Sexually insecure Dirty Harrys...

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Insecurity? Yikes, you should see it from my side of the street.

People often refer to my condition in terms of "he suffers." It's like I have diabetes or a club foot.

Of course, spend any time with these same guys as they lose a ton of money playing cards or a mania enhances charisma and I'm better with the ladies and suddenly their insecurity pops up.

Rob Leatham might be one hell of a shot, but in a circle of MIT professors he's "the dumb kid."

You know, I think in general, people who cast aspersions about people's sexual insecurity, and how men "compensate" for a small unit with guns, cars etc., are the ones who are the most insecure about their gender role, and masculinity/femininity as the case may be.


I totally AGREE with this statement. I think that is the case in many, many instances. My late husband, my husband and other close friends felt/feel the SAME way!

Thanks for bringing this point up. I have thought and said it myself in the past!

Interesting, with the exception of my M1 Garand, just because I don't know what kind of service it saw in the 70 years before it came into my hands, I can safely say that with all my other firearms, including the ones I carried over in Iraq, Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people then they have. sorry about the run on sentance, I have a love hate relationship with them.
The Supreme Court now says every American has the right to kill people, subject only to certain situational constraints. While Bush and Cheney never cease fear-mongering about terrorist attacks, we already have the equivalent of regular terrorist attacks from deranged gun owners flipping out on their co-workers, bosses, teachers, fellow students, exes, relatives, neighbors, and random strangers.

anybody else notice the extreme irony of this paragraph?
Let's not start bashing croissants and skirts. I'm eating one with my americano ce matin. And I've been known to wear a utilikilt.
Sue the writer for defamation of all gun owners!

But all handguns (not to mention grenades, automatic weapons, and other items often possessed by NRA nutcakes) are designed for only one purpose. To kill people.

Ok I dont get how all anti gun journalist NEVER get the story correct, they are allowed to BLATENTLY lie and instil fear into anyone reading their article. Who the Frick here owns a grenade? Even if you paid the $200 tax stamp for a distructive device could you actually own a live grenade? If so could someone inform this asshat of what you'd have to go through to get one he probably thinks you could buy them over the internet without a backround check through a "gun show loophole" or some *****. LIESS

If you own a handgun it's because you want to be able to kill people at will.

Now thats just a prejustice viewpoint lets see how it looks if we change it up just a bit, just remove "own a handgun".

If you are black you want to be able to kill people at will.

OOOhh look how racist that is now, but thats ok to say about a different entire class of people (gun owners)?

Gun control doesn't prevent anyone who feels realistically endangered from acquiring the means to kill. All you have to do is make a case and get a license.

That is the most loaded statement in this entire article bascially what he says is : Gun Control is worthless if you feel like you cant get a gun, go lie and you'll get a licence to kill! LIES!!
Like other posters said try that in NYC, Chicago or Kilafornia

The reality is, you're more likely to get killed if you own a gun than if you don't, but maybe that's part of Nature's design.

Wasn't he just blasting Bush and Dick for fear mongering? WHAT THE FUXOR does he think he's doing!? Lets scare people about gun owners call em all crazy and claim outragious things like umm THEY HAVE GRENADES! yea and umm then scare people to not buy guns because if you do there going to come to life by themselves and kill you and your entire family, and then maybe your friends and neighboors depending on how homicidal the gun's feeling that afternoon :evil: :banghead: :cuss:
the vast majority of violent crime is commited by 14 to 24 yr old males. as far as obtaining "other means of defense", they would require some form of physical activity that, as a 63 yr old man, i may not be capable of. how many 20 yr olds can i defend myself from if i cant be armed????? "the advent of col colts revolver makes the 90 ib woman the equivelent of a 200 pd drunk man with ill intentions on his mind.
I suppose it's cliché and hackneyed by now, but...

My guns have killed less people than Ted Kennedy's car.

There, I said it.
Much of what they said is true. I admit it. I bought all of my firearms for killing steel and paper targets. More than one groundhog has commited suicide by running around in front of my bullets. Wow, I wish I were as smart as the antis.
The Supreme Court now says every American has the right to kill people,

This guy scores abysmally low on reading comprehension if that's what he thinks the Heller decision says.
Unfortunately our nation has a large population of sexually insecure males who like to walk around pretending they're Dirty Harry

Yes, well creeping around in the desert muttering Dirty Harry-isms IS fun! "Did I fire 6 shots or only 5?" "A man's got to know his limitations" LOL The wife will be suprised to learn of the other part. :D Reminds me of the guys who say the same crap about shooting huge handguns - doesn't matter if you have several .22's also.
Much of what they said is true. I admit it. I bought all of my firearms for killing steel and paper targets. More than one groundhog has commited suicide by running around in front of my bullets. Wow, I wish I were as smart as the antis.

Reminds me of that Amish joke where the guy says 'Thou art standing where I am about to shoot'. :D
Catherine, my comments were meant as a generalization, not an absolute....sorry for the misunderstanding.

a strong, self reliant, free thinking, realistic woman is a rare thing. you must be prised highly for lack of a better saying.
Catherine said:
I always laugh when they come up with the 'sexual' comments. It seems to me, since I am a female, an older lady - soon to be 58 years old, that the idiots who make those comments about an extension of a man's anatomy obviously never MET, KNEW or SHOT with many female 'shooters', plinkers, hunters or ladies who were INTO self defense big time!

So what do 'THEY' say to a real lady, young or old, single, married, widowed, remarried, etc. who does like to shoot ALL kinds of firearms INCLUDING Dirty Harry guns using 44Special and 44Magnum, 45Colts aka long colt, 22LR, 9mm, 357Magnum, 38Specials, etc.?

They probably dismissively say "penis envy". IMHO, it is "they" (and Phil Slater, to be specific) who really have that issue. Think about it. :cool:
Rifles are used to kill animals more often than people,
Are people this stupid? Congo? Zaire? Somalia? Iraq? Afghanistan? Do they think that people are running around with dual Glocks or Berettas in those places?
Handguns are civilian weapons.
I really wonder how many of the antis have ever really experienced hardship in their life. I would guess that they have not, and in fact have been sheltered from the realities of the world. Truth is, that there are indeed people out there who wish others harm. Must be nice to live in a world where everyone only does the right thing, I hate being a realist.....

BTW.... can anyone tell me where to get my hand grenade? I must be the only NRA member who forgot to pick mine up when I registered. :banghead:
Unfortunately our nation has a large population of sexually insecure males who like to walk around pretending they're Dirty Harry...

It's been said before - but I'll say it again:

If I was a "sexually insecure male" - why would I be carrying a 2" snubby?

The Supreme Court now says every American has the right to kill people...

We have always had the right to kill people in self-defense. The court simply affirmed that we have also always had the right to posses the tools with which to accomplish that task most efficiently.
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