Tonight's Debate?

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you call me a coward, well we all know why, you are a keyboard commando. You have only learned of Paul in the last six months but you want to teach me about him, lol.

Paul has been around a long time, he ran for president before. He has NO support in the party, self styled libertarians aside, Paul is only given the mike by the left wing media because he attacks his own. You might not know this, but Paul recently ran for president with another party.

I laugh at all these guys who tell me I am uninformed, dumb, and uneducated. Lol, sorry, you can not hurt me, I know my credentials, you piss away your own supporting a femmine, left wing, pacifist who has financial support groups from DailyKos and Democratic Underground.

You could never convince me to support this guy, and you can never convince even a large percentage of Republicans to support him. If you want to delude yourselves, fine, keep it up, I am done with this. One thing about intelligence is to admit your words make no difference, I admit it, I could never explain to any of you why Paul has Zero support from important Repubs, and why left wing Democrats are cheering him on. Hint, gun rights have nothing to do with it.
"we are within 15 years of civil war"
The Declaration of Independence written in 1776 could well be applied to our current state of affairs.
Left wing pacifist? I've heard it all now.

On topic: I think Ron did well again in the face of obvious bias. A couple of the others seemed more to my liking this time. Its funny how a few of them are starting to say things that are a little more Ron-Paulish.
All I know is that EVERY time Ron Paul spoke tonight, he was applauded. It wasn't much, but he got more applause than any other candidate up there. I thought so at least. I'm curious who you think would make a better president gengarnett?
What I do not believe is balanced is that fact that the three front runners are placed right next to eachother. The problem right now and is a massive threat to our republic is the fact that the media has already made its mind up for the American public and it really feels that way, conspiracy theories aside we are getting railroaded.

Paul is only given the mike by the left wing media because he attacks his own.

When I watched the debate they all attacked the president and they all attacked eachothers issues, it was the dems that were attacking eachother last night directly.
"a few of them are starting to say things that are a little more Ron-Paulish."
And therein the importance of Dr. Paul.
Sure he probably not going to be the candidate. But he may well shift Republican party a little to the right.
Doubters, please go to and see where all the candidates really stand and you'll see why the Republican party is just a label and not a philosophy.

I very much agree that it's about power and grabbing as much as they can. Bush is an excellent example of ignoring the people's will and doing whatever he damn well pleases anyway. I don't see this philosophy portrayed by Paul, but I do see it in all the others.


Please don't feed the trolls.

trolls? for not supporting a fringe candidate who has run several times? This is a site for firearm enthusiasts, not survivalists. Paul has no support, check any scientific poll and see if he is even in the top 5.

If this site becomes so fringe, that one must support Paul, I will gladly leave, if not, I mine as well join the Michigan Militia. Again, Paul has no chance, all this talk is wasted.
trolls? for not supporting a fringe candidate who has run several times? This is a site for firearm enthusiasts, not survivalists. Paul has no support, check any scientific poll and see if he is even in the top 5.

WHO THEN?!? You have yet to mention who YOU think should be president.

I'm curious who you think would make a better president gengarnett?

I was originally for Allen, but he is gone. As for the current field, I like Hunter and Tancredo. I could live with Rudy or Mitt because I know a bit about Washington, any Repub is better than any Dem because they bring about 5,000 fellow party members with them

I am interested in Thompson, but it is not clear how much he wants the job. One thing I know about Paul supporters is they have been banned from several conservative blogs for cheating in online polls. Paul is NOT gaining among Republicans, actually he is making them angry, hence he is going to be primaried in a Republican district he has held for years.
Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Fred Thompson, Mike huckabee? Duncan Hunter?

Voting anybody else is suicide, things look bad in my opinion.

What do you say the odds of a true 2nd amendment president are? 3/4 not in our favor?
lol, want to bet? I will give you 1000 to 1 odds paul does not win the primary.

btw, I am a libertarian Republican, of course pro 2a, pro small gov, pro capitalism. I am saying I don't get why so many here are in the cult of Paul, I think Paul is a left wing pacifist. Anyway, the bet is real, 1000 to 1 he does not win the primary.
I'll take those odds. If you have the guts to back up your claim, PM me and we'll work out an arrangement.
Ron Paul with a side of Tancredo please.

The other was probably hanging out at Pajamas Media till it got too boring.
you all will change your tune soon or not vote Republican. paul will not even come close, and for good reason.

See this is it right there.
Its not weather I will change....its weather the GOP will change BACK to a limited Govt party.

The tail doesnt wag the dog.

I didnt forget my conservative platform....they the party did.

If your current party will not change its tune.....I will dance else where.

Its the spending, stupid.
Its the forgotten platform, stupid
Its the southern border, stupid
Its the Bill of Rights, stupid
Its the kennedy drug plan, stupid
Its the Iraq, stupid
Its about being conservative, stupid

seriously pick one
If your current party will not change its tune.....I will dance else where.

I used to vote straight Republican. I am ashamed to say I voted twice for the disappointment we now have in the White House. I was afraid we would end up with someone worse, so I was really voting against the Democrat more than for the Republican. But I am not going to vote for the lesser of two evils anymore. I am tired of voting against candidates. If I can't find one to vote for, I intend to sit this one out.
Personally I believe we should pay more attention to Romney....I could say a lot more, but I will save that for another day. I think he has background and the morality behind him to save this nation......

And I also think he would keep the 2nd amendment intact along with the rest of the constitution....
lets face it it...the whole constitution is hanging by a thread!
Now it is more important than ever to really look at what we are dealing with!
Personally I believe we should pay more attention to Romney....I could say a lot more, but I will save that for another day. I think he has background and the morality behind him to save this nation......

In the last debate he said he would sign another AWB. Nuff said about that, he won't be getting ANY support for me. He sounds too good to be true as well.
Personally I believe we should pay more attention to Romney.

No thanks. He signed the AWB in Massachusetts, and in the last debate said he 'supported AWBs'.

He lost my vote, for good - although I really feel for him when I see people openly bashing him for his faith, and he smiles and takes it. Ouch.
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