The story stinks
Come on now.. Lets review.. We're at a LIBRARY!
She walks through door and alarm goes off....
<normal person reaction at least my wife> Look round, is my skirt OK? Hmm what caused that... Definitly not PANIC!!
Even if she has 20 bucks in outstanding late fees and decides to run, if it's my wife, she's got High heels on and on my worst day, and I'm 62, I can catch her before she gets to the car...
Next, she gets to the car... again, using my wife as typical... we're talking 5 minutes to rummage through the purse just to find the keys, then once she slides her "You know what" in its another minute or so just to get the key in the ignition... In this story, the gal gets to her car faster than the guard, gets her keys, and manages to start it up get in gear and brush past him.... Hello, didn't they leave out that the bumper brushed his Walker?
Finally, he is armed pulls out what, a .38? Destroys door? Huh... Maybe the back window of a minivan, if you want to call that a door.
And just how big is this town? They can't find the missing patron in lets say 20 minutes?
I must say I really want to know more cuz this is more like an Andy Griffith Mayberry story than for real LE tale.