Why I like my nieghborhood (gun related)

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Nov 20, 2007
So I live in a good sized city north of Dallas. I have lived here for a couple years and at first is was kind of a shell shock for me to live on such small lots. I came here from California and I grew up on a ranch. Well for the most part all of our nieghbors get along and it is not uncommon to see 10 or so people out in the somebody's driveway bbqing and enjying adult beverages. A couple of weeks ago one of these bbqs took place while I was at my lease trying to night hunt pigs. My daughter and wife attended the bbq for a short time and somebody had asked my kid where I was. She replied "He is hunting and didn't take me." Apparently she sounded disappointed. One of the nieghbors found it unusual that I would take my daughter of such young age around guns and hunting. They felt the need to put there $.02 saying something to the effect of "Well that will be the last time my child plays at their house."
Now not all of my nieghbors are pro gun but most are far from anti. The host of the bbq found these comments to be based a personal uneducated base and decided to intervien. He mentioned not only does that little girl hunt she already has a couple of her own guns and a bow. He personally does not own a gun but has mentioned wanting a shotgun to take up dove hunting with me. He further explained to the anti nieghbor not only does he think it is great that I spend time with my daughter but he thinks it is equally important to teach her about gun safety and outdoors.
At this point the anti started to back peddle saying well maybe they can still play together but we will just have to keep an eye on what they are doing. My nieghbor, the host, did not skip a beat and said see there is another difference between you and he. Dale, thats me, always keeps an eye on his kid and has one of the better behaved adult respecting kids in the nieghborhood. He attributed that to my daughters time in the feild with the guys learning patience and safety.
Apparently it got pretty heated. I have had several other nieghbors ask me " Did you hear what happened?" I just think that this guy is so misinformed on gun ownership that he was quick to make a stupid comment like that. My child does nto nor will she ever have access to the gun safe with out being attended by my wife or myself. Even if she did she knows that guns are not toys they serve a purpose and you do not use a gun until that purpose arises.
I will welcome there child into my home whenever she wants to come over. As I have in the past I will not let her see or handle any firearm in my home. I do not talk about guns to the nieghborhood kids and will continue not to. If you want to alienate my daughter because she and her dad shoot together hunt together and enjoy every minute of it. So be it she will better of for it.
Very well put. Sometimes i just cant understand Anti's. Ok you do not like guns but from what they were saying it does not make sense. They had no warrant to say anything about you or your family.
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