what would it take?

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Feb 27, 2009
IF an attempt on obama's (or any well known politician/celebrity's) life was stopped by a citizen with a CCW (the specifics being unimportant), or the next mass murderer was stopped early in his rampage by a citizen with a CCW, or some situation similar would it even make the news? would this help to sway the opinion or would it be looked over?

I guess I am just curious what it would take for some of this BS to turn around...
The CCW person would be chastised for risking the "welfare of the public" with his/her reckless disregard of their actions.

[Reporter looking at the camera with a flabergasted/annoyed facial expression]"Even though the situation turned out positive this time, it probably won't next time. We all hope next time that this vigilante will leave situations like this to the professionals with the proper training, such as the police".
It wouldn't make a lick of difference to the people who don't think you should be allowed to own any firearm. I suspect the Brady Bunch would be decidedly silent though. Or, like Nugilum says, it'd be spun to make the hero into a pariah.
Well, you remember what happened after the CCW holder stopped that would-be mass murderer at her church in Colorado, right?

Every single media outlet that I know of just had to add that she had previously been employed as a security guard/police officer/whatever and they opined that was the only reason she had the fortitude and experience to handle such a situation as she did.

It didn't seem to matter that at the time she acted as a licensed concealed carrier and civilian to defend the lives of her fellow parishioners. It didn't even matter that without her state-issued license (excepting places like VT and AK), she wouldn't even have had access to the means to defend herself - regardless of experience.
It happen last year in Colorado, the woman at the church. The would be coward went to a church group shot them up and went to the next. She tagged him twice and the he shot himself. She fell off into history and for the life of me I cant remember her name. The really odd thing is I remember the name
voo Trang. Guess it just matters who gets the press....right. Thats sad.
I guess I am just amazed that the heroes fall into the backround while the criminals are thrown into the forefront and get all the attention they could ever want.
No one knows.

That's the problem with theoretical questions like this, there's no answer.

What is sure is that the pro-RKBA side would tout it.
I think we'd be amazed at the actual number of times CCW has saved lives if the stats were compiled and published.
Surely you're not suggesting that we stage and foil an attempt on the President's life simply to sway public opinion? :D

Why would you post something like that on a public forum even in jest? :rolleyes:
No one with a CCP would get close to the prez to defend him(now that is a bad thought). Even is one was to fire at a sniper you would instantly be targeted by the Secret Service personel and probably shot. We went to Hendersonville, NC and President Bush came in. I was carrying and stayed outside the perimeter but my son went in, lol-climbed a tree, and was about fifty feet from him. We kept him in sight and could see the prez but were well out of effective range. The buildings were covered with sharp shooters, helicopters ranging overhead, and the crowd was well checked going in. wc

Good video. If it stopped the attacker, who cares if it only wounded him? At least the other news anchor gets it.

Thats the one I was thinking of, I still didn't catch the name. What ever happen, was there a civil suit?
Hillary Clinton made campaign appearances in Maine last year. I went to one out of curiosity and to score local political points. There were metal detectors at the door, but the building she spoke in was a big old sieve with many windows and other entryways. Still, I didn't carry. Nevertheless, I conducted a few experiments to see just how close I could get to the leftwitch without being screened by her advance people. The answer, surprisingly, was, "not very." Maybe five yards at one point. Certainly pistol distance, but not for many would-be assassins. And her three little Chippendales with the earpieces covered her pretty well. It seemed the people allowed to get thisclose were all pre-screened -- interesting lesson. No, I don't think a concealed carrier would ever be in position to defend a national public figure like the obamination from an assassin; the ones allowed to get close are vetted, and any likely successful attempt using a firearm (and why use a firearm at all?) would be at distance, Lee Harvey-style. Even then, the SS is much better at protecting their package these days. HRC didn't exit the building immediately after the event, despite waiting crowds. I'm still not entirely sure how she got out to her transportation. Perhaps she donned her invisibility cloak.
It didn't even matter that without her state-issued license (excepting places like VT and AK), she wouldn't even have had access to the means to defend herself -

Not necessarily true Colorado is an open carry state

She tagged him twice and the he shot himself.

She was carrying an M-9 with a 10-round magazine and she unloaded it on the guy. Then he shot himself

She fell off into history and for the life of me I cant remember her name.

Jean Assam, and they occasionly run news clips about her here in the Springs. Last I heard she was applying for a position with CSPD.

The really odd thing is I remember the name voo Trang.

I have no idea who Voo Trang is but the guy that tried to shoot up New Life was named Matthew Murray
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