Shooting an armed home invader in the back?

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Find an appropriate lawyer and take an hour of time to find out what Tejas legal reality is.

Should anything unpleasant happen only Tejas law applies. Various states have different laws about uninvited strangers in your house. Your lawyer will be able to describe reality to you.
I would think that if you've been able to ID the armed intruder as someone who has made threats against you & your family, shooting in the back, the front, the side really wouldn't be at issue since he has already expressed his intent.
Yes! I've been going to KR Training for defensive pistol training, and will go back. I've asked Karl Rehn (the owner) lots of question and he's always happy to help. They're wonderful. Come to think of it, a pro-active CHL should probably get the phone number of a CHL-friendly attorney anyway, in case we're ever involved in defending ourselves.

Thank you for the kind words. I do have lots of friends. This particular BG has such a habit of making enemies that during the lawsuit I had with him (to get him to release the bogus M&M lien he slapped on my rent house), he bungled things so badly that he managed to get about $1,700 of various fines slapped on himself before we settled. In fact, he showed up for a deposition with my lawyer, and immediately declared it to be violating his constitutional right to have a lawyer. My lawyer said, "but you ARE a lawyer, representing yourself!" He replied, "I've just hired a guy and he isnt' here." It went downhill from there.

I don't think character witnesses would be a big problem on either side of the picture.
I forgot to add: the guy walked out on the deposition, so my lawyer filed to make him pay costs of her time and the court reporter's time, and the judge agreed, so that was part of the fines he accrued due to his incompetence.

No, I probably don't have a whole lot to worry about...
At this point I wouldn't recommend a restraining order; this guy has no shortage of enemies, and you don't need to push yourself back up to the top of his list.
This is a very good point. After all this time the BG may have so many new enemies on his "list" that he may not get to you, or you might not even be on his list any more. Unless you're certain he's coming back for you, I'd be inclined to skip the order, too. Consider my earlier suggestion as an option, not a recommendation. You'll have to weigh the pros and cons.
Shooting someone in the back is a sure way to get sued by his family.

The guy could be facing you, have already put two bullets into your shoulder, sprayed the rest into the wall beside you, kicked your dog, stolen your watch, then died by your hand and you would still wind up defending yourself against a civil suit. Especially in Tennessee where everyone is sue-happy. At least with the perp dead you wouldn't have to be sued by him also.
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