Who else is gettting fed up with the "their coming to get our guns" emails,

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Jan 29, 2009
threads etc? I mean this has been going on for over a year now, give me a break.

It seems like every other day a friend or someone is emailing me another one of the gov. grand, master, uber, plans for taking my weapons. ENOUGH!:cuss::banghead:

I have now given everyone on my mailing list notice that unless they have proof to quit sending these stupid emails. I also encourage them to join a gun related forums such as this one since it will be the first to let everyone know if anything is really going on, or not.

How about you guys, fed up yet?
Couple of thoughts:

1. Nobody is putting a gun to your head forcing you to read them. I get dozens of junk spam mails to my various inboxes every day and I simply delete them.

2. Thank goodness there are people that actually care about gun rights in this country enough to continue to try to sound the alarm.

3. Ask the people in England, Australia, Canada, or any number of other areas in the world where gun rights are an afterthought and have no strength anymore if they were prepared or thought the loss of their gun rights would ever happen.

4. If Durbin, Feinstein, Kerry, Lautenberg, Burris, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Schumer, Bloomberg, and any number of other idiot liberal politicians had a whiff that Gun control could get through, they would be after it like stink on a monkey. Thank goodness they are all too busy screwing the country over in 40 other ways right now! (Republicans have been no better I might add)

5. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, if you stay up on gun rights issues on a regular basis, then you will know what the current state of affairs is, and therefore you won't have to worry about these "emails" that come on a daily basis. I get them as well, but I don't get excited about it because I know what the situation is with gun control in my state and I have a pretty good idea what is happening on the federal level.

Stay aware, get active, do your part to fight gun control, but I wouldn't worry about something like receiving "too many" gun confiscation emails.

Just my $.02.:rolleyes:
The misguided anti-gun crowd would love to see all firearms out of the hands of civilians. If we don't rattle cages this fall, there is a good chance we will lose some ground, especially with the current administration.

Not everyone can be articulate when it comes to hot button issues. There is some truth in the "they're coming to get your guns" statement. The folks in England, Australia, Canada, Mexico & a host of other countries are prime examples of what can happen if alarms aren't raised. So, if it means having to read one more rant about "them", I do so gladly.
Since I have been born there has been nothing but give by gun owners, to live in some fairy tale land that doesn't want to move to further disarm me is a little naive.
What few inroads there are were gained by mass protests and awareness of the threats to our gun rights.
X-Rap is right.

Still, the flood of e-mails can become a "boy who cried wolf" problem, doing more harm than good.

What I got REALLY fed up with, though, wasn't the e-mails about guns, it was buying a Ruger and seeing what looked a long e-mail stamped on top of the barrel.:D

Maybe I'll get one, grind it smooth and have it professionally engraved, along the whole top of the barrel:
Don't shoot yourself with this, you stupid bastard.
Maybe I'll get one, grind it smooth and have it professionally engraved, along the whole top of the barrel:
Don't shoot yourself with this, you stupid bastard.
You are on to something. Keep barrell pointed away from face or maybe manufacturers should recommend "Fife Mode" wich means weapons should be carried unloaded and a single round placed in the front shirt pocket for when it is needed.

Seriouisly though, thats what spam filters are for.
I sometimes also get tired of the "Chicken Little" routine. A think a little dillegence is necessary. But don't "cry wolf " too many times. The second ammenendment will not get repealed. 2/3 majority in congress to do it!!!!! We are not the UK, Australia,Canada or Mexico. No one is going to take your guns away from you. They might restrict you from getting a certain type. This parenoia is sometimes fanned too much. HTH.
The one that bugs me the most is the HR45 one. If anyone honestly thinks that a bill that was introduced with no cosponsors and died an abrupt and entirely expected death in committee is the BIGGEST THREAT EVAH to the 2A, they need a CT of the head.
Yeah, I'm tired of it too. I get it mostly through an otherwise useful mailing list, that I'm not willing to unsubscribe from.
They might restrict you from getting a certain type. This parenoia is sometimes fanned too much. HTH.
Yea that was done once nationally and still holds in more than enough states.
Lets quit fooling ourselves, if it weren't for the continued vigilance from mainly one pro 2A organization we would likely be much closer to the other countries in the world.
All these solicitations and E-Mails would probably not be necessary or warranted if everyone who owned the 230 million plus firearms in America would help to pull the wagon.
That's what I get tired of.
Hey, at least people are worrying about losing their rights. Some of the e-mails may be BS but as long as some people are worried then it will help keep our politicians honest (of course that's a relative standard).
I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I'm also sick of seeing the "Tax Form" scare appear daily in every gun board I visit.

Its not these outrageous "laws" we need to worry about anyway. The ones that will take away your guns, or tax them or the ammo out of existence are nothing to be afraid of.

They won't write them, because they know if they do, that will be the proverbial straw, and they won't survive the backlash. Chipping away is the only way to succeed for them. Luckily we chipped back a bunch recently.
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Perhaps a Sticky with known "Myth Emails" about gun control would be good, a la Snopes.com?

I got duped with a years-old USA Today poll just last week. I was embarrassed after I posted it and found out from other posters it was an old survey that continues to make the rounds.
I agree with the "chicken little", and "the boy who cried wolf" analogy.

And, no, nobody's putting a gun to my head to read them, but when you get a new gun scare email with a different spin, you want to be sure its not real, so you do the search only to find that it to was another rumor.

What really pisses me off is that most come from gun groups wanting more money, which in itself wouldn't be bad, but its just wrong to make up scare stories, and half truths just to get your dough.

Also, I do agree that when the potentate gets through screwing us the topic of gun control will come up, but it will also be all over the news channel.

I hope we never see the day we loose our rights forever, but to keep crying "Wolf" is only turning more people away than towards our cause.
I don't get these types of emails from friends. But, that's probably because I don't have any friends...
Fear sells.

It's what gets people to donate money, to go to the polls, to talk with their friends. As a short-term tactic, it's hard to beat.

But eventually, even the true believers get sick of it. And long before then, everyone else gets tired of hearing the ranting.

And it is really dangerous to completely over-do it. Not just the 'boy who cried wolf' analogy, but something even worse: you become a crank, and even your allies start to mock you. It's a long-term way to ruin your political capital and empower your enemies.

Yeah, remain vigilant. But please, please, please recognize who is actually your friend and who is just trying to get into your wallet.

Jim D.
They are coming you know. They will never stop. They will never give up. They will wait until we let down our guard and then move quickly. If it were not for the NRA and other hard working effective organizations, they would have our guns by now. That you can believe.

Yeah it'd be nice if we were not bombarded with inaccurate accounts of threats, and we can help control that (or I try to help control that) by responding to those who send me stuff by giving them accurate information. But while some stories and examples may not be true, the basic premise is true ... they are coming to take our guns and only by staying alert and supporting those organizations like NRA that represent gun owner's rights can we hope to hold them at bay.
The emails keep coming because IT IS TRUE. Please don't be complacent about our rights to bear arms. There are those who tirelessly work to see the day when good citizens lose the right to pro-actively protect themselves by being armed.

Just look at Canada, England, etc...

Don't let your guard down!!! Fight for our rights as FREE MEN. Remember that the second amendment makes all the other amendments possible in the Bill of Rights possible.
The anti-gun crowd is VERY loud, but in the minority.

Results from opinion polls, including some comparisons to the same questions asked decades ago:
I abbreviated the questions. My comments in red.

Gallup: Should the law ban handguns, except police and other authorized persons?
1959: Yes 60%. No 36%.
2009: Yes 28%. No 71%. Hmm, that majority sure flipped over.

Gallup: Should gun laws covering firearm sales be more strict, or less strict, or kept the same?
1990: More 78%. Less 2%. Same 17%
2009: More 44%. Less 12%. Same 43% So did that one.

Gallup: Do you have a gun in your home?
2003: Yes 43%. No 57%.
2009: Yes 40%. No 56%. Hasn't really changed.

AP: Do current laws infringe upon the public’s right to bear arms?
2009: Yes 55%. No 40%. Current opinion greatly in our favor.

CNN: Does the second amendment apply to individuals, or citizen-militias?
2009: Individual 77%. Citizen-Militia 21% Apparently 21% refused to read DC v. Heller.

And so forth.

Now, some of you are going to bash the sources. AP, CNN, Gallup, etc.
You would be missing the point: We got more people on our side than they got on their side!
In the VERY unlikely chance they do "come to get our guns" we won't hear about it first in an obscure email or forum post. It will come after months and years of raucous, shrill debate in Congress and litigation in Federal Court. It won't be a secret.
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