What makes Hoppes smell so good?

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I love IPA and the smell of hops just rubbed on my hands.
My faavorite is one I make that is alot like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

Anyway, there is very strong neuro connections between smaell and memory.
Smells have the power to bring very clear visual images even ones that are decades old.
If you're suffering from heavy metal toxicity.... would swallowing a tablespoon of Hoppes fix the problem?

hmmmmm.... time to contact NEJM.

In all honesty, I don't know what it is about Hoppes that I like. Something about the smell just seems manly.
amyl acetate. Another word for it is Banana oil. The new formula obviously no longer contains nitrobenzene, but still has the amyl acetate.
I think I like it just for the mental associations. Every time I smell it I am reminded of my dad, who taught me how to use the stuff when I was little.

Good memories. Wife hates the smell though.
I have a couple of bottles of "old formula" sitting on the shelf - don't use it , it is there for special occasion. Just like a fine bottle of wine ,it gets better with age. And perhaps more expensive ? ;)
Uh-oh, so the new Hoppes doesn't smell like the old? Must I be saving my old bottle for sentimental reasons and get a new one for cleaning my gun?

Oh, dear. Another "they don't make 'em like they used to"....

First, the bad news about RIG disappearing and now this. Part of shooting is the smell of Dad at the workbench and my great-grandfather's tools. I've been using ancient Hoppes and RIG. Looks like they ought to go on the dresser with the bottle of Joy perfume now.
Isoamyl acetate

When I was a boy scout long ago, the shooting instructor at my summer scout camp said of that stuff "it may smell good, but if you get even the slightest amount of it into you, it'll make you whistle without using your mouth."

That was a good reason to not taste-test it.
I thought they added wintergreen to it to get that unique aroma. Perhaps not, but frankly, I don't care. It's not the most effective cleaner I use, but I use it all the time 'cause it's the smell of guns. :)
I think that the smell just reminds you of good times. I always hear people saying that it smells like crap! I don't think so.
"smells good yes.. tastes good no"

I have to concur, and reminded myself of that out just this evening. I was happily scrubbing away with a saturated toothbrush, not paying the least attention to where the backsplatter was going...right into my Pearl beer. (Yes, they still make Pearl beer.) Not being one to waste beer, I quickly learned that pleasing aroma aside, 'nanner oil' or whatever it is is not compatible....:barf:
Hoppe's Stinx

seriously, you think it smells good? i wish there was something i could use that was odorless. that crap stinks up my whole apartment.
Yup, I agree. Sounds like you need to use Hoppe's Elite. Not much smell at all and what there is is not offensive. I could use it in the kitchen if I'd a mind to. And I found it by asking on here, don'tcha know.:D Ask on here and ye shall receive.:D
If they made it into a airfreshener like the little pine trees I would get a ton of them.

You won't need the air freshener if you knock the bottle over and it spills all over the garage floor! :banghead:

Of course when I walked in two hours later I thought I really did have a Hoppes air freshener in there. :)

The local gun store where I bought my AR-15 has such a strong odor of Hoppes #9 in the air that it almost chokes you when you walk in the door!

Can't believe you guys missed this one.

"Can you smell that, that Hoppes smell, the whole hill?"
"I love the smell of Hoppes in the morning..... smells like victory."
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