Why Aren’t gun owners reliable voters?

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You know I got reprimanded before on this very forum for not staying on topic. I was under the impression that this thread was about gun owners not voting consistently . I must have misread the OP.
Just noticed

It is going to be interesting from now to the election what with Kennedy in the mess too.It seems alot of those who do vote don't like any of the 2 main choices. They now have a 3rd choice. Granted he'll never win, but I bet he does draw alot (millions) of votes from Trump or Kamala.

It is my perception that third party candidates have sapped more votes from Republicans than from Democrats.
Just noticed

It is my perception that third party candidates have sapped more votes from Republicans than from Democrats.
I'm afraid you're right. Alot of votes are going to be siphoned off because of Trump's and Kamala's unpopularity. Wasted is really a better word for it.
It is going to be interesting from now to the election what with Kennedy in the mess too.It seems alot of those who do vote don't like any of the 2 main choices. They now have a 3rd choice. Granted he'll never win, but I bet he does draw alot (millions) of votes from Trump or Kamala.
First of all, RFK Jr., is no friend of gun owners. And, according to the latest polls, he's fading fast -- now polling at 3% while Stein and West are polling at 0% each. What's happening is that the "double haters" are moving toward Harris. Also, RFK Jr. is rapidly running out of money. He may end up endorsing Trump in exchange for a cushy ambassadorship.
Opinions, (mine included) but I feel he may do better than expected.But that is speculation. Judging from past elections that had 3rd party candidates, he will play the role of spoiler. For or to who remains to be seen.
I keep hearing how gun owners, as a whole, are inconsistent voters. I am kinda flabbergasted by that, if true. I guess there are reasons, but I can’t think of good ones.

Well, look at it this way. there are approximately 82 million gun owners in America. Approximately 155 million voted in the last election. Assuming gun owners to be conservatives and/or voting conservatively for gun issues, given the popular vote, we should have won the last Presidential election based on gun owners alone, but we didn't, and a LOT of other people voted with gun who weren't gun owners.

Of course, we don't elect the President based on the popular vote, but a LOT of gun owners either didn't vote or didn't vote Republican.
I'm afraid you're right. Alot of votes are going to be siphoned off because of Trump's and Kamala's unpopularity. Wasted is really a better word for it.

Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face...

Hopefully they at least get exercise, so its not a total waste of time and effort.
Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face...

Hopefully they at least get exercise, so its not a total waste of time and effort.
Or how about "I'll show him, I just won't vote". That pouting gives the "other guy" another vote because your vote didn't cancel out one of his.
Don't assume that the situation with the Supreme Court will remain as is. Although it's practically impossible to remove Supreme Court justices, Congress could trim SC jurisdiction with a simple law (for example, by excluding 2nd Amendment cases). And although justices have lifetime appointments, that doesn't necessarily mean that the lifetime service must be on the Supreme Court. A law could be passed putting justices on "emeritus" or "senior" status after, say, 18 years on the SC bench, or rotating them out to the Circuits.

And don't forget the idea, circulating among conservative circles, for convening an "Article 5 Convention." This could end up giving us an entirely new constitution, even though the proponents swear up and down that it wouldn't. It's doubtful that the 2nd Amendment would survive such a process. (Remember, the only historical precedent we have for this is the original constitutional convention, which was called to "revise the Articles of Confederation." It very quickly exceeded that scope.)
I very much support the Article V process. But as of right now, we have THIS game with THESE rules.
I keep hearing how gun owners, as a whole, are inconsistent voters. I am kinda flabbergasted by that, if true. I guess there are reasons, but I can’t think of good ones.

I did run across one person who said he didn’t want to vote for Trump. I told him that the way I see it, my vote is more for the SCOTUS judges that will be appointed in the next 4 years. Not sure if I swayed him or not.

Any observations one way or another?

For the same reason most groups of people aren't reliable voters.

A general apathy for something they perceive as not really impacting their lives in any direct, measurable way as they go about their daily routine.

Basic human nature.
You cant hardly say "Hooray for our side" if you have no side. I'm no English major, but if a person has apathy is that person apathetic?
This is a repetitive cluster reproductive act of a thread. It boils down to some saying again, again - Wah, Wah - why won't everybody just vote for Trump for guns?

Any subtlety, other issues being of importance just doesn't get through to those types of posts.
I have worked for the same company for 37 years; as a result, I know a lot of people who work for this company.
While working for said company, I have lived in NorCal, SoCal, IL and TX.
Some of the people from CA now work here in the TX office with me.
Two who I can think of are both screaming libs.
Both own ARs, but consistently vote Dem.
I can't convince either of them of their short-sightedness.
And I don't understand it, other than to think they are utterly brainwashed.
“Gun owners” is a very, very diverse group. The groups political leanings are so varied the group is essentially useless.. Google says 83 million people own guns, those 83 million come with very different backgrounds, worldviews, political beliefs. It’s not like we’re talking about THR members.

Think about a study that came to the conclusion the “blue jean wearers” don’t vote consistently. No surprise there either.
I just got the latest issue of the American Rifleman endorsing Trump. Back when I joined the NRA (in the 1960's), the organization was nonpartisan and had clout in both parties.. It was a lot more effective, politically, then. Making the NRA an arm of the Republican Party was a colossal mistake. (Gun owners are taken for granted by the Republicans, who thereafter don't have to actually do anything further to earn their support. This, for example, is why we didn't get a Hearing Protection Act in the early days of the first Trump administration, and why he could say "take the guns first and do due process afterwards.")
I am a gun owner who attends church at least weekly. But I vote consistently. Maybe I'm the odd one?

I wish you were the normal one but the statics say something different. Maybe this nation wouldn't be in the condition it is in now if you were. It looks like the more we are satisfied with a gun in our pocket or faith in or heart the less we vote.
I guess there are reasons,
We tend to be fatalists and that saps initiative.

Politicians that pander to gun owners are often just wanting to use us for votes and our views on other issues don't match their agendas and assumptions. They think mouthing RKBA catch phrases and trying to make us fear anyone but them is enough to make us afraid not to vote for them. Since many of us consider other issues as (or more) important than freedom to own and use firearms, we sit out voting in disgust and disillusionment.

The accusation that gun owners don't vote is an attempt to shame us into supporting politicians that we only share the RKBA issue with. We resent the attempt to manipulate us by people we don't believe have anything in common with us.
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There are always numerous issues that involve the everyday life of an American citizen. Guns is only one of them. No one should have to be shamed into voting, they should want to. Duty, you know?
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Think about a study that came to the conclusion the “blue jean wearers” don’t vote consistently. No surprise there either.
Wait, what? I've been wearing blue jeans for sixty years, and been voting since in turned 18.
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Personally. I am a solid 2A voter. I don't shoot often but like to enjoy shooting whenever i want without some Liberal passing some law they think will lessen evil and that is any gun. Whenever there are candidate choices I look up their 2A position and cross out the gun control supporters first then choose from those left. From my experience, when young, gun owners only cared about gun control laws that affected them personally. So, the shotgun shooters cared less about the rifle and pistol shooters. The pistol shooters were with themselves. And the rifle shooters were broken up into either bench rest shooters and hunters. Each interest group was only interested in their own Sport.
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