Sexist Gunshops ...-

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Jan 26, 2003
South Jersey
The Racist Gunshop thread made me remember a very funny moment in my life .. I thought I would share it. This story does not really fit with the Racist line, so I started a new thread.

One very rainy Saturday afternoon while I was in college at UGA, I was sitting around the cottage with my roomates girlfriend, Jane (named changed), shooting the breaze and probably recovering from a hangover. A little background on the "Jane", she was a Criminology Major, planning to go on to a pathology career, kenpo trained, loved firearms. She had just returned from her second internship with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation at the Federal Training Facility (FBI, ATF, US Marshall) in Brunswick Georgia. A very capable, dangerous and slim hottie we called her. She introduced me to the wonders of Asps and batons.

She says "lets go look at guns at F%^&%%^*". This is a large shop in the Athens, Georgia area. We go on over and I am looking at GP100s, and Rugers. She is standing at the counter looking at the cases, and nobody, I mean nobody will help her. There are 4 or 5 guys waliing behind that counter waiting on everyone else, all males, but her. If I had been behind the counter I would have jumped at the chance to help her and possibly get a number ...

Anyway, she starts getting pissed and I walked over and asked if she wanted to leave. She says "NO ... watch this." The next guy that walks near her she politely gets his attention, some persistence was needed. She asks to see a Springfield .45 on then top shelf. The salesman, a younger version of his good old boy daddy, gingerly takes the gun out, lays it on the counter and starts the verbal diarhea about how powerful that guns is, and how in his HO she would be happier with a smaller caliber. Jane proceeds to EXPERTLY strip the Springfield into all it pieces.

"You know," she says in a little southern accent, " Springfield should really start using one piece solid alloy guide rods instead of two piece steel one." (or something like that ..I did not really understand it at the time). She then quickly and expertly puts the SA back together racks the slide and hands it grip first to the now stunned, mouth agape young republican frat, redneck boy. And waltzes her little tush out away.

As we walked out, I put my arm around her ... and gave the sales staff a look that said " yeah ... thats my girl ... and she could really hurt me if I ever give her a reason" and away we went , laughing the entire time.

How about it .. especially the ladies ... ever had trouble at the Gunshop or range that is funny ... I am actually pretty sure itn happend more time then we guys would like to think.
Its a constant pain in the @@@ to go gun shopping with my wife.She knows more about firearms than most of the people in the shop and they still treat her like a dumb, breakable woman. It is funny to watch her make them look like idiots though. :D
Wow! That's great!
Does she have a sister!? :D

Some of my female family members have been through that stuff too.
But they can shoot the magnums just as good or better than some of us in the family!
funny ....

my roomate dumped her a few months later .. he cound not handle her personal strength. She ended up marrying another guy that is a big martial arts fan. They train together ... A nice match.

I already had my SO when this happened. We just had not figured it out yet.

A few years ago I received a phone call from a female friend asking if I could refer her to a good gunshop. She was looking for a local gunsmith as well as considering a self-defense shotgun-Remington 870 I believe. Being from out of state she was not familiar with any gun shops in Tennessee. I referred her to a shop near her home that I did most of my business with. A few days later she called again to ask if I would go to the shop with her because they wouldn't give her the time of day. Little did these idiots know she was a better shot and hunter than any of them. She has a recorded buck kill that's in the top 25 all-time in the state she was hunting in. So I called the shop, told them I was bringing in this person to do business with them. We drove to the shop seperately. Ya should've seen the jaws drop when I walked in the door with with this very attractive 30 something brunette(who is also very intelligent AND is a massage therapist), and introduced her as "the buck killer I told you guys about." These guys caught on quick though because once they stopped drooling and came to their senses every guy in the shop and the staff were trying to help her all at once. By the way guys she's single.......
Reminds me of the time I ran into an extremely attractive, intelligent, and /TALL/ (very important!) R.N. at an area range one weekday evening. Spent about an hour shooting with her and talking firearms, then discovered as she left that she had just married the previous week! Nooooooooo!

The gunshop I usually frequent treats women as promptly and respectfully as they do men. Every place I visit varies in their attitude, but I have yet to find one that was more rude towards women than men. Even the bad ones in my area are gender-blind when it comes to neglecting customers - they treat us all with equally poor service and a smirk. ;)
young republican frat, redneck boy

Explain to me how in opposing discriminatory attitudes of one type, you feel justified in engaging in the same behavior? Or am I too much of a republican redneck to understand?
... look at guns at F%^&%%^*". This is a large shop in the Athens, Georgia area.

Tell ya somethin' axeman - the troglodites at that shop haven't improved since y'all were in there. If anything, they've fossilized more over the years. I use the range next door, but it's been quite some time since I darkened that gunshop's door.
this is one of the reasons i hate going to new gun shops or asking questions at gun shows. there is no need to tell me what i need and why you think i need it. there are certain gun stores that i won't buy from because of some of the comments or "suggestions" made. i may be female, but my money is just as good.

Down here women don't get treated the same, but they tend to get attention.

When a woman walks into a gunshop, the owners tend to figure they're not there to shop, they're there to buy and they're all over them.

The down side is that they figure that they know nothing about guns and will say anything to get a sale--moreso than with guys, IMO.

Could be different in different shops, but's that's the way it's been in the shops I frequent.
Her Highness and I dive.

What isn't obvious is that we met on a dive boat, when I was on about my twentieth dive, and She had well over 200. We actually started out as dive buddies, and then things got completely out of hand.

Now we have close to 400 dives together, but I've learned not to forget exactly who taught who how to dive.

One of the fastest, surest ways to make us both mad, and to get us to leave your dive shop, is for a dive shop employee to listen to Her ask a question, and then turn to me, and tell me the answer.

She is a PhD, Princeton, no less. She is the real diver. I'm just the guy She allows to carry the tanks, who She hopes someday will learn enough to be a real diver.

Part of me is glad She's an anti, because I'd hate to see what would happen in a gun shop...
sorry buzz_knox ...

but if that comment offended you ... maybe you know the guy?

Cmon ... most of the southern members of THR have seen this kid ... he usually drives some cool SUV with Duck Unlimited stickers on it, yet has never really duck hunted because that would entail getting out of bed early. He shops at Orvis for his hunting pants, yet has not seemed to go hunting yet. He takes one or two expensive trips a year to hunting/fishing destinations and drinks the 5 days away. He wears a tatered, filthy college ball cap, even though his daddy owns the company that makes the caps. Works at a gunshop so he can brag, he doesnt need the money and has a non-customer service attitude.

Relax buzz .... I didnt know frat boys were still that touchy. I thought that went out when I left the frat life upon graduating.

NO, Never had a problem like that. the gun shop that my wife and I go to has more than 1 women behind the counter who knows everything there is to know about guns and is willing to give help to everyone.. We also live in GA. I guess you got to know where to go. Also My wife has never had any problems at gun shows either.:)
Sad to say, but I have seen this movie a couple of times. Once, a woman I casually dated for a while went into a gunshop, having made up her mind to buy a Hi Power, the moron behind the glass kept pulling out Glocks.
I could see her blood pressure rising higher and higher until she stomped out of the place. I called for the manager and asked him if it was policy for his sales staff to anger a buying customer to the point where they left with their cash, and pointed the salesman out....

Mrs Delmar is ogling an ultimate bright stainless Officers Model at a Ft. Worth gunshow, and fool behind counter finds out how horrendous an Italian/Scottish temper can be when he drawls, "Aw, I got just the thing for the little lady", and pulls out a nickel plated Raven with pink grips. He might have gotten a kinder response by asking if it was okay to change her spaghetti recipe....

Delmar is awful glad he was not on the receiving end of that one!:what:
A young friend of mine went into a major Western Canadian gun store with all her papers and plastic, looking for a deer rifle for herself. She finally blew a fuse and left with her papers & plastic still in her purse. Won't be back there.


"This story does not really fit with the Racist line, so I started a new thread."

"mouth agape young republican frat, redneck boy. "

I'm in agreement Buzz. Should have just continued with this in the racist thread. :)
I have not been in a lot of gun shops, but when I am they are very nice. I don't know a lot yet so being told what each one is and how it feels when shot is nice.

However when talking to people in class I surprise them with the little I do know. The other day I had a guy come up to me after class and ask me what I could teach him about guns. He read my paper for Adv. Comp and was quite impressed. (that's the class in which I freaked out the prof cause I said I was into guns.) He wants to learn more since he knows less than I do and thinks it's cool.

Can't wait till I can totally blow people away like "Jane" did
Yea, most gun counter employees tend to tick me off as well. Not just how they treat women customers but everyone that isn't part of their little group. I know that with most whipper-snappers, I probably shoot more in a week's time than they do all year. I now deal with only two gun dealers and, even then, with only selected employees there just because of these attitudes. I don't know why but it just seems like, at least in this part of the country, all of the male species seem to think they were born with supreme knowledge of firearms above and beyond anyone else.

I know from first hand accounts that ladies will most always learn to shoot and handle a firearm much faster than a male will. This is because most ladies start out knowing they don't know and are willing to learn. Males seem to not have this trait.

Great story and I know that if I were to have been working at that store at that age and a woman came in looking like that - you would have never been waited on, I would have been busy with another customer :cool: .
Hmmm....i guess i would have to say a gunshop where all of the counter people are beautiful, large breasted women wearing lingerie while showing you the weapons. sorry.....i thought you said sexiest mistake.
Last year, while exercising my membership at the range next door to the particular store mentioned in this story, an elderly (75+ yrs) lady came in with a new Ruger P97 and some ammo that they'd just sold her. She told me that she had wanted something a "little more powerful" than her .22 revolver since her husband had recently died, and that this is what they had recommended. Any moron could tell that a full size .45 was way too much gun for her - small hands, kind of shaky with an unsteady gait and having only shot a .22 previously. I helped her as best I could, but she didn't even get thru a full magazine before she decided that "maybe this wasn't the best gun" for her. I offered some alternative suggestions for her, and told her to talk to the owner and insist on full credit towards another gun.

BTW, one of my undergrad students used to work there. He was most definitely "plus-sized", but he didn't belong to a fraternity and was an all-around good kid. I can't say that for all the rest of the help there, tho. The new gun shop in town makes a point in their adverts and when you walk in th door that they are all about serving you, and it has put the hurt to
F%^&%%^*" business.
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