What I don't understand is all these people talking about snagging the trigger on a garment. The only way I could see someone doing that is if you try reholstering with one hand or reholster in a rapid manner. Is there some other way people could actually snag the trigger that I'm not thinking of?
Yeah essentially it is assuming human nature, people get lazy and holster without making sure their holster is clear. I do a lot of shooting where I draw shoot and holster because in most defense situations you will be shooting from the draw. With my cz85 on safe I can rearrange clothing and get back in the holster without worrying about without worrying about any kind of snag. I look at as anything that can go wrong, will go wrong so plan appropriately. For me I like sa with safety on as my carry setup but it does not make it more safe only that a glock has slightly different considerations when handling.
A police officer set a loaded glock on his desk out of its holster. Later he picked it up one finger over the barrel and his other hand on the back strap and it went off injuring the man's hand permanently. This is unsafe with any pistol, disregarding the fact he had his hand over the barrel, if the gun had still gone off he could of hit someone next to him. You can't leave a pistol loaded, amongst debris, with it's controls unprotected. Now a grip safety or manual safety may have stopped this accident but it is not an excuse for poor handling. The thing is I see no harm in the grip safety. I have heard one person say that police will never accept it because of the grip safety and it is because if an attacker is choking you from behind, you you can't orient the gun in this manner and still fire the gun: he proceeded to take an unloaded gun put his thumb in the trigger guard and the back strap on his palm and point it over his shoulder. An idiot like that should not make any conjectures about firearms.