What's the best....

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BP Hunter

Jan 9, 2006
OK, I have a dilemna. My wife is not into guns. She has nothing againt my collection of guns, my carrying wherever we go and even arming myself at home. She actually encourages my 10 year old daughter to go shooting with me. She has gone shooting with me only once. She shot a a Walther 22LR that she could not hit anything with. But she scored really well with my DPMS 16.5" barrled M4. I have taught her how to charge the M4 and use it. She actually bought me a Benelli Nova tactical 18.5" barrel recently because I had no "Italian" made gun. She has cycled the Benelli because I forced her how to use it.

I have asked her countless of times to come out with me so she could learn how to defend herself when I am not at home. But she refuses. My question is: what is a good HD weapon for a person who has very little experience with firearms?

Thanks for your inputs!
I tried a lot of different guns with my wife and she finally settled on the Kel Tec P32. She likes it, it's green - her favorite color, it doesn't have much recoil, it's simple, and she's accurate with it.

She will never love guns, so the above is the best I can do. And, ultimately, if it's the best I can do - I can live with it.
Think of the most basic functions that are on a firearm (safety, trigger, action if not auto). Now think of what the most basic common sense action would be to work any of those functions. When I think of absolute bare bones HD weapon, I think shotgun. And the barest of the bare in my opinion is the double barrel. Single trigger, simple safety, hammerless in my opinion (in the heat of the moment, it's possible to forget to cock a hammer). Granted capacity is limited, but what good is 7+ rounds if the persons brain can't work the gun under stress anyway.

Edit* A good DA revolver or grip-safety pistol would be good too. Grab, grip, and squeeze being the theme.
If she refuses, she refuses. Learn to take the hint. Even if you're doing this because you love her and hate the thought of anything bad happening to her, back off and let her make her own decision.

When she's ready, she'll be ready. Until then, stop trying to push the issue. Let her know that it's a topic that concerns you, and let her know that when she's ready to learn more about it or get some type of training, you'll give her all the assistance she needs to make that happen. Then drop it and walk away. Trust me.
Thanks for your inputs. I am thinking of a Remington Sportsman short stock 20 gauge semiauto. Just rack and rock. But I was also thinking of installing a lazer so all she'd need to do was to point the laser to the zombie.
A dog, cell phone, can of mace and a stun gun.

Oh - and a female friend who shoots.

If it has to be a gun I'd probably go with a 22lr handgun even though she shot the Walther poorly. I shoot the Walther poorly too. A 20 gauge shotgun would be a good choice too providing you let her pick it out. The Remington may or may not be a good fit and that might sour her to shotguns.
If you are having problems with Zombies
Might I suggest a reputable witch doctor or Voodoo priest/priestess

as for your wife, saying
"come to the range so I can teach you how kill people, because someday, maybe, you might have too"

Yeah, cell phone and a dog.
But, if you address it as,
"I want you to learn how to handle the guns, I know that you don't really like them, But, I want to make sure that you are safe, and understand how to stay safe with these guns.

And then go on to explain that IGNORANCE is deadly when firearms are involved.
Also, have you suggested that she come to the range to pass you fresh mags, and load etc. you know, cause even if she isn't shooting, you are "Spending time together", and if she objects, compare an outing to the range to shopping. It's a win, the next time she wants to shop, your out of it if she didn't bother to come to the range.
So let me get this straight - you're willing to basically ignore the wishes of a wife who (even though she obviously doesn't like guns) encourages your carrying of a gun and taking your daughter shooting with you, just because you think she should have something to grab in case of a break-in.

Classy. :rolleyes:
Even if you showed her how to use a gun she would probably be unwilling to use it to defend herself. That would be my guess from what you described.
Taser? Pepper spray?

I agree with the other posters - I wouldn't push to hard if it's obvious she's not into it.
A sawed off single shot shotgun. Show her how to load and fire it. Leave it in the bedroom. Show her where you put the shells.
Yes, a double barreled 20 gauge shotgun would be nice. My LGS has one...hmmmm
Self defense starts with attitude not tools. Some people are born victims and will go like lambs to the slaughter.
You might not be the best person to introduce your wife to firearms.

Give her a chance to learn with other teachers, perhaps a firearms introductory class for women if she's interested.

Here's a firearms site oriented towards women with a ton of excellent information.


I recommend you read the chapter on men introducing firearms to their wives.

Yes, a double barreled 20 gauge shotgun would be nice.

For you, or for your wife?

I'm honestly curious - why keep pushing if you've already ascertained she's not interested? What do you hope to gain by shoving your opinion that she must be armed and must be willing to use it down her throat?
kingpin008: I'm missing the part where he's gonna FORCE her to use it. As I understand it, he wants a firearm in the house that should she feel the need to use it, will be easy enough for her to grab and go. I understand that thinking perfectly. My fiance isn't a gun nut, but she has no problem with mine. She goes to the range with me on occasion, but usually just to watch. I have a 12ga pump mounted on her side of the bed that she knows how to use and is comfortable with, and that makes me feel 100% more comfortable that the option is there should she want to take it.
B1gGr33n - You may be right, but based on some of the wording in his original post:

She has cycled the Benelli because I forced her how to use it.


I have asked her countless of times to come out with me so she could learn how to defend herself when I am not at home. But she refuses.

I wonder if that's really the case. To me, it sounds like she's given her answer, and he doesn't want to accept it. That seems to be the case here as well - a few of us have recommended either dropping the matter or finding her some sort of unarmed self defense class, yet he ignores those comments, responding only to the ones suggesting different firearms. Once again, that sounds like someone who knows what he wants to hear and will selectively respond until someone chimes in with the right answer.
OK, OK...I must have used the words wrong. I guess I mean to say that I have INVITED her many times to teach her how to shoot. There were no physical or verbal force to get her to shoot with me. Believe me, us married men, know very well that you cannot FORCE your wife to do anything if they do not want to.

kingpin008: I'm missing the part where he's gonna FORCE her to use it. As I understand it, he wants a firearm in the house that should she feel the need to use it, will be easy enough for her to grab and go. I understand that thinking perfectly. My fiance isn't a gun nut, but she has no problem with mine. She goes to the range with me on occasion, but usually just to watch. I have a 12ga pump mounted on her side of the bed that she knows how to use and is comfortable with, and that makes me feel 100% more comfortable that the option is there should she want to take it.

B1gGr33n nailed my thoughts.
Tell her you love her and respect her wish's. Leave a 38 revolver where she can get it, tell her where it's at, tell her all she has to do is( pick it up point and pull the trigger). Then drop the subject and don't bring it up again.
BP - I guess what I'm wondering is why it has to be a gun. A huge part of effective self defense with a firearm is practicing and being familar with it. If your wife has expressed such an unwavering refusal to learn to shoot, why bother pursuing it?

Get her involved in some other means of defense - then, once she has some skills and a better understanding of why they're important to have, remind her that you're still willing to show her how to use firearms if she wants to add another level of skills to her self defense repetoire.
I wonder if that's really the case. To me, it sounds like she's given her answer, and he doesn't want to accept it. That seems to be the case here as well - a few of us have recommended either dropping the matter or finding her some sort of unarmed self defense class, yet he ignores those comments, responding only to the ones suggesting different firearms. Once again, that sounds like someone who knows what he wants to hear and will selectively respond until someone chimes in with the right answer.

The funny thing in this post is that I actually did not get the answer I was looking for - what is the best HD weapon???

I wasn't asking for how to deal with my wife, I think I know how to do that.
You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.

It is enough that she supports your interests and basically knows how to unload / load a gun. Forcing her to do something is just going to make her dislike what you are doing. Something will happen that will cause her to want to learn more about guns, but until SHE decides it is enough that you have a good relationship and no static about hobby's and so forth.

To your other question, the less moving parts the better. A double barrel or single shot 20gauge or .410 is easy to use, powerful, and simple. I would go that direction. Or some other basic revolver, pump shotgun direction.


My wife was like yours. She tolerated / was supportive of firearms. Then, a few years ago, at 4:00am a guy was running around in our back yard. That totally changed her thought process, she admitted she was happy to have a gun in the house, that she might need to use one and so forth. Reading fiction / non-fiction books that have a self defense type theme might help.
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