SEMPER FI THR, I just graduated from United States Marine Corps boot camp

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Congrats Accord!!

Although I'm not a Marine... Both of my Grandfather's and my Dad are Marines. I know they would be darn proud of you.

Thanks for you service!
Congratulations, young Marine ! A most amazing and satisfying career and adventure is unfolding before you. As you embark, kindly remember to always train hard, learn well, fight and love with everything that is within you, and be ever watchful for your brothers and sisters. I salute you and all you protect and represent!

God Bless America, God Bless our Military.
Semper Fi! I have accomplished a lot of different things in my life (To include a college degree in less than a month), but being a Marine is the thing I am most proud of, and probably always will be. Much like boot camp, your time in the Marines will be based on your attitude. The Marine Corps rewards positivity and chews up and spits out negativity. Your in for the time of your life, brother.
1987 I got the EGA at MCRD San Diego. Back then your senior handed them to you right before you marched to grad.

No blues then either, except for the honor grad.

just the beginning

Congratulations from an old Army mule. I had fought with some Marines many years ago. No not fought the "who is the best" fights, but as comrads in arms and am sure you will serve your country and the Marines with distinction.

Now, when you finish your advanced or technical training, what do you wish to recieve? The standard length M16A4?

Please refer to the "Rifle Country" forum.

They say " Once a Marine, Always a Marine " You can believe it brother!

Semper Fi

USMC 1982-1987
Congratulations, and thank you.


(PS - most charming feller I ever met was a US Marine... the perfect southern cavalier. They teach you guys the "prince charming" thing darn well. :) )
'sup. Congrats from an Army 11B (same job you do). The real military really isn't that bad. It's much more laid back than basic. Doubly so since I'm part of USAREUR and triply so since I'm mechanized. MECHANIZED! :D

Don't worry about Iraq too much. It sucks because it's Iraq, but it doesn't have the intentional, carefully constructed suck that they throw at you in basic training. You'll be busy and sometimes getting shot at and blown up. But when you have down time it's your down time. You can go to the PX (if your FOB has one...), use the Internet, or whatever.

Each deployment gets more tolerable. All the guys that were here during OIF II tell stories about working 18 hours a day, sleeping under trucks, wearing gear all the time, etc. I sat next to one of our OIF II veterans on the bus ride to Camp Buehring, Kuwait and the whole time he was commenting how new stuff had been put in and people were walking around in PTs and stuff. The infrastructure is getting built up on the FOBs too. Our FOB is small and fairly crappy, but it has an MWR, a smallish PX, a Green Beans coffee (those things are everywhere), and Internet in the buildings. *shrug*

Good luck w/ School of Infantry and welcome to the military. Enjoy it and don't let it go to your head. That's my advice. A smallish percentage of soldiers (and Marines, I expect) think that because they are in the military, esp Infantry, that they are better than other soldiers/other branches/civilians. We're all part of the same military and the same country. But if you role off the FOB, that does make you special, damn it. (Sorry, it's an inside joke).

P.S. The Marines do have the best dress uniform, hands down.
congrats and thanks. i am in the army and so far it has been fun but tuff at times, i thik you will enjoy it. i am about to head out on my second 12 month deployment maybe longer this time.

I'd love to say SEMPER FI, but I was Army...

"it's really hard adapting back to the real world"
You're in the real world, son. More than you may realize, right now.

On behalf of myself & my family, I salute you & we will always be proud of you!

Strange as it may seem, I remember my active duty fondly.

From an Army tanker to a Marine, congratulations crunchie! :evil:

Just kidding about the "crunchie" bit. But seriously, congratulations marine.

I look back on my basic/armor school (they blended the two into one 15 week program) in 2002 as the most damned fun I had in the army. It was tough, hot, cold, and stinky (Fort Knox, KY in the winter is cold...for about two months. Otherwise, it's hot, humid, and the bugs can carry away small children. And that's outside the tank.). Still, the most fun I ever had.

Good luck to you.
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