with the exception of 1861.
Good catch.

Open rebellion there though, rather than recreational rioting.
I was reading some of the blogs by the Big City Cops.. um.. glad I don't live there.. I will stick with rural pacwest.. J
So do most people think it is reasonable to be concerned about unrest in a major metro area like Manhattan?
My suspicion is that Manhattan itself is probably as safe as it can be, at least from election riots. NYC will do everything it can to protect Manhattan, including sacrificing areas of the city considered less valuable.

If riots start elsewhere in NYC, you may be inconvenienced if you are in Manhattan, and may not be able to leave.

I have no crystal ball, so my inclination is to hope for the best while preparing for the worst. In this case my preparing for the worst would be to stay out of areas that might be more prone to rioting. Since I am already in such an area, I really don't have to do a whole lot that I would not be already doing.

Most urban centers are not especially dangerous anyway. There are certainly areas that are, but most violent crime is limited geographically, and it is not real hard to determine what those areas are and stay away from them.
in reference to lone gunmans thread closure,jeff should have said,of course with the exception of 1861.

Time line:
Lincoln Elected November 6, 1860

South Carolina and six states seceded from the union. February 1, 1861

Lincoln inaugurated March 4, 1861

Ft Sumpter Fired on 12 April 1861

Still Lincoln was elected, and there were no riots, no civil war for months.
I'll be removing my yard sign and any bumper sticker that might be provocative. I don't really expect any problem in this conservative area but there is no need to wear a target for whatever element that might be offended.
My only input would be to introduce yourself to your neighbors if you don't already know them. Let them know that if trouble breaks out in the area that you will be armed and confronting the threat. Getting shot by the guy next door would suck. Exchange phone numbers with each other and watch each others six. Periodically call the elderly or handicapped on your block or those who could possibly be less able to protect themselves to make sure they're okay if things get weird.

Enjoy the Election!
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