Stories of Survival from Charlotte, NC

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The issue of crime in Charlotte reminds me of the movie Ghostbusters II. Just below the surface of the city is a river of slime that is generally contained and only occasionally bubble to the surface. The city itself is a bright, shiny metropolis with lots of happy people doing whatever lots of happy people do. Below the surface is a river of evil that in time surfaces to overwhelm.

Charlotte has a major political and judicial problem in that the power that be simply will not admit to the extent of the crime problem. Meanwhile crime keeps bubbling to the surface.
I don't like the article.

From a pop culture perspective self defense is a lose / lose... When you read those stories about people that defended themselves, if they cried and were deeply effected by what they did, people say what is the point of defense? Why should you risk it?

If you don't show much feeling on the matter, then you are a killer, you liked it, et cetera.

Obviously this paper picked 4 people that were having problems out of 25... The quoted and listed material might not be as accurate as it seems, the author is trying to produce a certain feeling with this piece.... just remember that.
Local Daily Newspaper

Anyone who actually lives in Charlotte knows full well that our local daily newspaper is somewhat to the left of "The Worker". Their editorial board fought hard against our North Carolina Concealed Carry law and continues to lobby for restrictions on firearms in general.

Facts of the matter are that more intended victims are fighting back - many successfully - and that is making the antis uncomfortable. While there is no question but that being forced into a position of having to take another human life is traumatic; even police officers, who have accepted this as a possibility often undergo counseling after a justified shooting, it is still preferable to having your family attending your early funeral.

Our current chief of police (really just a social worker in a costume) will tell you that crime happens and there is little or nothing that can be done about it. Obviously he has no knowledge of history nor has he ever been to Singapore. And he is not a real Police Officer!

Charlotte, NC
It does seem to be getting worse lately. In the last couple of months there have been drug deals going on at the corner 2 blocks from my house, my neighbor's car was stolen out of her driveway, all 3 of our cars were broken into on separate occasions, and the other day when I was jogging at night a " minority urban youth" attempted to start some kind of confrontation with me and started following me when I ignored him (I had my S&W 642 in my pocket but I just sped up and outran him)... and I live in a "nice" part of town! :barf:
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