Self Defense

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Center of Mass is good because it is the largest target area.

I had some (minor) military handgun training for a courier detail about 30 years ago and they stressed shoot for the sternum because the bone will send peices (shards like shrapnel) of bone through the vital organs, heart, lungs, etc.

They also recomended always firing twice but I don't think that is always applicable in a civilian setting. In the military you can shoot them in the back for civilian self defense its hard to argue self defense when they are running away - unless they are going for a weapon.
the others have already advised you a bundle of good pointers, but here's my take.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I guess your imaginary situation would have been something like this:

The perp is alone and armed...

He can shoot back at you if you miss or fail to incapacitate him...

You''ve seen him harm others already or has clearly run amuck and could harm you, otherwise you couldn't have ascertained 'clear and present' danger or have concluded the guy's indeed a criminal...

There is no escape except if you shoot your way out (ala Emilio Estevez in "Young Guns")...

The perp has no idea you're armed and is unaware you're about to take him out...

Aaaarrrgghhhh!!! My head hurts trying to imagine...

Shoot him in the ass. So that every time he takes a dump, he'll remember his transgressions and then some. If that ain't punishment, I don't know what is.

But seriously, there's a very good chance that your bullet will hit his pelvis and he'd definitely collapse like a stack of cards. The commotion can provide you and the others with a window to escape and call the police. He'll be in a hell of a lot of pain, immobilized, and probably die of blood poisoning if left unattended.

You'll end up having a clear conscience, eh? ;)
dead men don't talk (or these days they don't sue)

And then you get sued for his pain and suffering, and you kick yourself in the ass every day for not just doing what was reccomended in the first place(COM CNS).
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