What's the best war movie ever made?

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
The recent threads on good war movies got me thinking - which is absolutely THE best war film? You're allowed to choose only one, based on historical accuracy, cinematography, realism, plot, etc. Which do you think is the very best?

For myself, I have to vote for Gettysburg. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that was so faithful to history, so magnificently cast, and so wonderfully detailed. I watch it a couple of times a year, and am always moved by it.

What's your nomination?
Starship Troopers:neener:

Oh you said best war movie, not best bad war movie.

I've probably seen fewer "classical" war movies, but my favorites are Saving Private Ryan and Braveheart.
I've become addicted to Blackhawk Down and watch it at least once a week to fuel my flame against the UN and their "thumb up our bum" rules of engagement.
I don't know much about 13th century warfare or history, but here's my vote, English subtitles and all. John

Alexander Nevsky(1938)

"Sergei Eisenstein's landmark tale of Russia thwarting the German invasion of the 13th century was wildly popular and quite intentional, given the prevailing Nazi geopolitical advancement and destruction at the time. It can still be viewed as a masterful use of imagery and music, with the Battle on the Ice sequence as the obvious highlight. Unfortunately, the rest of the film pales in comparison. A great score by Prokofiev was effectively integrated by the Russian filmmaker, but stands on its own merit as well."

The 1943-ish movie, "Air Force". A pretty good job of depicting Pearl Harbor and the air war in the Pacific.

Still, I think my father's comment holds: "They'll never make an accurate war movie. They can't bring in the smell of a battlefield."

"We Were Sodiers" is my thoughts. It was accurate and also showed the impact on the families at home.
"Band of Brothers" should not be overlooked. Byron
Best or ones I liked....

The Patriot
Blackhawk Down
We Were Soldiers
Saving PRivate Ryan
Band of Brothers

I'll think of others


I knew I'd think of some more...

Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Memphis belle
Gods and Generals
Patton :)D )

If you love Gettysburg, and haven't seen it, you must see Gods and Generals . It's just as good, in my opinion.

My vote for best war movie would have to go to Band of Brothers , even though it is technically a mini-series. It still counts though, right?


Best portrayal of small-unit leadership in film.

Chard: The army doesn't like more than one disaster in a day.
Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.

(Alright. Nobody told you to stop working.)
Although it's not technically not a movie, I'd have to say Band of Brothers hands down.

EDIT: Frank, I just read your post. Good minds think a like I guess.
Ok. Dr. Strangelove...... but I'm a warped individual.

For 'real' war movies, you have to categorize them

Naval -
'Das Boot'.
'The Enemy Below'.

for starters.
I'm still thinking on this. I guess I like epics.

It's not your typical shoot-'em-up action flick, but how about the best movie of 1962, Lawrence of Arabia.


"Although it seems to be a traditional narrative film - like "Bridge on the River Kwai," which Lean made just before it, or "Doctor Zhivago," which he made just after - it actually has more in common with such essentially visual epics as Kubrick's "2001" or Eisenstein's "Alexander Nevsky." "

- Roger Ebert


The Lost Battalion...I'm stuck in WWI it seems.

"Without the extreme violence and profanity of "Saving Private Ryan" or "Black Hawk Down", Mulcahy's film achieves a higher level of cinematic and emotional success than either of its modern counterparts." - from a review
How about "Glory" - Civil War flick with Matthew Broderick and Denzel Washington (his first Academy Award for best supporting actor). Some good battle scenes and a great musical score.

And, despite their anti-war messages, surprised no body mentioned "Born on the Fourth of July," "Deer Hunter" (for Christopher Walken's Oscar performance at the least), and "Platoon."

Does "M.A.S.H." count?
Hamburger Hill
Gods and Generals
We Were Soldiers
Band Of Brothers
Apocalypse Now
Sergeant York (old WW1 black and white movie I like it)
Deer Hunter
Black Hawk Down

Just to name a few.
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