Your View on President Bush

What do you think of President Bush?

  • Great President, Would vote for again.

    Votes: 92 17.5%
  • Great President, No freaking way.

    Votes: 76 14.5%
  • Horrible President, Thank god its over.

    Votes: 357 68.0%

  • Total voters
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Bush and Cheney are the biggest criminals to ever occupy the white house. They have defiled the constitution in every way possible and show absolutely no regard for our laws. There could be no punishment to severe for these crooks.

And I held back my true feelings.
``I respect the jury's verdict,'' Bush said in a statement. ``But I have concluded that the prison sentence given to Mr. Libby is excessive. Therefore, I am commuting the portion of Mr. Libby's sentence that required him to spend thirty months in prison.''

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Sorry, Mr. President. I tend to disagree.

As regards the current state of our military readiness:

Four years after the invasion of Iraq, the high and growing demand for U.S. troops there and in Afghanistan has left ground forces in the United States short of the training, personnel and equipment that would be vital to fight a major ground conflict elsewhere, senior U.S. military and government officials acknowledge.

More troubling, the officials say, is that it will take years for the Army and Marine Corps to recover from what some officials privately have called a "death spiral," in which the ever more rapid pace of war-zone rotations has consumed 40 percent of their total gear, wearied troops and left no time to train to fight anything other than the insurgencies now at hand.

"We have a strategy right now that is outstripping the means to execute it," Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, Army chief of staff, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday.

The Army's vice chief of staff, Gen. Richard A. Cody, described as "stark" the level of readiness of Army units in the United States, which would be called on if another war breaks out. "The readiness continues to decline of our next-to-deploy forces," Cody told the House Armed Services Committee's readiness panel last week. "And those forces, by the way, are . . . also your strategic reserve."

Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was asked last month by a House panel whether he was comfortable with the preparedness of Army units in the United States. He stated simply: "No . . . I am not comfortable."

The troop increase has also created an acute shortfall in the Army's equipment stored overseas -- known as "pre-positioned stock" -- which would be critical to outfit U.S. combat forces quickly should another conflict erupt, officials said.

The Army should have five full combat brigades' worth of such equipment: two stocks in Kuwait, one in South Korea, and two aboard ships in Guam and at the Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean. But the Army had to empty the afloat stocks to support the troop increase in Iraq, and the Kuwait stocks are being used as units to rotate in and out of the country. Only the South Korea stock is close to complete, according to military and government officials.

"Without the pre-positioned stocks, we would not have been able to meet the surge requirement," Schoomaker said. "It will take us two years to rebuild those stocks. That's part of my concern about our strategic depth."

"For the National Guard, those shortages are even more," Cody said. Army National Guard figures show that 88 percent of its units are "not ready."

Under current Army and Marine Corps plans, it will take two to three years after the Iraq war ends and about $17 billion a year to restore their equipment levels. It will take five years and at least $75 billion for the Army to increase its active-duty ranks to 547,000 soldiers, up from the current 509,000, and for the Marine Corps to increase its numbers to 202,000, up from 180,000.

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Five years, and 126 Billion-with-a-B dollars to rebuild our military to where we were five years ago, and that's making no provisions for new advances in military technology. And we can't start to rebuild, until we finish this war, which might stretch on another ten or more years. And this is all the fault of which U.S. President again? And he claims to support the troops?
...when I look at the people likely to have control over our government during these next several years, Dubya looks pretty harmless.

Geez, you must think Obama and Clinton would start a nuclear war or something...I can't see how anybody could be worse than W. Seriously, they'd have to drop a nuke on Chicago or something to be worse than the village idiot we have in office right now.
I did , and if nothing better than then, I would again! :)

and you heard it here first...... Osama is gonna be a rabbit in his hat......just before he leaves office..( thats my prediction ) even if its a look alike that the secret service does plastic surgery on :neener:

At least we are working! and a few military bases may get opened back up from clinton closing them!

We need another gipper! Maybe Thompson:confused::confused:
Another actor turned Pres! :evil: I like It ..... a little....:uhoh: :cool:

Maybe Romney :confused: ( at least he was NOT for the shamnesty bill! )
he has the money to go the distance......:D
I think his backing of the illegal alien amnesty, commuting the sentence of Scooter, attempting to sell American port management to Dubai, and his complete and utter failure to enforce border security mean the Democrats are going to win quite handily in 2008 in both the Presidential and Congressional races.

If Republicans wanted to salvage a little bit out of this they ought to figure out a way to impeach him. Otherwise get ready for Hillary and Assault Weapons Ban II.

Edit: And I'm a southern Christian conservative. I wonder what they're saying about him over on the leftist commie blogs.
Dont forget CLINTON destroyed our military before W !

and thats all I will say on this thread before it gets out a hand........

Outta here.....................................
Tomcat47 said:
Dont forget CLINTON destroyed our military before W !

Hey, Tom... that military that Clinton "destroyed" is the same military that rolled through Iraq without stopping, and conquered the nation in a matter of weeks. The servicemen and women did their jobs, and did them in an exemplary fashion. It's not their fault that their leadership failed them. Their leadership failed them by failing to forsee the end result of conquering Iraq. Even a child could have predicted the insurgency, and civil war. I know I predicted it. Our political leaders failed to plan for the aftermath, and for this, Bush is entirely responsible. The buck stops in the Oval Office.
Bush has done what I thought could not be done; he's destroyed the legacy of small government conservatism created by Reagan and Goldwater over a 40year period. If you are a leftist/liberal you have to absolutely love Bush since he's given you a democratic congress and may very well give you a democratic president in short order.

Unfortunately, he's given us a right-wing activist court for the next 30 years and it will be decades before the damage to our image around the world, trust in the state, deficit, etc.. caused can be undone.

That's assuming the Democrats were any better, had a backbone, etc.. They rarely are and almost never do.
Fred Barnes,

Editor of the Weekly Standard, so just about as much of gold-plated "Establishment Conservative" as it's possible to be, said that Bush's legacy would be as "the man who destroyed the Conservative movement in this country for a generation."

Though it pains me deeply to agree with Fred Barnes, I think he's got that one right.

Can I chime in and say,

Who the hell are half of you people whom I've NEVER seen post in THR's recent history?

Something stinks like Democratic Underground.

No, Bush isn't prefect. I think belittling him makes many others feel good about themselves. I feel honest to God pity for a man who has to wake up every morning and only hear people smearing his name. "Bush is dumb, Bush is the worst, Bush has no clue, Bush lies".

Yeah, well he can't have been that dumb, clueless, or lied all the way through life because he got through two ivy league schools, one governorship, and two terms as President of the USA, which is a lot more than half the whiners here can say. 90% of this thread is deconstructive criticism. And for those of you championing the Democrats... are you out of your bleeding minds? I mean perhaps on other issues, maybe, but on 2A? Give me a break.

He ain't perfect, but he's my president. I voted for him twice and I stand by my votes.
I'm constantly shocked by the number people who still say they think Bush is anything other than a disaster.

No excuses, he's the President, what happens on his watch is his fault. No blaming neocons, no blaming supposedly faulty intelligence, no nothing.

With 6 years of having a friendly congress, he basically got nothing productive done. One of the biggest achievements was letting something expire. Woo, hoo.

I'm a fiscal responsibility person. Lowering taxes and raising spending are the worst possible thing to do. Yes, I would rather have a high tax, high spending person than a low tax high spending one. Bush's grade: F

The 'war on terror' started right (Afghanistan) , but turned idiotic (Iraq). We're less safe now than we were in 2002, and it ain't over yet. Bush's grade: D

Abuses of power (signing statements, choosing whether or not to enforce laws), encroachment on civil liberties (wiretapping, domestic spying), outright breaking of laws (violations of records act, violating international treaties, authorizing torture, waging pre-emptive war), and out-right lying to the American people (made-up evidence in Iraq) combine to earn another F

Bush has said something like this twice:
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

What has Bush done to preserve, protect, or defend the Constitution? I don't see much. Grade: F

*edit* Who the hell am I? I'm a voting gun owner who tends to have scattered political opinions, typically tending toward libertarian. I'm certainly not part of an underground liberal conspiracy.
Didn't vote on your pole because the options were ridiculously limited. Voted for him on first election and on second. Wish that I could take back that vote in the second election. I'm a life long loyal republican that feels betrayed and wishes there were some way out of this mess but know there isn't. I'll vote for the same party again because the options are worse now than they were before. I'm afraid that if our political situation continues as it is, that we will eventually end up like some of our European allies that have to juggle groups of parties to get anything done. I think that both our current parties will splinter in the not too distant future.
Libby did not get a fair trial

Giving Libby clemency was the best thing the pres has done in a long time. I don't like alot of things he has done but I know things would be far worse for us if the poofy haired traitor from taxachuits was Pres. The goverment sucks and anyone looking for salvation in any form from a goverment is just plain goofy in the head. It always needs to be kept in check no matter who is running it. What you folks don't know about ports and shipping is astounding. You do know that the USA has next to no merchant marine........don't you?
Thats been true for 40 plus years. The corporations that run port services mean nothing. They are just management companies. Try to find out who really owns and controls the ships America owes it soul to. I only mention this because it points out just how little is actually understood by some of the high roaders in here on various subjects. Not that I am a know it all because I am not. I do know my buisness and how it works to the extent one can know it so I assume that I am equaly ignorant about other subjects that I am not involved in. Please try to engage your minds for God's sake. We, us, the armed and responsible are going to need our wits about us. We are the only real hope America has.
And for those of you championing the Democrats... are you out of your bleeding minds? I mean perhaps on other issues, maybe, but on 2A? Give me a break.

Who the heck is championing the Democrats? The last great Democratic President was Andrew Jackson.

"Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845) was the seventh President of the United States (1829–1837). He was also military governor of Florida (1821), commander of the American forces at the Battle of New Orleans (1815), a founder of the modern Democratic Party, and the eponym of the era of Jacksonian democracy."
I'm constantly shocked by the number people who still say they think Bush is anything other than a disaster.

Didn't sign any gun control.

The stock market has done extremely well.

You just have to appreciate where the pulse might be and what the alternative might have been.
"Libby didn't get a fair trial"?

Who rigged it?
The Bush-appointee prosecutor?
The Bush-appointee judge?
The Bush-appointee CIA that raised the issue in the first place?
Didn't sign any gun control.

That a little misleading, RealGun.

Bush wanted to sign more gun control, ie, a renewal of the AWB. The Republican controlled Congress did not send him anything to sign.

The Republican Congress should be given the credit for no new gun control, not Bush.
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