Sadly, when we vote on the gun issue (and I'm including both pro- and anti-gun votes), we vote for promises and not results. No politician has ever delivered results on the gun issue. I'm cynical enough to believe this is intentional. Both sides use this as an excuse for mobilization and, above all, for fundraising. If the gun issue was ever "solved" (whatever that means), these activists would lose their livelihoods. What happened regarding the NRA is all too typical. It's just that the NRA insiders got too confident and failed to cover their tracks adequately. Make no mistake, there are still people enriching themselves over guns (both pro and con). (David Hogg has made a career over the blood of his classmates at the Parkland high school. Disgusting.)
Miami said:
And "pragmatically, even in the most anti states, you can get some kind of gun for home SD."
That's certainly true for handguns but except in NYC, in NYS you could get the good ol' shotgun. Even in NYC, when I was a kid, Macy's used to sell long arms. My relatives on Long Island had shotguns. Since most folks weren't into carry - that probably sufficed. I recall an I Love Lucy episode where they were in Westchester and had sporting pumps which they broke out for some home SD. It's only recently in history that we had the handgun push. Note that most permit folks don't actually carry much and train - talk about apathy.
To Alexander A - it is my tin foil hat view that the conservatives on Scotus (and the Dems) are political beasts and titrate major social decisions as to influence elections. Bruen was a reward for gun folks supporting the GOP BUT it was partial reinforcement if you know that term. If the 4 remanded cases and the various TROs and interlocutory appeals were taken with a positive outcome, the issue would be done and GONE from GOP political appeals. Thus, folks who were prone to one issue voting in their weighting might look at the candidates (who are not so appealing on many other dimensions) and vote otherwise. Now, Scotus is supposed to be nonpolitical but a BIG hint is in the behavior and activity of Thomas' and Alito's spouses - they are full bore activists and probably discuss such with them (despite the neutral BS - I'm married - the idea the spouse isn't talking is ridiculous). So they are fully aware of the issues. They partially reinforce the need for gun positive justices with basically trivial issues for us - on drug users or domestic abusers, now ghost guns. None of that gets rid of AWBs - a crucial issue or carry restrictions. Having to register some frame means jack squat compared to the major issues that they aren't dealing with.
It is not clear that the other justices are gung-ho for more gun rights. Not locked in amber is a hint and the shot at Trump with an EBR - might play into their own minds.