My girlfriend was followed last night...

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She needs some empty hand training too. Gotta have more options than just a gun. That's why she felt so helpless...

There are things she could have done when he blocked her way. A stomp on the top of the foot followed by a palm shove on his hip (old school "bodyguard" move) would get him out of the way and would be legally justified since he was illegally detaining her. Then run to well lit area. The downside of this, is she would have to know how and be prepared to take it to the next level if this didn't do the trick.
A woman her size should be legally justified in a palm stike to the chin followed by a knee to the groin too in that situation, or similar.

A male would have to be more low key since he hasn't attacked yet and there isn't a great disparity of force. In Oregon, his crime (getting in your way) is just "menacing" or "harrassment", both misdemeanors and it's a "he said-she said" kinda thing. A palm on the shoulder (not a strike, but a shove) arm close in so it just looks like a bump will spin him out of your way. Be prepared for an attack and to finish it. Another option is a palm to the hip, spinning him out of your way, very low profile won't look like you did anything to him. Last option to still be low key, low force is the foot stomp, hip shove, Apologize as you pass by him, be prepared to take him out. Understand that the stomp is an assault, so make sure it is justified. Worse case scenario is an assault 4 misdemeanor if you are found guilty without justification. Again, a woman will get a lot more leeway than a man.

Can this escalate things...yep. That's why you have to be sure he intends to get in your way. One reason to consider doing this is it gets you off the "X" immediately. If his job is to delay you for a couple seconds while his buddy thumps you from behind, a simple hip shove, walk by him will break that "ambush", you turn and see both threats and engage as necessary. If it was a harmless mistake, you did nothing to him, but nudge him out of your way as you passed. Saying "I'm sorry" or "excuse me" as you do these moves is a good idea. It also really breaks up their thought process. An innocent person will think your kinda aggressive, but you apologized.

I'm not talking about doing this to eveyone in your personal space on the street! Just people who make your spidey sense tingle and deliberately get in your way. If you know it is a set up for an assault, well you skip the semi-polite nudge and attack immediately of course.

I don't know of anyone in the PDX area that teaches good reality based HtoH to recommend (doesn't mean there aren't any). There is "Straight Blast Gym" which is more MMA oriented and there are traditional MA schools. I hope to fill this gap in the market place when I get back next year...
For some excellent street-oriented self-defense try Portland Jujitsu just off of 40th and Sandy. It's right behind the A-Boy hardware there. Stan is an excellent instructor and he focuses strongly on techniques that are effective for women with their (usually) lower muscle mass.

Classes run about $75-80 a month...
Mark(psycho)Phipps( HAHAHA! )
psychphipps, does that place teach small circle jujitsu ala Wally Jay? If so, I've been there once with my father in law...he has a Kenpo studio and likes to cross train on occasion. I liked it, but didn't see enough to get a good overall impression. I'm not from the "eastside" but it was near the location you describe I think.
I have heard that a lady walking down the street at night with a paper bag in her hand MIGHT just have an ice pick or scratch awl (21st Century hatpin) rolled into the top of the bag so that it is nestled in her fist, yet completely invisible. I've just heard...
In Oregon that ice pick would specifically be a "concealed weapon" and a misdemeanor. Good point though, could conceal something legal in ones jurisdiction such a manner. Can walk around with your hand in your purse on your firearm or pepper spray too.
Yes, that's the Small Circle dojo. I went there for three years or so. I'm currently studying Kajukenbo again(basically Ken(m)po) but Small Circle is my second love in the martial arts.

Mark(psycho)Phipps( HAHAHA! )
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