Tax dodgers taunt police from hilltop compound

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Are they still holed up in there?

I'm very surprised the feds are letting this go on for as long as it is. Seems that they know something we don't, or are concerned of something happening (later) if they charge in.
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"Keep your head in the dirt for a few more months and then ask that same question."

Huh? Is that what passes for intelligent conversation where you live?

The reality is that this country has been taken over by the international banks and multinational corporations. They install pathetic puppets like George Bush and Bill Clinton using a corrupt and controlled primary system, controlled "news" media, and hackable black box voting machines. There is no rule of law--just the enforcement of whatever they want to shove down our throats, and the blatant disregard of laws they don't like. Not a penny of money collected by the IRS ever goes to running the country--it all goes directly to the private bankers (the "Fed" -- neither federal nor any kind of reserve, but a private central bank that HAS NEVER BEEN AUDITED --who bought off politicians to give them the "right" to create paper money out of thin air (a violation of the Constitution) and lend it at interest to the United States. It's a scam, the Browns are sick of it, and they're willing to die rather than submit to tyranny.
"the "Fed" -- neither federal nor any kind of reserve, but a private central bank that HAS NEVER BEEN AUDITED"

Did you make all that stuff in your post up yourself or did you copy it off some malcontent's website?

The Federal Reserve reports to Congress and exists only at the pleasure of Congress.

"How the Federal Reserve is Audited"

In addition to their internal audits, note the part about "In addition, a private CPA firm conducts an annual examination of each Reserve Bank and its branches on behalf of the Federal Reserve Board. External audits were instituted in recent years in place of annual examinations by the Board of Governors to ensure total independence in this process."


"Are the Federal Reserve System and Reserve Banks ever audited?

The Board of Governors, the Federal Reserve Banks, and the Federal Reserve System as a whole are all subject to several levels of audit and review. Under the Federal Banking Agency Audit Act (enacted in 1978 as Public Law 95-320), which authorizes the Comptroller General of the United States to audit the Federal Reserve System, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has conducted numerous reviews of Federal Reserve activities. In addition, the Board's Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits and investigates Board programs and operations as well as those Board functions delegated to the Reserve Banks. Completed and active GAO reviews and completed OIG audits, reviews, and assessments are listed in the Board’s Annual Report (before 2002, the reviews were listed in the Board's Annual Report: Budget Review).

The Board's financial statements, and its compliance with laws and regulations affecting those statements, are audited annually by an outside auditor retained by the OIG. The financial statements of the Reserve Banks are also audited annually by an independent outside auditor. In addition, the Reserve Banks are subject to annual examination by the Board. The Board's financial statements and the combined financial statements for the Reserve Banks are published in the Board's Annual Report."
What are the Browns doing to change anything? They lost their case. They rolled the dice and lost. Now they're sore losers.


Keep your head in the dirt for a few more months and then ask that same question.

Huh? Is that what passes for intelligent conversation where you live?

Sometimes it doesnt take much to get to the point. You tried to make your point with a matter of fact comment and then I did the same. Maybe you are a little upset that everyone doesnt see it your way?

It's ok really we can still be friends even if we dont see eye to eye.
No, he's taking exception to the fact that he disagreed with you, and you decided to say he had his head in the sand. Lots of people take exception to that. "If you disagree with me, you're not paying attention/you're stupid" Yeah, very high road.
No, he's taking exception to the fact that he disagreed with you, and you decided to say he had his head in the sand. Lots of people take exception to that. "If you disagree with me, you're not paying attention/you're stupid" Yeah, very high road.

Ok fair enough.
The founders of this once great country revolted over taxation without representation. I only wish they were here today to see taxation "with" representation.
"The founders of this once great country revolted over taxation without representation."

THEY found the tax structure of the times revolting.

Me, I'm finding the same for this thread. Enuf.

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