The Militia Threat Is Real

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I have a couple of questions for ya'll:

Does tyranny exist now? And if so, is the reason because most of the citizenry tolerates it by continuing to be uninvolved and uninformed with respect to the critters they ensconce in government at all levels? If so, what in heaven's name can we do about it?

Personally, I think we have a tyrannical government now. Not tyranny in the classical sense, but one of a paradigm shift of the reversal of where the power lies. Ie: According to the Constitution, power flows from free people to its constitutional republican form of government administered by elected representatives forming the three branches of government for the benefit of the many. Or, has the power has been grabbed by elected and appointed officials (allowed by ignorant, apathetic, lazy, selfish people) who now control the people through taxation, creation of the nanny state, and bellicose laws enforced by leo's and courts against those who refuse to knuckle under to the vast sea of "laws" like property taxes, epa rules, etc etc ad nauseum.

I don't think its just about firearms and the 2A anymore. I wonder if the entire system hasn't broken down because of apathy, ignorance and selfishness.

I recently had a conversation with an aquaintance about taxes. I said to him, "Doesn't it bother you that by the time you figure out the taxes you pay at all levels it equals about 55 cents (or more) on every dollar that your earn?" His answer was absolutely astounding and left me speechless.
(tough thing to do) He said, ..."And we're living pretty good on that 45 cents aren't we?" If the rest of the populace is as stupid as this guy, God save the union.

Does the book point out any criminal and violent actions done by the militias? I know of virtually none. Tim McVeigh was a temporary militia member but was kicked out for his extreme views.

Just reading a little bit about the left wing radicals of the 1960s and 1970s who commited many violent crimes including killing a number of LEOs. Seems like there was much more news media uproar over the militias in the 1990s then there was over such groups as the Black Liberation Army, the Weather Underground or the Black Panther Party during the 1960s and 70s.

Looks to me like the militias have gone a bit underground. I no longer see "news" footage of them in the woods wearing camis and firing their weapons. I think they must have realized that show-boating like that makes them look dangerous and kooky in the eyes of some.
I'd say there could be reason to watch the militias and that they have the potential to have members go "postal" at anytime. Sure would be prudent to keep an eye on the members to my thinking.
My irony meter just went offscale high! Haven't heard of anyone going " militia" lately.
"The militia of the State of Arizona shall consist of all capable citizens of the state [between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years],
and of those [between said ages] who shall have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, residing therein, subject to such exemptions as now exist, or as may hereafter be created, by the laws of the United States or of this state."

Article 16, Section 1, Arizona Constitution

I'm part of a militia, by the laws of the Arizona Constitution.:scrutiny: :scrutiny: :D
Here, here

Aztoy, here in Washington, our Militia definition is even less restrictive:

The militia of the state of Washington shall consist of all able bodied citizens of the United States and all other able bodied persons who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, residing within this state, who shall be more than eighteen years of age, and shall include all persons who are members of the national guard and the state guard, and said militia shall be divided into two classes, the organized militia and the unorganized militia.

No upper age limit...kind of sad...I know some upper middle age folks whoe are scary...that 'old age and Treachery' thing will get you every time.
United States Code. Title 10. Chapter 13:
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied
males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section
313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a
declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States
and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the
National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are -
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard
and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of
the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the
Naval Militia.

That is your militia, according to Federal Law. Plain, simple, easy to read and understand.

Hence, militia members are almost always strict adherents to the Constitution, and oppose just about any government restriction that threatens individual rights

Hoo hah! Given my 'strict adherence' to the US Constitution, guess I'm in a world of sheep-dip.

I haven't read Captain Snow's book, but $10 says it doesn't contain anything on the ELF, EarthFirst, The New Black Panthers, The Nation of Islam, United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, La Raza or any other non "white supremacist" groups that are prone to violence.

Thereby proving himself to be a tool of the leftist terrorists in America and no better then the "Militias" he's "warning" us about.

The "whole" of a militia unit may not be a real threat, but the individuals who gravitate to that type of org have shown, at times, a propensity to sheer away from the main body and become a potential probelm.

If we substitute the "police force" for the words "militia unit" the above is definetly a true statement. If you doubt me I will be happy to send you clips of all the police where I live ( Chicago) that have been sent to jail, found to fabricate evidence, and assault innocent people etc....

Not that all police are bad, No the vast majority are honest hardworking people who are doing the best they can in a horrible situation and are trying to protect citizens and enforce the law. I respect the honest police. That does not mean that I blame all the police for the sins of a few. Nor should we blame all the militias for the sins of a few WAIT Tim McVeigh was kicked out of the Michigan militia after 2 meetings so that was not really a militia member. ( Unless we start counting people who were kicked off the police force and then became crooked as "Crooked Cops ) Can anyone remember when a militia/militia member did commit some horrible attrocity/crime ? I cannot.

To my knowledge, no militia unit has shot a boy in the back or a woman with a baby in her arms (Weavers), or burned alive a religious group (Branch Davidians) like our government alphabet agencies have. Which group do you think is the greater threat to our freedom?

Many of you are part of the unorganized militia and don't even know it. How sad.
Are there radical violent militas out there? Of course. Does that mean every militia is a radical fringe group? NO.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
The original question was about the militia. I got to thinking about that and I posted some opinion that was off topic. Sorry to waste anybody's time who happened to read it. My bad.
:( :p

I read all of your post and DID NOT consider a waste of time. In fact, I think the topics you mentioned are what motivates the militias, and therefore were ON TOPIC. By the way, I'm a Gramps too.
Weapons and ammunition are the top priority for militias. “They come before eating out at restaurants,†says Snow. “They come before buying camping equipment or taking vacations. They come before making any purchases other than the bare necessities.†After all, one needs to be prepared when the takeover begins.

You are damn right they do!
I can do without Burger King, I can do without vacations and I can even do without the Internet.
The one thing I will not do without is my ability to resist.
I will resist criminals, terrorists and anyone else who is a threat to my country, my friends, my family and my liberties.
That is the whole point.
Once upon a time, I swore to uphold the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic.
I swore an oath before God. I am not a perfect Christian, but I do make an effort to keep my books too far out of the red. I recall reading something in the Bible at one point about how any oath before God stands as long as you live.
Hence, I still hold true to that oath.
If that puts me in the same class as the same trash that burns crosses on lawns or crashes planes in buildings full of innocent people, then that is a real shame.
In actuality, I am one of those who would stand against such people. Not because I want glory, not because I like to fight, but because it is what is right.
Guess that ain't good enough anymore.
The Free State Project is looking better and better.
While the article describes some militias, it is a stretch to claim it describes a large segment of, let alone all of them.

McVeigh---militia----how many dead in Oklahoma?

They [ the militia ] denounced him after the fact of OKC bombing.

The point above is that some militias may be responsible for fostering anti-government sentiment to the point one or more of them then takes action on their own against the gov types.

The militias may not have killed those folks in OKC themselves but they fostered the notion to McVeigh and others within the org that it's acceptable to kill others to meet some perceived threat by .gov's.

The militias may not have killed those folks in OKC themselves but they fostered the notion to McVeigh and others within the org that it's acceptable to kill others to meet some perceived threat by .gov's.

McVeigh had also done a hitch in the Army. They also taught him, among a loooooot of others, that it's okay to kill others who are a threat. You ain't blamin' them too, are ya? Your point is as valid as blaming the Unibomber on the DNC because he read Al Gore's book and went off the deep end.
One account I read of McVeigh's Army career is that he was a crackerjack gunner on a Bradley FV, served in the first Gulf War, and he killed a number of Iraqi troops in combat.
The militias may not have killed those folks in OKC themselves but they fostered the notion to McVeigh and others within the org that it's acceptable to kill others to meet some perceived threat by .gov's.

Let's do a little word substitution....

militias = Democrats
OKC = Waco
McVeigh = Reno
by = to

...or try this one...

militias = Democrats
OKC = California
McVeigh = ELF
kill = set fire to
.gov = Hummer H2's

See? This game can get interesting... :uhoh:
McVeigh---militia----how many dead in Oklahoma?

They [ the militia ] denounced him after the fact of OKC bombing.

I believe ( as always I could be mistaken ) that McVeigh was asked to leave the "Michigan Militia" after he atteneded 2 ( two ) meeting because he was advocating violence.

The McVeigh militia "connection" is just as real as the "white van" in the Beltway shootings.

If you want to blame the militias for the actions of whom they kicked out, I wonder what that implies for the US Armed Forces who kick out people who later commit crimes.

McVeigh---militia----how many dead in Oklahoma?

They [ the militia ] denounced him after the fact of OKC bombing.

To add to what NukemJim said; The reason the militia denounced him after the fact is because before then he was just some crank they had asked to leave ... he hadn't done anything newsworthy and the news media probably wouldn't have reported it anyway since nobody would care.

Do you expect Peter Jennings or Dan Rather to read lists of everyone asked to leave a Militia meeting just in case one of them is a loose nut?
"I believe ( as always I could be mistaken ) that McVeigh was asked to leave the "Michigan Militia" after he attended 2 ( two ) meeting because he was advocating violence.

The McVeigh militia "connection" is just as real as the "white van" in the Beltway shootings."

You nailed it, brotha. That's why Morris Dees and the SPLC infuriate me so, because they equate militias to hate groups, and it just ain't so. Unless you mean they hate a certain state of affairs, and not a certain group of people. If that's the case, then MADD is a hate group because they hate drunk driving. Some things it's good to hate, and should be hated. *IF* the militia members, or even the militia as a whole in its formal documents (the sub-organization of the national milita that is), hate the size of the federal gov't, then this is not only a good thing to encourage the espousal of, in order foster valuable debate (and protected by the 1A I might add), but it's in fact quite understandable and RIGHT given the unbelievable size, waste, and extent of corruption in the behemoth that is the federal gov't. Dees needs to define hate groups and quit talking about the militia, so remedials like our beloved captain here don't pick up on the lie and start to believe it and spread it.

I was also taught how to effectively kill in the military as well. Never thought about doing an OKC bombing due to my hatred for the .govs though. That attitude was fostered by the militias [ at least in part ].

Thats has nothing to do with his actions against innocent civilians within the US [ they didn't teach him or foster his anti-gov views in the military] . See the difference now between the military training and mindset to kill others [ in a military seting ], and some of the militias who are anti-gov and foster that attitude that the end justifies the means in a civilian setting within our own country?

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