Why are gun owners such pessimists????

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Jul 10, 2003
Every time there is a big legislative showdown, it seems like gun owners show their true colors---down in the dumps blue and chronic depression gray.

Legions of them predict doom and gloom and failure and defeat and confiscation.

One of the most popular games seems to be who can come up with the most outlandish conspiracy theory about how the NRA will sell us all out this time.

To be perfectly honest, it's my opinion that lots of gun owners owe it to themselves and the world to get a pistol and load one round in it and do the right thing for the rest of us, judging from the pessimism and depression I've read on this board and other web sites during the S.1805 debate.

Why is that gun owners seem to love moaning and bitching and grousing and whining and predicting bad things as much as they like to shoot?

What is with that mindset?

How is it that folks who are supposed to know the value of self-defense, and supposed to know the value of a proactive, never-give-in mindset produce this many negative whiners??????

What the Hell is that?

All I know is the antis don't seem nearly so glum, which is their strength and, likely, their stategy. When they get enough gun owners to fold, they win.
I think that mostly it's the way we are having to fight, for something that shouldn't have been infringed upon in the first place and we just get so sick and tired of having these people continue to attack us when it should be a moot point anyway.

But, I have noticed that many times alot "give up the fight". I used to be that way but I just jumped into the cause even deeper.

Its is hard to keep a positive mindset when it appears that the odds are so stacked against you. Its like a solider going into battle, you go and fight the best fight you can, but you do not necessarily expect to make it out alive.

The left has done an excellent job of vilifying us and our passion for firearms. After years of media bombardment about how all guns are evil and all people that own them are neo-nazi wakkos, a large portion of the American public now believes that all the crap they have been fed is true and from their actions, its seems to me that is the way that our government wants it to be.

People can say what they want, but in my opinion the NRA has sold us out and continues to do so. Heston is a buffoon and embarrasses all gun owners. I mean holding a rally in Colorado right after the Columbine shootings?!? What a public relations nightmare. The NRA’s willingness to discuss the possibility of restriction of firearms rights such as registration of guns or their owners, mandatory trigger locks or so-called smart-gun devices, etc. only weakens our position which should be “we have the right to keep and cear ALL arms period end of story, we will except nothing lessâ€.

Even if by some act of sheer luck we do take a step forward for second amendment rights, it seems that our step is often blocked or at least delayed. Look at what happened in Missouri. They fought for years to get concealed carry passed. They finally get a majority of their state government to agree and a few bad eggs file lawsuits and delay the whole thing. Granted, it appears that particular battle has finally been won, but it is still disheartening.

I have seen some people talking here about how the death of the lawsuit bill with the AWB rider attached earlier this week is a good thing. While I agree that squashing the AWB amendment is a good thing, the fact that we lost the lawsuit bill is horrible. How long do you think these gun companies will stay in business in the US if they are constantly having to defend themselves in huge court battles? And if you think that the AWB will not be attached to 100 more bills between now and September, then you are kidding yourself.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Because all it takes is one vote in DC and one signature and myself and nearly everyone I know is either going to prison or the grave under federal orders. Roll the dice enough and it will probably happen.
Are we talking political pessimism? If so, it's because when the Republicans are in power our gun rights, at best, are restricted ever so slightly. And when its the Democrats in power they just seem to go for the thoat, trying to ban whatever they can. So, no matter who is in power the noose gets alittle tighter every year. A better question would be, "what do gun owners have to be optomistic about?"

I will become much more optimistic if the AWB fails to be renewed. I think it would be the first time a gun law was loosened up. (Other than recent liberal state CCL laws.) That would be a great first step. Next step would be to have a powerful political party that really was a gun owners friend. It just feels like we are shoveling against the tide, sometimes.
Wrong. We are going to win.

I honestly think that we are in a culture war and we are starting to win. The tides are turning in our favor. This is much much bigger than guns, this is about the eternal battle between free agency and control.

On the gun front, how many shall issue states are there now? How many ten years ago. I think that CCW is the key to victory in the culture war over guns. When every single fence sitter out there has a cousin, friend, or coworker, who is a normal person, who also happens to carry a gun, it is going to be real hard for that person to be as easily freaked out about the propaganda in the news.

The numbers of CCW holders goes up every single day. Every year we gain more states, until now we are down to a few ultra liberal hold outs.

Information is becoming more readily available for anybody who cares to look. 10 years ago you had network news, and one choice in cable news. 10 years ago you wouldn't have been able to follow the battle in the senate like you were able to on Tuesday. Thank goodness for the internet. Truth and free information are on our side.

Social security is going to implode in a few years, shaking even more people's faith in the all knowing government. You think guns are a controversy, wait until that one blows up.

Personally I think that NRA did a good job. If you think they sold out, fine. Go join another pro gun organization. Quit complaining to everybody else. If you don't like how one organization works, join another one. I get the impression that there are some people here who would much rather attack their allies than their enemies.

We are going to win my friends. Don't doubt it. The battle has joined, so fight!
I think Correia has it right. The expansion of CCW to nearly every state is proof that gun owners do have influence.

If anyone wants to give up, they should at least have the courtesy to wait until after this November.
"You are already of consequence in the world if you are known as a man of strict integrity. If you can be absolutely relied upon; if when you say a thing is so, it is so; if when you say you will do a thing, you do it; then you carry with you a passport to universal esteem." -Grenville Klieser

"A great man is a man who lives great principles. The greatest men the world has ever known were criticized, often bitterly, but they didn't let themselves get discouraged. And this is one of the secrets of their greatness." - Anonymous

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failures, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

Question, do those on the Left utter such words? Do they shudder when we think such things?

Keep up the good fight!

Legions of them predict doom and gloom and failure and defeat and confiscation.
I tend to predict doom and gloom because so many of our own couldnt care less. Gun owners at THR seem to be more of an exception than the rule, even if we and others tied up CSPAN and the Senate Switchboard. Not everyone fights, and not everyone fights all the time. I find fighting an uphill battle continually a little demoralizing, and many others do too.

[tin foil]
What I find interesting is that we have the guns, usually have more guns than them (grabbers and govt), and if a head to head battle took place, we would win. Its just too early to shoot the bastards.:evil:
[/tin foil]*

I just wish we had something to show for this effort besides the from letters from our CongressCritters telling us that they are:

A. Hunters and would never take your shottie away, but your evil puppy-bayonetting cop-shooting rapid-firing-into-a-basketball-team (misnomered) Assault Weapon is fair game.
B. Aware of just how evil guns are, and will see that you rot in Hell for being a gun owning heretic.
C. A moderate supporter of your rights, but will compromise them at the earliest convienience.
D. A dogged supporter of your rights. (We need to see more of these. I would frame the things.)

*This should not be construed as advocating the murder of anyone.
All I know is the antis don't seem nearly so glum, which is their strength and, likely, their stategy. When they get enough gun owners to fold, they win.
I think they're not glum because they're not losing anything. Anything they do is a win. We're trying to keep what we have and maybe gain back what we used to have. It's the difference between swimming and treading water.
All of what artherd said plus I would add these:

A US Supreme Court that will not hear a 2nd Amendment case

A sitting president that has said he would support a renewal of the AWB and closing of the gun show loophole

A fragmented gun owning community which can't put up a united front.(the "whatcha need that fer" hunting and bench rest shooting crowd who sees no use for hi-cap semi-autos.)

The most significant piece of pro-gun legislation to come out of Washington DC since McClure-Volkmer going down in flames as a result of GOP senators voting to add anti-gun amendments.

More states considering their own state versions of AW bans

Not one single piece of anti-gun legislation repealed

I guess you can say CCW in more states is a victory, although in some cases the fee and training costs are so high that some of our less fortunate gun owning brothers and sisters can't afford it.

A U.S. populace that is in general fond and supportive of guns and gun rights, but isn't passionate about their RKBA and are willing to compromise away their RKBA for a little added security.
Heston is a buffoon and embarrasses all gun owners. I mean holding a rally in Colorado right after the Columbine shootings?!? What a public relations nightmare.

Unforunately, if I remember correctly, it was not the NRA's choice when to came to holding/suspending the meeting. They were LEGALLY required to hold it and could have been actually sued if they hadn't.

What the fine, fine Americans like Moore forgot to mention is that the NRA canceled all the 'fun' stuff at the meeting and just did the bare minimum, in deference to the overly emotionally sensitive.

Personally, I think that it's absolutely disgusting that it was even a PR issue to begin with.

As to 'winning the battle'... I honestly don't think we're winning it back with 'conditional-and-restricted right-to-carry'. Only time will tell, I guess.

Once you compromise a moral principle you will forever keep compromising until you don't have anything left.
I am a believer in the adage of "you get what you say."

If you go around saying all the freakin time that you are going to lose and get screwed and that you are helpless and can't do anything about it, then you will lose, you will get screwed, and you won't be able to do anything about it.

What ever you say to yourself over and over becomes your reality.

History be damned!

I refuse to be a psychological victim.

I refuse to let the bastards get me down.

Downhearted, gloom-and-doom gun owners need to read the words of Sir Winston Churchill every time they feel it's hopeless, or they are going to give up.

Just substitute "Feinstein" or "Schumer" for Nazis and Gestapo........and think of Second Amendment or Gun Ownership instead of England.

Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.
Doom & gloom has been prophesised, practiced by the PTB...the writing is on the wall everywhere you look. If you back an armed man up against the wall he starts getting pessimistic. Well they're running the country like a trash compactor. Even non tin foilers are making BOB's and plans.

You're probably right though. It's probably unhealthy to be pessimistic. Being pessimistic isn't going to change anything wether it turn good or bad. chin up.

When I have a good day at the range I feel more optimistic immediately.:rolleyes: :D
I think they're not glum because they're not losing anything. Anything they do is a win. We're trying to keep what we have and maybe gain back what we used to have. It's the difference between swimming and treading water.

This is so, but it is still a strategic benefit that they can demoralize us so easily.
Hillbilly wrote:I am a believer in the adage of "you get what you say."

If you go around saying all the freakin time that you are going to lose and get screwed and that you are helpless and can't do anything about it, then you will lose, you will get screwed, and you won't be able to do anything about it.

What ever you say to yourself over and over becomes your reality.

History be damned!

I refuse to be a psychological victim.

I refuse to let the bastards get me down.


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