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When you carry do you...

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moby clarke

Aug 13, 2004
try to leave your gun hand empty? It seems that when we go out shopping and such I always pick up the bags with my gun hand and then switch after realizing my mistake. It further complicated the matter now that I have a 10 month old daddy's girl who loves to be carried sans the car seat. What do you all do?
its not always possible to keep it empty, so i try to at least make sure whatever is in it wont be damaged if i have to drop it. besides, unless you are carrying a kid, chances are you'd drop whats in both hands to get to your weapon.
Yes, as often as possible. If I am carrying something in my gun hand, I mentally prepare myself for having to drop it or throw it.
Part of a conversation with a detective friend some years ago:

Cop: Boy, I thought things were going bad and I had a grocery bag in each arm so I couldn't get to my gun.

Me: Why didn't you just drop the bags?

Cop: Well something might have broken and my wife would have killed me.

Me: Your wife probably would not have really killed you, but a bad guy might have.

Nope, but it only takes me a split second to drop whatever im holding. Most likely im going to drop whatevere i have period, regardless of what hand it is in.
The guys I shoot with and I have done scenarios where you are carrying something and have to drop it to get your gun. I think it's a good thing to practice, at least a couple of times.
It's worth noting that in the "ever dropped your CCW" thread, they generally fell into two categories: Dropped while in the bathroom and belt was undone, or dropped while carrying something... often slowly enough they could feel it slipping, but couldn't do anything about it because their hands were full.
My army years conditioned me to keep my right hand free to salute. Old habits die hard, so my right hand is usually empty to this day. Fortunately, I am right-handed.
i wouldn't be surprised if just about everyone disagrees with me, but i'm totally against the quick-draw mentality.

if something happens, odds are about 99% my first action is going to be to run like hell for cover.

after i get behind cover, my NEXT action will be to start looking for cover that's much further away.

primarily, this would give me time to think, and make sure i'm not doing anything knuckleheaded. but a side effect is that it would give me time to drop whatever i'm holding and all that other stuff.

if the first two don't pan out, oh well.
I always try to keep my right hand free, even if I am not carrying.
I am faster to react with that hand.
I can catch myself if I fall faster with that hand and I can hit much faster with that hand.
Yes, it took a while but I always keep my stong hand empty.
I also had to teach my wife to walk on my weak side when walking together.
I keep the gun hand empty.

I always TRY like H E Double Hockey Sticks to keep my gun hand empty...or at least if I am carrying something in that hand, I can drop it like a hot potato, and not care.

I keep my backup gun on my weak side, and it is accessible by either hand, so I remain cogent of that too.

Often times, when walking to and from car in late evening, I have my hand on an Airweight Bodyguard in my windbreaker pocket. Yes...even in Phoenix in August...you can wear an UNLINED windbreaker, and the Bodyguard has the "hump-back" profile concealing all but the tip of the hammer.

Another favorite is to carry a HOT cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate in my left hand. On one occaision I was confronted in a parking lot of a convenience store by a couple of scumbags asking for a cigarette. I don't smoke and told them so. Next they asked for money. I believe my reply was a suggestion that they find gainful employment, with whichto supplement their begging income...or something similarly sensitive.

The loudest one squared off and told me he was going to "kick my fat a**".

I stepped back a little, yelled "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME" (So the witnesses would remember that when the cops showed up), he took one step forward, and got a faceful of hot coffee right in the face.

Then his partner got his mullett grabbed and the rest of him slammed into the ice machine.

I called 911, and when Phoenix PD showed up...everyone said I was acccosted, and was defending myself. :evil:

But, at 6'4" and 400lbs...I normally don't get hassled,I walk with a purpose, head held high, always scanning, and looking anyone I see RIGHT DEAD IN THE EYE. I let them know that this Grizzley Bear will bite any wolf or coyote on the prowl right in the rump roast.

Works on the little gang banger wannabes you are likely to run into around here.
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