Do you put firearms or RKBA related stickers on your car or truck?

Do you put gun related stickers, decals, etc on your vehicle?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 35.5%
  • No

    Votes: 263 64.5%

  • Total voters
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Jun 19, 2004
I keep reading about people who write about their NRA, IDPA, RKBA, or humourus firearms and hunting related license plate frames, stickers, decals, etc on their cars and trucks. I don't put any of this on my truck because I don't like anyone to know I am a gun owner. I am afraid I will get pulled over by the police more when I drive in states like MD, DC, NJ, and NY for work. I am also especially weary because unless I am in the above mentioned states I am carrying almost wherever I go, so I dont want to draw attention to myself.

At the same time am pissed off that the soccer mom has decals all over their car, or the anti abortion people have decals all over their car, or the anti gun people who have decals all over their car, or even the animal rights and anti hunting groups who paste their cars in decals because they feel free to state their feelings, but I feel like I have to hide mine! :fire: :fire:

How do you all handle this?? Do you go incognito or do you proudly state that you are a firearm owner and/or shooting enthusiast.
No. I have an HD shield decal in the rear window of my pickup (1978 Ford) and that's all.

Loud and proud

Well, not loud, but definitely proud.

Without looking like a NASCAR wannabe, my truck makes very clear to anyone who can read that I am a gun owner, hunter, and Republican.

The reason I make all those statements is simple - if the ONLY messages out there on the highways are those of the anti's (anti-gun, anti-hunting, anti-liberty, etc etc etc), then people will inevitably think "everyone agrees" that guns are bad, that hunting is barbaric, and that only liberals have political ideas.

We CANNOT abandon the marketplace of ideas to the anti's. Yes, I know, bumper sticker sloganeering is no substitute for thoughtful debate, but face it, folks, it's all the political reading and "thinking" most people do these days. If they never hear from us, they are most unlikely to vote with us.

If I get hassled some, so be it.
I don't put any of this on my truck because I don't like anyone to know I am a gun owner need to advertise..maybe a simple NRA Member sticker..I know members that are not gun point in letting the world know too much is there?
At the same time am pissed off that the soccer mom has decals all over their car, or the anti abortion people have decals all over their car, or the anti gun people who have decals all over their car, or even the animal rights and anti hunting groups who paste their cars in decals because they feel free to state their feelings, but I feel like I have to hide mine!
Not really sure why people feel the need to wear their opinions on their car ..Insecurity? who knows..besides, why screw up a perfectly good vehicle by pasting stickers all over it? Bumper stickers and the like are good for one thing-hiding rust!:neener: relax and don't worry about it...just my .05 worth
No. Nice new car and don't want to fudge the clear coat. Nothing but a nice coat of wax goes on the paint.
I don't put any stickers on my cars ... purely for vanity reasons, not because of any political sentiment (or lack thereof) and I could care less whether the guy behind me in traffic knows I own guns or not.
Unlike the soccer moms, et al,

bumper stickers advocating RKBA, NRA, etc can send an unintended message such as:

Hey, Mr. Bad-Guy-Walking-Through-This-Parking-Lot-Outside-The-Federal-Courthouse, the person who owns this car believes in owning guns. And since I'm parked out here, and he or she is probably law abiding, there's a better chance of finding a gun in my trunk than in the back of the soccer mom van parked three spaces over.


Hey, Mr. Bad-Guy-Cruising-Through-This-Neighborhood-At-O-Dark-Thirty, as you can tell from my bumper sticker(s) while I sit out here in this driveway, the person who owns this car believes in owning guns. If you pay attention for a few days, you might be able to tell when he/she goes to work and when the house will be unoccupied. You will then be able to break in knowing you will have plenty of time to look for their weapons.

That, and I just don't particularly like putting bumper stickers on my cars. For the simple reason that if I do something dumb while driving, I don't want somebody stereotyping everyone else with the same type of bumper sticker, such as:

"Did you see what that dipstick did? They just pulled right in front of us. Never mind that we were in his blind spot, and were hauling up the freeway at 7 pm at night with our lights out. See that bumper sticker? Yeah, it figures. All those (fill in the blank) supporters can't see worth beans and are idiot drivers. Oughta ban all of them, and their beliefs too."
No, for a couple of reasons:

1. I don't like bumper stickers.

2. Nothing says "break into me" like an unattended car with a "Handgun on Board" sticker.

3. I tend to drive assertively (my wife uses a different word ;)), and some people are deeply offended by being passed on the highway. The fluffybunnyblissninny crowd would probably have their stereotypes reinforced when they read the "I'm the NRA and I vote" sticker as it zooms past.

I do have a vanity tag, though, and it is gun-related. But only fellow gunnies would get it (it is the name of a type of gun, like "GLOCK", only a different and less common make).

I have a small round NRA sticker on the inside of my truck's tinted back window. It's not very obvious, and was actually covered up by a Grateful Dead skull sticker until recently. There are many ways to ruin a vehicle, excess stickers are one of them.

There was a car in the parking lot at school every day with a huge Team Glock sticker.
I do have a vanity tag, though, and it is gun-related. But only fellow gunnies would get it (it is the name of a type of gun, like "GLOCK", only a different and less common make

I'd recently seen a local one of "762X54R"....think I can tell what they like. :D
In Idaho, if you don't own a gun, someone is likely to offer to lend you one, so pushing the NRA is preaching to the choir. My Harley decal offers many benefits, on the other hand. For example, women often honk at me at stoplights and sometimes lift up their shirts and reveal their breasteses to me.
A good return on a three dollar investment.
I guess I'm a utilitarian.

"Molon Labe" and "RKBA" pasted on the rear window my Element. Does it make me a target? perhaps. But so what? I'm armed!
I have an NRA sticker and an anti-Doyle sticker that's falling off from weathering.

I drive pretty precisely so I don't worry much about people stereotyping me for my driving or about getting pulled over. I've been pulled over for improper display while I was sporting those stickers, but that's because my display actually was improper; I need both license plates on, I only had one. Didn't get hassled at all for the stickers, even with how gun-unfriendly this city is.

That much seems like overblown vigilance (read: paranoia).

Not worried about the paint job; car cost less than an awful lot of people's pet rifles around here.

Not wanting guns stolen from your car strikes me as a pretty valid concern; yet at the same time, I can't help but think: Don't... Leave guns... In your car? Simultaneously, in order for me to worry about it, I'd have to see some significant precedent that suggests thieves target pro-gun cars.
No I don't like to advertise...besides my car is new & I don't like the junky sticker look.
I only have a small round NRA sticker on the back window of my CR-V. I don't like putting stickers on my car, but I'm proud to be a member so I make that small exception. I don't leave guns or anything else worth stealing in my car so I'm not worried about someone breaking into it.
No bc I don't want to make a target of the vehicle and I don't put any stickers on the vehicle. Only thing their is Support the Troops ribbon and its magnetic.
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