SHTF.... (not another fantasy)

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Sam Fisher

Oct 11, 2003
United States of America
We all have our fun and seriousness with the "SHTF Scenarios". But, have you given thought as to how you will get to where you need to be in a society that has become chaos? (read - total blackout for days, dirty bomb, etc). I'm sure you have a BOB (bug out bag), including ammo, weaponry, etc. But! Do you have a decent and worthy vehicle when the time comes to hit the road? A route to follow should it happen? Ways of gathering the family quickly and buggin out? Perhaps you will stay and fight the good fight. Or, perhaps you rent and say "screw it, I'm outta here."

Me? I'm staying and defending my home until it becomes neccessary to bug out. But I'm ready as I can be!
Bugging out in S. Louisiana could be a problem for me. Since most of the roads leading into and out of the area at some point are almost all elevated highways that are above swamps. If I needed to get out I'd have to go early or probably be stuck above a swamp hoofing it out in plain sight. Since I don't own a boat, its either two feet or four wheels. And an apartment isn't worth protecting in a SHTF scenario to me.

I, too, would like more info on just what enemies I would be bugging out from. That helps to define the situation better.
As Ol Badger noted, if you have the right bug out gear, you can get whatever you want. SHTF isn't about the rules you expect but the rules you make as you proceed.
I'm thinking that Ol Badger may have meant worrying about paying the payments later. Sure if there was radioactive fallout heading my way, and I had the get the family out of Dodge, I would help myself to a Hummer, off a lot, IF there were no other option. Desperate situations call for desperate measures.

However, that would be one of the absolute last things I would plan on doing and a life or death situation. I don’t want to become what I'm running away from (a looter). The idea is to, because you want to take the high road and you know that others will be desperate enough to take what you have, take measures before hand, to insure that you don’t end up in a desperate situation.

Double Naught, I hope I'm misunderstanding what you are saying. Is your plan to take what ever you need, because you have guns?
"Humor me please. I am not being critical, but WHO will the enemy be?"

I think the answer to this question is a bit independent of the enemy. The question is (IMHO) can you move from where you are to where you need to go? The nature of the enemy can have some bearing on the issue, but I think the biggest problem would be the societal chaos as well as any physical damage to the landscape/infrastructure.
FPrice is right. It doesn't matter who the enemy is, pick your scenario. The goal is the same, survival. While I'm not there yet equipmentwise, the best plan is 3 plans. Vehicle, vehicle, foot. Two loadouts, one in backpacks, one in vehicle(s). Everybody needs their own personal backpack, even the dog. Let him haul his own food.:p
Sam had the best answer. Bug out in advance.

Not possible for many, but the best available option.
While you're sitting at home I'd grab your F2000 and night vision/thermal trinoculars and kick some Georgian butt! :neener:
If Denny and his whole tribe showed up....
We could go on the OFFENSIVE;
Against many countries.

He has me so outnumbered, outgunned and outlanded,
Would be a priviledge to be allowed into his camp.


Got room for two more? It's a long trip from DC, but we could swap sea stories and you could finally teach me about reveolvers.

:D :D
Getting back to the original subject: If the electricity is out, the first question is whether it's expected to be short-term or a really lengthy period. Food in the refrigerator is more affected by the latter. This is where having a gas stove beats electric.

Flashlights? Spare batteries? Coleman-type lanterns? Spare fuel? Candles? Outages are common where I live, so I'm rigged for gravity water supply, plus I have a generator.

Water storage containers? A couple of plastic 5- or 6-gallon watercans are Good Things.

For dirty bomb fallout, we're talking dust particles, and mostly alpha and beta emitters. Gamma radiation decays rather quickly. If you stay home, and happen to be downwind of the event, there are several protections to allow survival: Use duct tape on the doors and most of the windows.

In one or more windows--on the downwind side of the house--use the filters for central air/heat. These are designed to filter dust, right? It's not the air itself that's radioactive; it's the dirt/dust.

This anti-radioactivity stuff was related by my professor when I took a couple of semesters of power reactor design. He had worked on the Manhattan project...

A couple of battery-powered radios, with spare batteries, can be helpful as to information about who did what, where. The worst part of a no-electricity deal is being cut off from broadcast information.

Art, excellent info! Sounds like you're prepared. The only thing I'm lacking from your list is the generator.

I was talking with my financial advisor and we got to talking about SHTF situations and he said a lot of people think money will get you through a SHTF scenario, but he told me guns and ammo will be the "currency" of the day because if the bottom falls out of the economy, etc, then our paper money is good for one thing ---wiping yer butt. After the talk we had I had a new-found respect for him. I kind of expected him to be totally Wall Street Geek. But when he said guns and ammo I knew then I liked him taking care of my investments.
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...a lot of people think money will get you through a SHTF scenario...

Your financial advisor is will be worthless. The best advice I've heard regarding what to invest in for the SHTF scenario are the three G's...Guns, Gold, & Groceries.

We're working on it here at the AZLib house/compound ;) . However, we're also trying to stay away from all the tinfoil-hat-line-of-thinking.
No one really answered FPrice's question. The enemy will be the underclass that sucks off the government right now for it's survival. White, brown, and black. When the goodies go away, they will try to take yours.

It's for the children. So it is okay.
Written back during the serious days of the Cold War, Mel Tappan's books are still quite germane and useful.

A primary point was that if one is truly concerned about some form of serious societal decay, moving to a Good Place is but the initial effort at living through Bad Times. He suggested moving to a small town and acquiring/having some set of skills which makes you a necessary part of the community.

That's not bad advice for a continuing condition of Good Times, IMO.

:), Art
Who will the enemy be?
YOU may be the enemy! What would you do if your family needed food and you couldn’t feed them (no relative skills and no provisions)?

The enemy will be the father of three hungry kids, a recently widowed middle-aged woman, a 12-year-old orphan/prostitutes and millions more just like em.

Whiteout a strong moral code, like a true Christian, or an imposed social rule of order, like government, people will turn into worse than animals. It has even been hinted at on this thread “if you have the right bug out gear, you can get whatever you want. SHTF isn't about the rules you expect but the rules you make as you proceed.â€

Don’t be fooled by the liberal line about there being an innate goodness in the hearts man.
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