Tell me the meaning of your screen name.

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When I first met my wife some thirty five years ago, I was in fine physical condition .My friends called me either Herc. or Iron Mike. When I recently told my wife that I was going to start working out again she said that I should go easy 'cause afterall it took me thirty years to go from Iron Mike to Fat Mike :fire: So its both a screen name and a goal.
And the answer is???

Roboshred= My nickname given to me by some of my windsurfing buddies. I should add that I rarely sail anymore but had a great time when I did it.:uhoh:

After my divorce from my first wife, as a consolation prize I bought myself a green Datsun 280Z and installed a CB radio (along with my 2meter ham rig - WA2WMR since 1962) and Green Zebra (phonetic for Green Z) was my handle. For computer use, I removed all the vowels except the last.
jfh is not creative; it's

initial j initial f hanson

at my age, I doubt I would remember the reason for any unique handle I could dream up.
Well, I was thinking of something like "Midnight Warrior" or "Atomic Destruction," but I decided I wanted something more intimidating. :D

In actuality, when I get to talking politics, I tend to get wound up and become a very serious, uptight, and un-fun person. So I picked a handle that would forestall that. Close your eyes and imagine a bunch of cartoon penguins in hachimaki and kimonos running around waving little samurai swords.

Now how am I going to take myself seriously with that in my head?
There's a bunch of interesting folks here.

Mine was a toss up between M2 Carbine (my select fire toy),
or Bell407 (the last helicopter I flew before retiring)

Since I visited mostly gun related sites I picked M2.

When I got out of High School at the age of 19 I decided to become a cop. I applied for several agencies and departments and finally - being young and stupid - chose to join the German Federal Border Police as an officer's candidate.

I went to Border Police College, graduated with a degree in Public Administration in August 2002, received my commission as a lieutenant and got my first command as a watch commander on the German-Polish border. Parts of East Germany are really derelict and unpopulated, and so I got into shooting just out of pure boredom. I found THR, wanted to have a short police-related username and came up with trooper.

However, I'm already a civilian again. I soon found out that a lieutenant's life mainly consists of administrational stuff and paperwork instead of chasing perps, and so I decided to quit after one year.

I went back to civilized West Germany and will probably join one of the state police departments as a patrol officer this autumn. Wish me luck!!


jamz = James, phonetically (more or less_ :)

I've been using it before the internet even existed!!111!!!1


Got into history from watching The History channel when I was laid up with pneumonia back in 4th grade, was about 1996. Watched all kinds of shows on WW1 and WW2 plus some on Vietnam and Korea and became very fond of the M2 Browning machine gun. If you see me on a game it'll either be M2HMGHB or Ma Deuce.

My nickname from literally the moment I was born courtesy fo the M.D. who delivered me. I didn't know my "real" name was Frank until I was at least 7 yrs. old
Got it from work when everybody was butchering my last name. It seemed most could get the first syllable correct, so one guy shortened the entire name to this. It got around quickly and now it's been me for the last 10 years.
Well in the RPG computer game Baldur's Gate, there was a character named "Thaldorn" at the end of the game. At that time my RPG name was always "Thorn". Not very original. I took the name Thaldorn, and made it into the name "Thaldorian"... Which I think sounds great. It was my RPGing name for several years. Thaldorian eventually went on to adopt a son and name him... you guessed it.... Dorian.

My name on hkpro and sigforum is Jester814. Thaldorian was a warrior/jester... and my birthday is 8/14

This picture was made specially for me. Thaldorian and his wife, Sacrifice.

Dorian, I would have assumed that you based it on Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. :eek:

The origin of mine is rather uninteresting and wouldn't have any particular meaning to anyone else if I explained it. It will have to suffice to say that it originated as a purposeful misspelling of "time" in a spring, senior-year, highschool physics lab writeup.
Steelharp, cool name! :cool:

Do you also play the Dobro? know why it's called a Dobro, right?




'Cuz it costs a lotta dough, bro :D
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