Spiller and Burr opinions?

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Just bought one from DGW! My heart is palpatating right now... I can't wait to get it!!! Might be a while for the range report, it was 3 °F here this morning, this kind of weather is not good for dexterity, and don't we need it for cap and ball shooting! :)

In the meantime, I'll have my book to absorb and will have my Spiller and Burr all cleaned up and ready for the warm weather! :D!
If Cabelas just got in a limited batch and they're not expecting to carry it as a regular item it goes to a sold out / no backorder state where you can find the page via Google but they don't show it in their internal searches/listings because you can't buy it anyway. That way if you bookmarked it or something you'll get a sold out message instead of an error but they won't waste the time of people looking at other items.
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