What caliber for Whale?

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I agree with Caribou! He see's the real world. And even in Alaska, what he sees way too much of is people! The world is greatly over populated, and a plateau hasn't been reached--in the US, population has slowed, but worldwide, man just keeps spitting 'em out! Aids was a hope, but didn't seem to pan out. Man is rapidly destroying the planet over food (and the associated need for water), not through "global warming". It is obvious that no politician even wants to mention the real problem--over population! This country has gotten so crowded it is sickening--and I live in Nevada! China, for all it's wrongs, has done one good thing--1 child per couple! We need that in the US. And the world. Not forever, obviously, but for several generations.
Nature has a funny way of thinning the herd when the carrying capacity of the land gets overwhelmed by any one species. The amazing medical progression of man can only stave off the next great natural epidemic for so long.

And the natural instincts of man are only buried so deep. We will quickly shed our god-like compassion for our fellow man when the stomachs of our children are empty. Survival of the fittest shall reemerge. In the end the laws of nature will supersede the laws of god and man.

When hunting whale you have to use enough gun! The blood trail has a funny way of disappearing and I get dizzy holding my breath for very long. :)
The world is greatly over populated, and a plateau hasn't been reached-

We're experiencing a J growth curve. Think rabbits, what do rabbits do? They start out well below carrying capacity, population grows almost unchecked due to a very high natality rate. The curve gets steeper and steeper in a logarithmic rate as 2 rabbits beget 8 rabbits beget 32, and on and on. More the population the steeper the curve until they exceed capacity to the point that they all die off of starvation and disease and the curve starts again.

Our problem isn't high natality so much as no predation and longer and longer life spans due to the miracles of modern medicine. The thing to do of course is control the birth rate, but how do you do that in a free society? The cure is coming. I am sorta hoping I'm dead before it gets here. I've got maybe 30 years left, maybe, if it don't get here first. Then, the kids can handle it. :D
Right on Mr. MCgunner. Something has got to give! Maybeso those wacky N. Koreans--or the Iran government whackos (Iranian people are not the problem. I'd sure like to go hunt there, but our gov't won't let me). The answer: Spay and neuter your children!
caribou i kinda agree and have for some time, the human population is outa control. in nature there would be disease and other things keeping the population in check but now with anti biotics and meds for every thing and anything we no longer can count on nature to keep the population in check.

i like to tell people when they talk about global warming is that we need to thin the heard. i think that we should first start in washington dc with the US congress and senate
Sustainable utilisation of ALL resopurces should be the aim.

As soon as we start thinking that this or that critter is too cute, or noble, or <insert irrelevant subjective anthropomorhism here> .... we are putting increased pressure on the rest of the limited resources in this finite world.

Somewhere, land has been cleared to take up the slack because we're refusing to harvest whales. Amazon rainforest? African Nyika? Or just your local deer thicket....

Think about it....
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