You might be a gun nut if........

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- When you quit drinking, eating out, and going to movies so you have more money to spend on ammunition.

-When you ride your bike to work everyday, so that you can go to the range twice a week and not use any more on gas.

-When you're coworkers ask if you can cover one of thier shifts, and the first thing you do is check to make sure it doesn't interfere with your range time.

- and then you use that paycheck to buy more ammo.

- When you get a text from a friend saying that they are watching TV, and wish you were there to identify some of the guns used in the show. You respond with a three part text, saying what every character in the first two seasons carries.

- When you're note to coworkers - letting them know you're available to sub for them - starts with "I'm running low on 9mm and 38Special, so if anyone needs to get rid of a shift...."

- When you've been gone for two months to compete in a triathlon, and go backpacking in Alaska, and when you get back, the first thing your friends ask is if you bought any more guns....

Chris "the Kayak-Man" Johnson
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