Surprised by a Gun Owner

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Jan 1, 2008
East Tennessee
A coworker, worried about a mini crime spree in her neighborhood, asked for my advice on a home defense weapon. After a few minutes of conversation I recommended a youth model 20 gauge shotgun.

At about that time, another coworker who is very knowledgeable about guns walked by. She hunts with rifles, black powder guns, bows, handguns and especially shotguns. We asked her advice. She surprised us both when she said, "Don't get a gun. It will end up being used against you." She actually suggested this 5'2" 105 lb. woman use a baseball bat for self-protection.

Later I suggested the hunter look up the stats on firearms in self defense. She said, "Oh, I know all about them. But I don't think 'just anybody' should have firearms. Shooting's a privilege, you know."

Have I discovered a rare anti-RKBA gun owner?
Yeah, look at Diane Feinstein - the epitome of anti-RKBA who carried and has government protection. A spokesperson said she gave up her permit.
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I sure hope you reminded her what the Second Amendment is...?
In fact, I hope you reminded her what the first 10 amendments are..Because last time I checked, they weren't called the Bill of Privileges.
And what was her reasoning for thinking that she gets this "privilege" and the other person does not?

She could have recommended she take some classes if she was so worried about it.
"...last time I checked, they weren't called the Bill of Privileges."

Actually, I used that exact phrase.

She didn't seem to be a big fan of personal freedoms, for other people, anyway. Her opinion is that all of us with our CCWs and black rifles may provoke the gov't to take away her right (or privilege) to hunt ducks in the woods.
That's funny, she'll shoot someone and he'll get angry and take it from her but that could never happen with a bat, where she'll have to rely on her own physical strength to take the perp down. Some silly logic there.
what type of job do you have libshooter?? the reason i ask is lots of educated, white collar,ceo types do believe that they are "priviledged" enough by their station in the world to shoot and someone else is not..

THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.....................................................
i think she just wants the other person to not have a gun so she can feel superior. how sad. That is what I call an uppity gun owner, who thinks she is better and the smaller people below her shouldn't know or learn what guns are about. How irritating.
what type of job do you have libshooter??

I work in the media. But the lady in question is in the bookkeeping dept. She seems like a classic southern "Good 'ol girl" if you know what I mean?
Perhaps the lady gun-toter just knows how much time and effort she has put in to mastering her firearms and has serious doubts that the co-worker has the gumption required to learn how to handle her firearm. This might lead to a very helpful suggestion that she get training. With proper training, the odds the weapon will be "taken away and used against her" probably goes down quite a bit.
she is partially right. Not 'just anybody' should have a gun for self-defense. If you don't have that instinct to use it and use it right, then you could seriously be doing more harm to yourself. But to say it isn't a right...
I still believe that an inexperienced, barely trained tiny woman with a shotgun is more likely to successfully protect herself than an inexperienced, barely trained woman with a baseball bat or a kitchen knife.

And besides, the lady who wanted the gun (and her husband) planned to learn how to use it.
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