Do you put firearms or RKBA related stickers on your car or truck?

Do you put gun related stickers, decals, etc on your vehicle?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 35.5%
  • No

    Votes: 263 64.5%

  • Total voters
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Nothing real ovbious but

I really like baiting liberal moonbats !

Back window stickers;
GOAL (Gun Owners Action League)
CZ (A bit esoteric, known only by the faithful),
US flag (A must have !)
US Navy Seabees

Bumper stickers;
UN is UNamerican
and just to really get 'em mad
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I work in a fairy high crime area of Milwaukee. Nothing like putting a sticker on my vehicle that says "I have some neat expensive toys, please break in and help yourself."
only thing that goes on my POS of a car is the CZ country origin identifier used in Europe, for mainly pride of heritage, but also a little CZ-USA publicity. After all, I do own a CZ (for the same reasons).
I have an NRA sticker on a window of my car. I also have an "I love my homeland defense rifle" sticker on the back window of my truck, but it never leaves the county, much less the state. I'm not worried about such things offending any locals.

I have a small oregon firearms federation (OFF) decal on my back window of the subaru. No bumper stickers, nothing goes on the paint.
How do you all handle this?? Do you go incognito or do you proudly state that you are a firearm owner and/or shooting enthusiast.

Loud and proud!!

My Monte Carlo

My Colorado

I advertise for my favorite manufacturer, but if a criminal out there knows what it means, I will be truely surprised...

My pickup -

Rear window "Fight Crime, Shoot Back" superimposed over the business end of a double barrel.

passenger ext.-cab window, a white vinyl outline of a strutting turkey

drivers ext.-cab window, a white vinyl decal of a whitetail in the crosshairs
No, I don't think any of them would stick to the nice layer of dirt that normally covers my vehicle...and I don't want to advertise the fact that there's probably a firearm in it.
On my pickup I've got my NRA rondels on both vent wings, my USMC centered in the back window and my bumper sticker "VEGETARIAN = Old Indian word for lousy hunter". On my SAAB turbo there are no stickers as I drive it like a maniac and don't want to dirty our gun loving brotherhood with my antics. My BMW motorcycle license plate is ME-262.
Baby Glock on Board

Where I live--Los Angeles--putting a "gun-related" sticker on my car would be an invitation to liberal lovingkindness in the form of a keying or tire-puncturing. So goes love, peace, and all that jazz.

"Never let 'em know you're coming."
~Satan, The Devil's Advocate
"Molon Labe" and "RKBA" pasted on the rear window my Element. Does it make me a target? perhaps. But so what? I'm armed!
Driving an Element is what makes you a target. :neener: The stickers help keep you safe. But look at the bright side, at least you're not driving a Scion.

On my pickup I have an NRA decal on the rear window and one on the side window that says "There's nothing in this truck worth getting shot for."

I have an NRA decal on the rear window of my car.
I only have the ones I got in the Army, an AIRBORNE rocker, a RANGER rocker, and my US Army Speccial Forces sticker. I had been pulled over once (for expired tag) and the cop asked me if I was former SF and when I told him yes he said have a good one and here's your license and proof of ins back, not even a writen warning or a ticket. At first he was pissed about the old sticker on the plate as I had forgotton to place the new one on. But he did me a favor.
I do not. My son has a SIG sticker on his truck and you would not believe how many people ask , what does that mean or stand for !!!!!!!
No way. Never gave it much thought until I started shooting competitive skeet. My mentor mentioned that they were very careful not to advertise via vehicle stickers. Car break-ins are a pretty big problem in San Antonio during large events at the National Shooting Complex. Thieves are brazen enough to come onto the grounds and clandestinely mark vehicles for break-in later.
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