Should I take down my sign?

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Interesting to note that LE runs around with signs all day long on their cruisers.
Advertising they have guns.

What's that all about?

Must be a REASON to have all those signs huh?

Deterrents do work, just don't go overboard.
My opinion anyway. :rolleyes:
Super Magnum, in what State do you live??

In some States, Prosecutors and jury members are more apt to find your sign as an indication you're "hoping" for a confrontation, than others.

Just wondering.

He he he said don't screw with me or you will die.

Yep, that will get him 10 to 20.

The 1a must about be gone by now too.

Un-believable. :rolleyes:
Keep the sign, an put a picture of John Wayne up beside it. If the cops, visitors...future prosecuter an jury don't like the "Duke" then they ain't Americans...".Those dirty yellow dogs, wa ha.." ha
Interesting to note that LE runs around with signs all day long on their cruisers.
Advertising they have guns.

Could you post an example of this please?...a photo would be nice. 22 years on the job and no squad I was ever in and no squad I ever saw had a sign advertising there were guns.
I do understand that this sign shouldn't have any legal implications, but unfortunately I also know our legal system is broken and many jurors are morons.

I used to go into an electronics store that had, above the counter, a set of framed targets with nice groups. They had some pencil scratches on them that I never bothered to read but you could tell that the shooter was happy with the groups. The shop had other neat pictures up.
I like that idea. I enjoy shooting at empty propane tanks, have a ton of them swiss cheesed in my garage. Maybe I should make some wind chimes? :D

Then why was your door wide open? hmmmm
LOL, this is the ONLY time I've ever done that, it was just too hot inside. Most of my worry about security is when I'm NOT there...without too much trouble someone could steal about $50k in tools alone...

Could you post an example of this please?...a photo would be nice. 22 years on the job and no squad I was ever in and no squad I ever saw had a sign advertising there were guns
Isn't it kind of implied by the words POLICE written all over it? And I have seen more than one cop car with a shotgun sticking up, easily visible.
A few thoughts:

-I bet the effectiveness depends on where you have your shop. I seem to recall a story (LA Times many years back) of a jeweler in California who got robbed repeatedly because he "liked" shooting back and it was considered a challenge. Probably having lots of valuables had something to do with it, too. My memory may be faulty as to the details. Obviously most criminals would steer clear of you I'd think.

-It occurred to me that it might be considered impolite, like a sign saying "You will meet my lawyer if you try to defraud me" or "I will give you the cold shoulder if you act like a jerk". "I will kill you if you try to harm my child." True, but weird to just say it. Ie. you don't threaten people by default, you presume and expect politeness and appropriate behavior. Random people might have a bad reaction due to this subconscious "habit", without really disapproving per se. I do think most people understand the risks of a public business and the potential deterrent value.

I personally tend to keep a low profile about such things, but I haven't been in a similar situation. My 2 cents, anyhow...
Jeff you got me there.
Your right, there are no signs that say WE HAVE GUNS INSIDE.

The point I was trying to make is that
cruisers are obviously marked for a reason.
Perhaps as a deterrent to would be criminals that
the guy in THIS vehicle has a gun and you
better NOT mess with him?

Kind of like the OP's sign in his shop.

Hopes this helps. :cool:
If you moved you shot to a crime infested getto it is your problem. Move to a better part of town...probably make more money too.
mallc said:
Loose the sign


Doesn't detour bad bad guys, tells them to get ready.


Right, criminals who are intent on gaining personal wealth from others are always more apt to "get ready" for a fight with an armed victim as opposed to going and finding another one who isn't posting signs about his armed status. That's why people always put those signs in their yard warning about the security systems they have installed ... cause crooks love a challenge.
In reply to some of the signs posted above: If you have a sign on your property that says "tresspassers will be shot", and then you have an intruder come in and you have to shoot them, won't the DA and the jury look at that sign and say "See, so and so was looking to kill someone. There was no way any intruder was going to get out alive, because the so and so was itching to kill someone and then utter the magic words 'fear for my life' and 'castle doctrine'."
I think you guys are making too much of these signs.
Thousands of these signs are manufactured, sold, and posted on property all over this nation.

I don't agree that these signs illustrate an "itching to kill someone".
They are not exactly saying, "Please give me a reason to shoot you" or anything to that effect.

I think it would be a stretch to claim that my sign shows I was "looking to kill someone". They are made as an effective deterrent, and that's all they are.

If a sign says...

Trespassers will be prosecuted

...does it illustrate an "itching to file charges"? Am I "just looking to prosecute someone"?

Nope. I'm simply trying to deter crime from my property. Period.
I've always preferred the low profile deal. I don't figure to advertise any sort of preparedness. I might gain some edge in the event of trouble.

I've been on three juries in criminal cases. As far as anything that might relate to such signs, background stuff of that sort never came up during testimony. All we heard was direct evidence of who did what to whom and suchlike. Lotsa BS and lies, of course, but all that was easy to spot. :)

About the only time "background" entered into a deal, I was a witness in a murder trial where the prosecutor tried to have the accused be seen as a bad guy because he was a "survivalist". I testified that such people mostly were trying to live in a more 19th Century style of independence and self-sufficiency. Just like a lot of farmers and ranchers of the local area were still doing. The prosecutor got huffy and the jury snickered.
nobody ever can give an example of a thief acting on a bumper sticker. I think it comes down to the area you park your vehicle in, not what decals you choose to stick to your truck.

That may be, but I often work in that is often called "San Francisco of the Northwest".

Its the type of town where far-left extremists wont hesitate to cowardly key a car with an NRA sticker, or any other sign of rightward thinking. Driving anything with a V-8 or bigger can get you ostracized. Prius and Subaru owners abound.

During the campaigning last year, nearly every home with a McCain sign was vandalized in some way, including stealing or destroying said signs.
Just something I was noticing on the sign in question last night - the manufacturer's brand name. I'm thinking if these signs were REALLY a bad thing....that manufacturer would have already been sued multiple times. Right?

Another thing, I am installing cameras and a digital recorder, so if I do have to defend myself, everything will be "on tape". :)
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