Why do people take comments about a pistol....

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I think that those who take it personally just don't own enough guns. If someone has a lot of different types of guns, they began to take each gun on its merits.
No, I have my babies

BUT, then again I do have some red headed step guns I'd like to beat the s*#@, um stuffing out of,

I thought about find a bryco or one of the other names for it, then making hot load until it blew up, Of course I would be using a stand to fire it, I'm not that stupid.
I think we are basically in need of belonging to one TRIBE or another. Choose your Tribe. Join. and defend until the death.

Or until a better TRIBE comes along

In football we call these people Band Wagon Fans!
Why are so many people so attached to their consumer choices

Internet forums are really all about standing around and hitting the ground with clubs, on a spot where many years earlier a dead horse lay.
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