I've heard about those ADs with GLOCKs as well. It's the only thing keeping me from getting one. Does anyone know if that's just a rumor, or if there is some base of truth to this? (I've also heard about GLOCK KBs, and was wondering if that was a rumor as well)
I don't like Glocks because of how easy the thing can go off with 4 lbs of trigger pull. Heck, that's only a pound more than I adjust my hunting rifles. Any lighter on those rifles and I can't properly feel the sear with gloves on.
I'm sure there's a little hype and exaggeration to some of the AD stories from guys that hate plastic, but I'm also sure there are ADs considering the number of agencies that carry the things and the minimal training some of their cops get.
If I carried one, there'd be one of those plastic safety things behind the trigger, forget what they're called and too lazy to google it. It's a red thing that snaps in behind the trigger and will not allow trigger movement, but will pop out with a push of the index finger. That seems like a good safety compromise if you just love Glocks. They make some nice sized guns in about every caliber. The G19 is a nice sized double stack 9, the G30 and 36 in .45ACP are impressively compact in a powerful caliber. But, I prefer a real DAO. If I was an auto kinda guy (prefer revolvers for outdoors, SA at that), I'd probably carry a G20 in the field. I've fired one, nice gun, light recoil for such a powerful (10mm) round. It's an acceptably accurate gun to 50 yards, too.
If I ever do go with a glock, another thing I'd add is the 8 lb "New York" trigger spring, for safety reasons. It'd be a little more like a DAO with an 8 lbs trigger, even though it's an awfully short trigger travel. I'm an old revolver guy and a true DAO is comforting to me knowing I can shoot it well, just draw and fire, yet it's ready for action and safe as safe gets in a pocket holster.
And, before some Glockster says "safety is between the ears", I'll just add that it don't hurt to have some hardware safety in the gun to go along with the between the ears thing. No one should carry a gun that doesn't know safe gun handling, I don't care what design, but a safe design is a desirable thing to me.