LEOs changing their minds about Bush - guess why?

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Dec 25, 2002
True West...Hotel California
Many Police Disenchanted with President Bush on Immigration
Jim Kouri
July 22, 2006

During the last presidential campaign cycle, many national and local police organizations, as well as individual officers and commanders, supported the reelection of George W. Bush. Commanders and rank-and-file officers understood the fact that compared to the alternatives, Bush was the right man to serve as Commander-in-Chief in wartime.

For instance, the nation's largest organization, National Fraternal Order of Police -- representing over 350,000 officers -- endorsed Bush, as did many local organizations such as the New York Police Department's Police Benevolent Association, Detectives Endowment Association and others.

But now there's increasing disenchantment with President Bush on his handling of illegal immigration and border security. More and more police agencies find themselves engulfed in crimes being committed by illegal aliens. Mexican nationals dressed in military uniforms are coming into the United States while they protect drug and human traffickers and yet our leaders in Washington at best offer lip-service, at worst ignore the problem not wishing to alienate a perceived voting block.

"The problem has gotten worse and worse each year and the only people debating the subject [of illegal immigration] are American citizens. The politicians -- local, state and federal -- ignore the will of the people," says one police chief who's own mayor is pro-open borders.

Let's examine a recent complaint by one law enforcement commander, who is a Mexican-American himself:

Zapatas County, TX Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez says that the Mexico-US border problem is worsening. Sheriff Gonzalez said that Mexican troops, or those dressed in Mexican Army uniforms, continue to illegally enter the US on a regular basis.

Gonzales provides accounts of gunfire on the Mexico-US Texas border areas, which even extended into residential areas. Gonzales said that individuals dressed in Battle Dress Uniforms (BDUs) and carrying automatic weapons are becoming a dangerous and escalating problem.

Gonzales also confirms that terrorist training camps (including those for the terror-gang MS-13) are active just South of Brownsville, TX in Mexico, something that been long believed by many police and security executives.

Yet, Sheriff Gonzales's pleas are being ignored by the mainstream news media and political leaders. When CBS News' 60 Minutes did a story on illegal immigration, the segment, hosted by Ed Bradley, was more propaganda than information. It was all emotion as opposed to being fact filled. And it was pro-illegal immigration.

According to US Customs and Border Protection agents, there have been 231 such incursions since 1996, an average of more than 28 per year. In addition, there have been cases of Middle Eastern men from terrorist-sponsoring nations gaining entry from Mexico into the US. Illegal aliens also commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, including murder, sex crime against children and armed robbery.

In one study of a sample 55,000 illegal immigrants serving prison sentences in the US, it was discovered that they are responsible for over 400,000 arrests and over 700,000 felony crimes. In Los Angeles, 95 percent of the outstanding arrest warrants for homicide are for illegal aliens, with 65 percent of the overall arrest warrants are for illegals.

This is a widespread problem and will eventually lead to more crime and violence. How can the President of the United States allow a foreign soldiers on US soil who are carrying automatic firearms? Where are the so-called gun control advocates in congress who wish to disarm American citizens? Are they not concerned with foreign nationals entering the country armed to the teeth? US police departments are outgunned and outmanned and no one save a few congressmen are displaying any concern.

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a staff writer for the New Media Alliance (thenma.org). He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Kouri writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others. He's a news writer for TheConservativeVoice.Com. He's also a columnist for AmericanDaily.Com, MensNewsDaily.Com, MichNews.Com, and he's syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. He's appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com. Kouri's own website is located at http://jimkouri.us
Whining about Bush, no matter from what direction, is REALLY old.

He cannot run for reelection. Polls regarding his popularity are less than worthless; they are a complete waste of effort.

His refusal to do anything about the problem is maddening, but nothing can be done, other than elect people to Congress who WILL deal with the problem.
Bush, because of his border policies, is a menace to this country. I'll keep "whining," thanks, and I'll keep bringing up illegal immigration-related stories, until you are the "savant" you would like to believe yourself to be.

What's relevant in this story is that former enclaves of strength for Bush, especially on the "far right," are eroding, and that bears on what's ahead electorally. It's not just about Bush but about Bush's policies and Bush's network of supporters.
Bush has, unless some miracle occurs, essentially destroyed this country with his immigration policies. His actions are tantamount to treason and the mess he leaves behind him will be almost impossible to clean up.
We're going after congress but the nation destroying actions of Bush should never be forgotten and always be brought to the forefront as a reminder to present and future voters and as another stain upon his eight year reign.

If that's whining, call me a whiner but I call it sounding a claxon and a possible a call to arms.

The ramifications of his treason will be far and wide reaching.
We should all apologise to our future generations for allowing this to happen.

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Traitor to the GOP? Hardly. The wing of the Greedy Old Plutocrats which Our Shrub has called "my base" is all for illegal immigration. It lowers wages, destroys the power of working people to bargain for better conditions, and keeps the sheep insecure and biddable while increasing the Sacred Bottom Line (Laaaa!) of his cronies.
Quote RE Bush:

"His refusal to do anything about the problem is maddening, but nothing can be done, other than elect people to Congress who WILL deal with the problem."

I disagree that "nothing can be done". It can. Here is the method outlined below:

Article II Section IV grants the power to impeach him if he is proven to have "commited treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors."

Article IV, Sectin IV contracts that "the United States will guarantee to every State in the Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them AGAINST INVASION, and on application of the legislarure, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot bd convened) against domestic violence.

Well, perjury is a high crime.

Swearing an oath or affirmation of Presidential office, includes the express pomise he will "faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of (his) my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

By standing by and simply saying there is "nothing we can do", the President has proven he has failed to even READ the Constitution, much less hold to his promise to utilize his office to request Congress to at least consider, the taking up of the power they have been granted under Article I, Section VIII, clauses fifteen, and sixteen, which outlines how Congress may compel the militia to be organized, trained, and used for the express purpose of repelling invaders.

Standing by and saying "the only thing we can do is grant amnesty to the lawbreakers" is a misleading and criminal act, when a President (or Congressman) knows (or should have known)it not to be true.

Impeachment is certainly a method that can be used. In fact, in this case, it should be.

Because each time we collectively say "nothing can be done" to halt Government employees acting in their own self-interest of office, we collectively cede our power and rights, to simple minded government employees.

If we are to have a system of "government by the people" ultimately, "the will of the people" must be respected over the wishes (and power) of government agencies.

We must all find some collective method of making the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Federal and State offices listen to the will of the people.

The trick is, HOW?
The trick is, HOW?

They forgot a long time ago they work for us.

Now they just get into office and pad their bank accounts.
Especially with term limits .

I think a more productive line of discussion would be to look at the voting records of all the representatvies and senators. Also, I am sure some pressure could be put forth to make sure the candidates in 2008 want to solve the problem as well.
Bush, because of his border policies, is a menace to this country. I'll keep "whining," thanks, and I'll keep bringing up illegal immigration-related stories, until you are the "savant" you would like to believe yourself to be.

What's relevant in this story is that former enclaves of strength for Bush, especially on the "far right," are eroding, and that bears on what's ahead electorally. It's not just about Bush but about Bush's policies and Bush's network of supporters.

Nice job on taking the high road there.

Yes, Bush's enclaves of support are eroding, but that doesn't automatically translate into Congressional elections. Sure, Democrats can try to turn the mid-terms into a referendum on Bush (heck, the Republicans did the same with Clinton in 94), but that requires the people themselves to be dissatisfied with their Representatives and Senators. Some may view "one Republican the same as all," but I would expect that at least as many will look at the individual record of the person standing for election. Besides, it isn't as though the Democrats are campaigning on immigration reform; they prefer to scream about Iraq. The DNC's stance on immigration is even worse than that of the President.

Voting against a Republican who has been blasting Bush on the immigration issue just because you also don't like Bush is cutting off your nose to spite your face, and I don't see that happening in any kind of widespread pattern.

The far right isn't going to vote for leftists just because certain people are not as conservative as they ought to be.

Complaining about Bush is a valid use of free speech, but thinking low approval numbers for the President will translate into a major upset in the elections is a lazy way to think. A couple people may lose seats in places where they already had razor-thin margins, but in general, Congressmen and -women reflect their own constituency now, and will continue to do so.
Who runs for office anymore except dorks

the press will find out when you were 10 you tore the wings of off a fly and make you out a serial killer wannabe.

No sane decent person will run anymore, they are all misfits who don't care about their life beings an open book ?
The illegal immigration problem has been around for a long time, decades anyway. It is not something that can just be fixed very easily.

A few issues that come to mind are:

We have a very low birth rate, exacerbated by the high number of abortions every year. This reduces what should be a natural population growth. Just who is going to make up that shortfall in warm bodies? this is probably the biggest issue, yet the one ignored the most.

While there may be some downward pressure on wages from illegal immigrants, it is a lot less than many claim. Most of it is concentrated in lower wage jobs anyway, so the downward pressure is limited.

It would be very difficult to get enough citizens interested in taking on the jobs many illegals do, and that is probably true no matter what the pay rate was. The unemployment rate currently is low enough that citizens don't have to take those kind of jobs. You could probably double the pay rate for picking lettuce and not get many citizens interested in doing that job. To replace the illegals you want to deport you either have to find some technological solution or find a way to convince legal residents to do the work. I don't think either solution is likely anytime soon. I would accept some kind of work visa that would have to be issued in their home country and was only valid for a limited time and could only be renewed in the home country. Maybe for one year.

I find it interesting that the claim is that Bush and the Republicans want illegals here. Yet it is the other party that actively registers them to vote and encourages them to vote illegally. In fact, at least one republican congressman almost certainly lost his job because of illegals voting for the other party's candidate.

Sanctions against employers don't work because there is no teeth to the law, and there is no practical way to put teeth into the law. The only way you can really tighten down is by having some kind of ID card that is universal, not easily unforged, and verifiable, AND that would need to be produced on a regular basis. Any attempt to do this evokes quite legitimate and very loud screams of big brother from the very people screaming about illegals.

You will notice I did not propose any solutions. I don't know there is any "solution". It may turn out that the cure is worse than the disease. I just don't know. I am pretty sure that if we don't figure out how to turn it around, we will have a situation where much of the south will be North Mexico, and that bodes poorly for us as a nation.
Whining about Bush, no matter from what direction, is REALLY old.

I'm neither a fan of bush-bashing, nor a big opponent of immigration. However, Bush does continue to piss people off on all sides of many issues. The reason why people are "whining" from all sides is because Bush really has succeeded in establishing a unified bipartisan hatred of his policies.
We must all find some collective method of making the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Federal and State offices listen to the will of the people.

The trick is, HOW?

I suspect that what you really mean by the will of the people is what you want.

I would bet many people are quite happy with things the way they are and they vote that way. Single issue voters (guns, abortion, immigration, etc) are always going to be unhappy because no matter what the current situation is with respect to their issue, they will never be satisfied.
They forgot a long time ago they work for us.

This problem started when they stopped calling themselves "representatives" and began calling themselves "lawmakers." Major difference. I call them "hired hands" every chance I get. Makes most of them wince, makes a (very) few smile. :evil:

Easy enough for muckety-mucks in both parties to be happy with the influx of illegals; just different reasons--which have been mentioned at length.

What's showing up now are things like "We're sending the National Guard to the border!" but without guns and only having administrative duties. Then, when the "outgunned" issue arises, the answer from Bush himself is, "We have sent the National Guard to the border." Duh?

Add the argument in today's news of the problems of Sheriff Argaio (spelling?) out at Phoenix, with the ICE jusristdictional dispute. That doesn't help the attitude of LEOs nationwide.

LEOs have friends outside the "world of blue" and they talk and gripe. Little by little, such things affect voting patterns.

When you're talking 49.9% vs. 50.1% elections, it doesn't take much to change the makeup of the Beltway Bandit folks.

I've noticed some of you in here that don't think illegal immigration is not much of a problem don't live here in Southern California or along the border areas.

Come on down and live here for a few months in my neck of the woods, all they need to do is change the flag flying over city hall to the mexican flag and start taking pesos instead of dollars.

The city of Maywood near where I live has become an official sanctuary for illegal aliens. They even disbanded the police traffic division because they were impounding too many illegal alien's cars because they did not have drivers license.
In todays partisan political atmosphere, where the presidents party has more to lose in any upcoming election, the more you bash or criticize him, the more you criticize his party. Should we be bashing Bush simply because he cannot be re-elected? Damn straight, because nobody has the energy or time to bash 230+ members of congress who should really be dealing with the immigration issue.
longeyes said:
Bush, because of his border policies, is a menace to this country.

Menace? Check your local landscaping or construction firms and find out who they are hiring.... they are the MENACE... leave the president alone!

Bush is responsible, at the moment, for the destruction of the American middle class via the illegal immigration he is aiding such as no president before him, bar none. He is though, the best Presidente that Mexico has ever known.

Those parasites wouldn't even be entering our country if he was doing his job.
Counter *that* statement if you can, and don't bother dancing.

Congressmen are more concerned where their next briefcase of cash from a lobbyist is coming from. They aren't going to do anything except what is in their own interests.

I supported Bush a great deal for a while, especially while I was in the Army. He gave us a few raises and fixed the defense budget in time for some good equipment before deployments. Before then, we had stone age equipment. However, recently he's lost his mind, apparently, and I can no longer trust in blind faith. Letting the immigration issue fester, no matter how long it has been going on, is inexcusable. Its a tough issue, but he's the one who wanted to be president. And trying his best to destroy stem cell research is maddening, but I won't get into that (in the interests of this thread).

President or not, he's been doing some wacky things do to some private agenda. For a while, I enjoyed the benefits of having a president that the rest of the world feared, if not respected. I could care less what the dirty Frenchies think of their betters.

I've been losing a great deal of trust in our great nation's government, of late, as I grow older and begin to become more aware of the problems around us. That is why I got into this forum to begin with, because I am starting to take more of an active role in my self reservation (and those around me). There needs to be a little bit more accountability for one's own actions.

I'm trying to keep this brief... ;)

So I think Bush is off his rocker and congress does need to use their powers a bit more for the positive, but I doubt that is going to happen. All I can do is what carefully to see what happens next and prepare for the worst. Many issues (liberal traitorism, too many deployments, unsecure borders) are tearing my beloved USA apart and all I can do is hold my head in my hands. I am waiting for action...
Hey Capt., you should really check out what effect Bush has had on Veteran's benefits. Dig a bit. It ain't pretty.

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