Social media gun arguments

I am a lurker on a social media platform or two, but it didn't take long to observe the futility of trying to refute the selective "simple facts" that get folks wound up. Any expression of other opinions is regarded as an attack, and the subordinate howler monkeys pitch in with gusto. I'll save my energy for efforts that may actually educate.
Do you get involved in arguments regarding guns on social media? I am in the midst of one where the anti-gunner is throwing out all these depraved mass murders in order to justify various gun control measures. This isn't my first rodeo, but I have done a pretty good job lately of not engaging. I got weak... Anyway, how often do you debate social media friends (or their friends) with gun debates?
You cannot win an argument. Are you married? You would know that.
However, if people agree to 'debate', that means both sides are open to the points of view of the other and rational thinking will prevail.

In answer to your original question.....NO, NEVER. I will only offer information if asked on social media (like this forum).
Waste of time. Enthusiasm of Firearms is supposed to be enjoyable. Arguing with antigunners, brand snobs, caliber snobs etc. etc. take the enjoyment right out of it. Better off discussing things with nice mature people or just being quiet and not talking.

A whole lot of people online instigating that stuff have political agendas. Only way to win that situation is not to partake. Many are not even people just programs so in the end you are arguing with your computer LOL.

Dont think its not also in the firearms community either. Gun Forums are littered with supposed "enthusiasts" that just want to bring chaos and ... whatever.
I don’t. Mainly because I have observed that there is nothing, and no one, more intolerant, condescending or bigoted than a liberal who doesn’t agree with you.

I guess you could post gun control quotes by murderous and fascist dictators like Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc. and then compare the anti’s posts to the direct quotes (especially the Hitler ones!). This usually sends them into fits and they go away after a while.

Stay safe.
The short answer is I don't bother.

The longer and slightly more nuanced answer is that I don't waste my time because a lot of those people are not interested in reaching a conclusion or a point of agreement through rational debate.

They just want to Troll people on the internet.

They'll throw out a "fact" that "everybody knows", let you refute it and then throw it right back at you.

They'll use Everytown as a source and then claim that your sources are biased. At some point they'll throw Trump at you. And then they'll tell you what a sad life you must have to be that afraid of the government.

ETA at some point they will point out that 100 plus million gun owners could never stand up to a million person Army. They will also completely ignore any references to Vietnam or Afghanistan

Lather, rinse and repeat
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I've wisecracked that it takes either a good mugging or a good tyranny to convince some people about gun rights.

I don't tout my gun rights opinions to outsiders much any more, but I am aware that one of the tools of the anti-gunners is compromise, and they use it very effectively.

On any issue, say there's a scale of 1 to 10. They'll demand 7 but only want 4. So after being stubborn about it, we compromise with them at 4.

We have lost.

With a planned regimen of compromises, sooner or later they'll get their 10.

They can be bullheaded, and that's OK because they've got the bullhorns (the media).

We can't be bullheaded because that makes us extremists.

And racists, and planet-killers, and paranoid, and dumbheads from flyover country.

See how that all works?

Hey, Grand Arbiter of the Universe, how about doing a little field-leveling here, no?

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Social media as in Facebook and such. No, never anymore. Many years ago I occasionally engaged in discussing politics and current events, but decided it's not the right format for it. Most people don't know how to engage in reasonable discussion anyway. Most people aren't independent thinkers. I can't fix them. I mostly just let people be wrong and talk about other things on the social network.
Lots of great points. I also rarely engage anymore, but like I said, sometimes I can’t help it. These days, rather than argue, I try to show the good side of gun culture. Once or twice a month I do a Facebook live session at the range. I don’t talk politics. All I do is shoot, talk about the guns, talk about what I’m trying to do, talk about and demonstrate safe handling. That’s my contribution. Unfortunately, many of my anti-gunner friends won’t even click on the live broadcast, or the video that is posted afterwards. I’m mainly preaching to the choir. But maybe one day it’ll make a difference.
Rather than argue about guns, I'll do things like post good memories about my late father and I target shooting together when I was a kid, and talk about an old gun I'm restoring that has sentimental value because it was one that we used. I was raised in a positive gun culture, so I try to keep it positive. I let people know how it was back in the day without being provocative.
Do you get involved in arguments regarding guns on social media?
By "social media" I'm going to assume that you're not including anonymous forums, like this one. If so, the answer is no, I do not. I don't get involved in any arguments about any subject on those platforms, as that would be a giant waste of time.
Oh, and, the original version of the old adage is "Don't bother trying to teach pigs to fly; it wastes your time and annoys the pig."
That version is from 1973 and is by Robert A Heinlein in Time Enough For Love.

But, the notion has a long literary history, even being attributed, in 1809, to the Greeks.
There's a fun bit of history on the quote here:
And is a far better use of one's 'net time than most social media :)
I just tell the anti's " The second amendment exists. It will not go away. SCOTUS has twice confirmed that is an individual right of individual citizens, irrespective of any membership in any military organization. If you don't like that, too bad. No one cares what you think anyway. Go pound sand, while I go buy another gun. Have a crappy day."