Wife needs shooting technique help.

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+1 for professional, in person advice.

We can spout all the theory in the world, but no advice we can give will counter "but that doesn't feel comfortable." You have to be there in person, and she needs to be open minded to advice.

It'll be well worth paying for a few hours with a professional coach.
How about she makes up her own stance that is comfortable and natural for her.

That's about how I view it. One of Bruce Lee's main things that he railed against in martial arts was that too many people became so devoted to specific techniques that they wasted time and energy moving into specific stances while fighting. By learning to fight from whatever position you happened to find yourself in, he was more efficient and deadly.

I look at handgun shooting much the same way. I line up my sights and take my shots. I don't worry about what position my body is in as during an action-shooting course it may be just about anywhere as moving about the field requires.
Guys, thanks for all the advice. I decided to heed the many calls for outside advice, and I'm talking to an instructor at the local indoor range.

Just for clarification, by "teach her how to shoot" I was referring to the fundamentals, safety, and what I was taught about the isosceles stance. We tried many options trying to find something comfortable for her, but I wasn't trying to force her into anything specific.
Hmm. That is not a problem for me and I would say that my frontal real estate is substantial.

My stance tends to be leaning a bit forward, both elbows slightly to moderately bent (def. not locked), and probably because I'm leaning forward, my arms are up high enough for clearance :D

I do IDPA practice so I have a more flexible stance...since we do alot of moving. I'm not claiming any perfect stance or great skill tho. Jus' sayin'.
Just for clarification, by "teach her how to shoot" I was referring to the fundamentals, safety, and what I was taught about the isosceles stance. We tried many options trying to find something comfortable for her, but I wasn't trying to force her into anything specific.
I don't think anyone was thinking you were forcing her into anything. It was mostly advocates of the two major shooting styles trying to present their side...it is like a cold war :eek:

There really is a lot more to correct shooting grip/stance/style and technique than many believe. The biggest thing is understanding why certain things are done certain ways that help a new shooter accomplish the goal...rather than just copy what they are shown.

You'll often hear, "one style doesn't fit everyone" or "do what works for you", and I suspect that comes from people who don't really understand the optimal technique to accomplish what they want. There are many paths to attain the goal and there are different goals in shooting...but there is an optimal way to do it
Does she have any female friends or is there any females at the range with a similar body type as hers? In all likelyhood, a woman of a similar body type to your wife is probably going to have the best advice.
Firing stance is NOT a fundamental. Let me say it again so you'll know I said it on purpose: Firing stance is NOT a fundamental. Why not? If you can hit with Isosceles, and I can hit with Weaver, than neither stance is a requirement for good shooting. Right? Therefore NOT a fundamental.

So, what ARE the fundamentals (with a nod to Brian Enos)?

  1. She must find the target. A clear target focus will help her quickly drive the gun onto the target.
  2. She must put the gun on the target. Maybe literally touching the target, but usually visually putting the front sight on the target.
  3. She must keep the gun on the target while she fires the shot. When she sees the muzzle flash, she will know the bullet has left the barrel.

So, teach her how to use her eyes to find and focus on the target.

Teach her to put the gun on the target using whatever stance feels most comfortable. They ain't called hand-s-guns! She can shoot one handed all day long and still hit the target with no interference from The Girls.

Teach her to follow through using the old dime on the barrel or slide, big, close targets and, perhaps best of all, a laser sight. With a laser, she can shoot one handed, two handed, elbow on the ground, behind her back. Wherever she can see to put that laser dot, she can learn to roll that trigger back and get good hits. Can't afford a laser? Watch for that muzzle flash. It is there, to some degree, with every load in every gun.

Tip number two, when all else fails, pay someone ELSE to train her. Sometimes we just can't teach wives or children.
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