What do you do with your "decals"?

I've put exactly one on my car. It's a Hornady sticker that's covering up a "USA Gymnastics " sticker that I was too lazy to properly remove when I bought it. The rest I hand my kid, who puts them wherever he happens to be at the time. Bedroom wall, bathroom mirror, bicycle, whatever.
Do you take the brand and model logos off of your vehicles too?
Wish I could, but sometimes I do make concessions, as in life there will always be limitations and we must learn to be flexible. It is better than hitting my head on a wall. Like our guns, vehicles have a distinct style and look, one can tell what a 1911 is a Beretta, or FNX for example, same with trucks and I use trucks because I drive one, you can tell a Ford, from Chevrolet, or GMC.
I had no idea we had so many guys here making money advertising for gun related companies or any other outfits. Especially $2000 a pop per dealer license plate frame! Nice!
Hardly the same as leaving the dealer license plate frame on one's new car. For those who actually bothered to read the responses, they will note that the only people we're advertising to would be... ourselves as the decals stay in our own mancaves (or some other like-minded folk at our range, who likely wouldn't consider the decals on our gun cases advertising, more like an affirmation of our interests as well as a strong political statement.

I swear, it seems as though some folks just take every little thing way too seriously and never miss an opportunity to use sarcasm at other members that don't seem to think just like they do... .
Logo stickers are a vestige of the old speed parts companies like the Moon eyes and Venolia pistons. I have a few on the inside of my ammunition locker, and a few under the lid of a toolbox. Some are fun but most get pitched.
Venolia pistons!? They were the builders/ owners and driver on the Funny car I crewed on in the late 60's, early 70's. Pisano Bros Camaro. Well I'll be!
I cruise parking lots and put them on random electric vehicles with Biden and Bernie bumper stickers. LOL!


Most go on my toolboxes.
That would actually be a hilarious video. I'm picturing that one really buff dude from BRCC high tailing it, while being chased by like 8 different flavors of hippies and their EVs (which probably need to stop for a charge)
My previous response was just because some people go overboard, thumping their chests, that by god they don't advertise for anyone for free. As if it's a big deal.
Hardly the same as leaving the dealer license plate frame on one's new car. For those who actually bothered to read the responses, they will note that the only people we're advertising to would be... ourselves as the decals stay in our own mancaves (or some other like-minded folk at our range, who likely wouldn't consider the decals on our gun cases advertising, more like an affirmation of our interests as well as a strong political statement.

I swear, it seems as though some folks just take every little thing way too seriously and never miss an opportunity to use sarcasm at other members that don't seem to think just like they do... .
That'd be hard to notice, wouldn't it?
Remember when sunoco had that thing if you had there sticker on your vehicle you had a chance for free gas for a year or something, never knew how they Chose someone or ever Hurd someone win. We used to slap those stickers on everything in high school, a few do covered the whole quad or dirt bikes and I seen one square body Chevy covered.
One of my Pelican cases is festooned with all the gun/accessory stickers I won't put anywhere else. Not any of the gun cases, a spare boxy one I use for other support gear and rarely even firearms support gear, but it gives me a home for them, finally.
I love those little stickers that manufacturers put in with product. I bought a compesator from a little known company years ago. Shoot it every time I go to the range and it works great. But I have a memory like a goldfish about certain things so when I was in the market to buy another one for another rifle, couldn't remember the maker. They gave me a sticker and it sits on my safe. I remembered and bought another.