sending stuff home?

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Ah I see thats all they give us in the Air Force that and the M4, figured you woulda qualified on M9 though. Nice pics whats with the beard?
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I did after I switched to human intelligence. Now I have to use that or the M11 (when I can get my hands on one...) almost all the time. Fun, huh? Am I believed yet or do I need to further prove things for you?
Well it matters so much to me. I'm glad that you'll quit crying about it now. What do you do in the Air Force, anyway?

Nice pics whats with the beard?

All part of the magic, baby.
Weapons 2w. Wow we pretty much thread jacked this whole thread.(My fault) poor guy.
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Aw...nukes? How cute! I work with OSI quite often. Maybe we can have a little meeting sometime! Wouldn't that be grand!!!
Storage Unit!

Don't be quick to consider this an option! I live in a state where firearms may not be stored in a storage unit. (the humidity and changes in temperature are not good also!)

+1 for a gunsmith... Also look to American Legion or VFW, those guys recognize your plight... Build friendships with local shooters.

Good Luck!
I just mentioned that I work with them because they're AF, you're AF, so I'm at AF bases pretty often.
Cool if you're at Kirtland let me know I can arrange a tour for you. Since we don't deploy too much we normally get shot at by Para Rescue and SF for training them up. Every now and then we can go to Eagle Flag as well.
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