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TSA Unlawfully Detains and Questions Two Friends

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I thought Pistols and Rifles had to be in different cases? The TSA made my father do this when he flew back home from Arizona. Thats the only rule I know of that *MAY* have been broken. Hardly a reason to give this guy that much ????. Nice fat lawsuit hopefully!
If I thought they would be read, I'd buy everyone I know a copy of Unintended Consequences for Christmas...

the fact that 99% of people aren't bothered by stuff like this absolutely makes my blood boil

When Hitler attacked the Jews I was not a Jew, therefore I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the Catholics, I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists, I was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned. Then Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church — and there was nobody left to be concerned.

I guess there's something to that, after all
I've met some pretty dim witted TSA folks myself. Privitize them and fire Mineta.
To be honest i didnt even think that there were LEGAL restrictions on transporting firearms in the cargo section of an aircraft. I mean each airline has their procedures but, i didnt really think that TSA was even involved in that process. I honestly dont see what buisiness it is of theirs in the first place. You can access the cargo area from the cabin so there isnt a hijacking risk or anything like that. The whole thing seems odd.
Did they read him his rights? How was the arrest conducted? What was he being charged with that justified the arrest?

Any compentent lawyer should be able to tear this a new one, and seek punatitive damages for harassment of both parties.

There may even be grounds for a criminal case in regards to civil rights being violated, false arrest, etc.
Quote from GigaBuist
Regarding the above said story I beleive Oleg Volk himself linked to it in another very recent thread with the commnet "here's what recently happened to my friends."

if you scan Oleg's posts over the past 4 days from the time of this writing you'll find it. I may be mistaken though: I had just gotten out of an Airport and my mind was -fried- from an entire day of living in fear.

I completely spaced on the fact that Oleg knows Kit, I don't know if he knows John or not.

I'm seriously not pulling anyone's leg here, none of this was fabricated.
Stuff like this makes your blood boil! It is truly amazing that the inmates are running the asylum! Say nothing and get a lawyer because your friendly neighborhood government types are on a fishing expedition. Don't answer! Get a LAWYER! You have to watch that they don't try and pin the Lindburgh kidnapping on you!

Let them establish pedigree and then ask for an attorney! SAY NOTHING TO ANYONE!!! What you say can and will be used against you in a court of law even if you say something innocently!

Past belief that this kind of crap is going on! God help us all!:fire: :cuss:
Speaking of flying with "Enemies Foreign And Domestic"...I had bought the book right before a flight to oakland to visit family. In Phoenix nothing was said or even a second look. In Oakland on the other hand the security people gave me some serious looks......I found the whole thing humorous.
Oleg knows Kit, I don't know if he knows John or not.
I know and respect both. Kit added a lot of info privately which served to make me more paranoid that I've been in a while and also indicated that we are dealing with very scummy uniformed Gollums. Will see how today's trip to the airport will go.
Very interesting...My wife just flew to Maine. She checked her Sig P220 in her luggage and 6 fully loaded magazines (the handgun was unloaded) and DID NOT declare it. About an hour later, she was paged to meet with airport police (San Francisco Airport Police) and the TSA. She did as requested.

After some questioning, etc the TSA confiscated the ammunition, made her put declare the handgun, however allowed the handgun to be checked in. However, she was not treated rudely or badly. Not handcuffed, etc. Although, there were 3 police officers there.

Now, my wife is a fully sworn police officer in California and she did show her ID and badge. However, PRIOR to that, they had no way of knowing who/what she was. She didn't thing it was that big of a deal.

Although she did have to buy more ammo when she got to Maine. When she came home, she had to put the ammunition in its original box. Otherwise, she could not have checked it.

In November, 2001, right after 9/11 I went to Blackwater Lodge. Took their Advanced Pistol Course. I had no problem getting out of Oakland, none whatsover. I checked TWO handguns, and 1,000 rounds of ammunition (I shipped another 2,000 rounds there prior).

However, when I came back, through Norfolk VA, I ran into all kinds of problems. I was jammed up by the security and police. This, after me even showing I was a police officer. I didn't receive any special treatment at all. I wasn't handcuffed, however I was stripped down to my underwear. All my luggage, etc was gone through; with a fine tooth comb.

I didn't find any of it excessive. I admit, I didn't go through what those people did (assuming their stories are true).
However, when I came back, through Norfolk VA, I ran into all kinds of problems. I was jammed up by the security and police. This, after me even showing I was a police officer. I didn't receive any special treatment at all. I wasn't handcuffed, however I was stripped down to my underwear. All my luggage, etc was gone through; with a fine tooth comb.
I didn't find any of it excessive.
I find that excessive. I think that as a nation we have become very desensitized to what a Police State is. :fire:

I grew up in the NY metro area of all places, but these days, I will never go back to the North East nor will I fly in a commercial airplane anywhere. I will not put up with having my rights trampled for the illusion of safety.

I know people that fly regularly and complain about being searched and the humiliation of it all, yet they go right back and keep buying airline tickets. Let the airlines wither and die I say, then let them blame the government for it. Which is where the blame belongs.
It may have been those Help Wanted ads that started out: "Welfare payments not keeping you in PS2 games? Got a pulse? Can you fog a mirror? Have you always wanted a badge of your very own? Have we got a career track for you!"

Thanks Tamara. How true.

I will vouch for this type of treatment. I was squeezed pretty hard 14 months ago in Oakland. I have not flown since. I will not provide details because of an ongoing suit.............. I can believe it:mad:
i remember being offered a job with airport security back when i got out of highschool (pre TSA). Even for a temporary summer job for an innexperienced student their offer was a joke. It didnt compare favorably even to burger flipping. I cant imagine it has changed all that much. And Tamara's example "advertisement" is pretty accurate except for one glaring fault, its in english.
Yet another reason to wear clean underwear.

I've flown a number of times with firearms, but honestly I haven't done it since 9-11.
I stopped flying commerical and at one time I enjoyed the experience, however
I do not believe I will again. As population increases we will lose more freedom,
if my past 60+ years are any indication.
I was stripped down to my underwear...

I didn't find any of it excessive.

Well, some people do enjoy that sort of thing, you know .... ;)
We are so screwed

We get screwed if we comply and screwed harder if we don't comply. Some choice. I don't fly but the first time any official tells me to drop my pants, I'm going for his throat. Beg for mercy thru compliance for a promise of vaseline? I think not.

Sorry for the sarcasm, but this stuff is over the edge.

"Drop your pants, free man":rolleyes:

We are so screwed
That is disturbing. I realize that we need to keep our airlines safe and everything, but stories like that just seem over the top.
My girlfriend got searched in the airport once. Seems she was really, really, tired and forgot the warnings not to talk about terrorists while standing in line and, and the TSA pulled her aside to search her bags. Now, my question is if two middle-easterners were standing in same such line and talking about terrorism would the TSA search their belongings too? I have a feeling they wouldn't because that would be "profiling" and the US government doesn't do that. riiiiigggghhhhhht. :banghead: :fire: :banghead: :fire: :barf: :scrutiny:
Seems to me the simplest way out of a search would be to just waste the ticket and walk away. Not sure that gestapo employees would let anyone just leave but that would be worth a try.

Some new digital cameras can radio transmit images to a remote location. Cell phones can be used to take pictures. Unless signal jamming is used across multiple frequencies, the entire process of interaction with TSA (and also faces and badges of the participants) can be recorded and broadcast in real time. Not sure that would be enough to keep them in line...more likely, they'll try to criminalize recording of the Fatherland Security activities.
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