LEOs changing their minds about Bush - guess why?

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Biker said:
In as much as Bush has the power to *stop* this invasion
Short of a minefield on the southern border and the elimination of the roads leading into and out of Mexico nothing we could do would *stop* illegal immigration (source: U.S. border patrol officer...paraphrased for use).

Biker said:
...and should in fact quit encouraging it which he refuses to do
The sign on the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." Going to dismantle that Biker?

Biker said:
...he is the one ultimately responsible at this time. Where does the buck stop?
In my opinion, Biker, there is far too much Bush bashing on this immigration issue and more attention needs to be placed on companies that hire illegals and the illegals themselves... Was your home built by illegal aliens? Is your landscaping company composed of illegal aliens? Do you eat fruit picked by illegal aliens? Do you buy products built and/or assembed by illegal aliens? All of these mean that we need to examine ourselves before we hurl blame at others...The "buck stops" at illegal aliens themselves and the culture of immigration law ignorance by Mexicans frankly....
Bush isn't the only one, by any means, at fault. But, guys, he's got the rock right now and we expect him to get it into the endzone. He wanted the rock, he's got it, how he's got to PRODUCE. And so far he isn't, and not only on the illegal alien front. If he can't handle it, all he has to do is resign and let someone else take a shot.

We are faced with a life-changing situation here; we'd better take it seriously, even if our politicians and bureaucrats won't. It's going to take draconian action to solve this, and unfortunately we now live in a "can't we all get along?" culture that has made a golden calf out of appeasement and fecklessness.

The sign on the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." Going to dismantle that Biker?

This is one icon that needs shattering. The oft-quoted Emma Lazarus was a well-to-do New York Marxist. Let's not enshrine old shibboleths that will lead to the destruction of our society.
Bush has, unless some miracle occurs, essentially destroyed this country with his immigration policies.

Right, because the flow of illegals didn't begin until after GW took the helm.

No, wait, the flow of illegals didn't begin to STOP until after GW took the helm.

It's still his fault, though. Bush bad.
You won't find a lot of Clinton supporters on this forum, so we don't need to belabor the blame that the Clinton Admin deserves for many of America's woes, both domestic and foreign.

But those of us who have become disenchanted with Bush's polices are not about to give him a pass while he's in charge and has the power of remedy. At the risk of repeating myself, I'll say this: Bush's JOB is to execute the law, and if the head of the executive branch can't or won't do that and actively encourages lawlessness, then you have a society that is rotting from the head. More and more this is looking like a Shakespearean tragedy. Something's rotten all right but it's not in Denmark, it's right there on Pennsylvania Avenue.

No, wait, the flow of illegals didn't begin to STOP until after GW took the helm.

I hate to break this to you but the flow of illegals isn't stopping, anything but.
Short of a minefield on the southern border and the elimination of the roads leading into and out of Mexico nothing we could do would *stop* illegal immigration

Great! Where do we send the money to fund the project?

...what do you MEAN, they aren't doing it?! You mean they don't want to stop it?

Well, you're right. They don't. In fact, they want it to continue, or the invaders--and let's look at the facts: they are invading our country, not immigrating--would be shot on sight.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

:barf: Give me your tired, poor argument!

They aren't tired, they're greedy.
They are poor because they work here illegally.
They aren't huddled--they're forming mobs and DEMANDING what we have.
Their way of life defies freedom, and refuses to accept the American way of life.
I suppose, however, that they are indeed wretched refuse.

Oh yeah, and BTW: The Statue of Liberty's words refer to legal immigrants. Legal. So the whole discussion is moot.
Impeachment is certainly a method that can be used. In fact, in this case, it should be.

Because each time we collectively say "nothing can be done" to halt Government employees acting in their own self-interest of office, we collectively cede our power and rights, to simple minded government employees.

Come on, it's the American way to use political positions to reshape America
to a new desired image, right? Wilson, FDR, Kennedy, Johnson, Reagan,
etc all did it.

Not only are LEO "changing their minds" about Bush because of the border
and internal crime caused by illegals, but another article could be called
"Soldiers changing their minds about Bush" because of involvement in Iraq
for the direct gain of his patrons (cronies) and his apparent bottom-
drawer placement of apprehending/killing OBL. He's also been losing his
fundamentalist base despite trying to whip up the whole "end times" BS with
Israel and Lebanon. You have to ask yourself why the G8 gave *that*
action a green light right now --name a time when Katyusha rockets have
NOT been hitting Israel in recent history. Americans are getting so played
that Machiavelli's bones are blushing in his grave with boyish admiration.

If we can call for the impeachment of BC over lies and a blue dress, there's
more than enough to get the current roman fiddler. Problem is everything
that could be used as evidence is getting stamped "Top Secret" in the VP
office and JBTs would lock down the Hill --or worse yet, suspend paychecks
on the Hill. Darn, hard to get anything done up there when there's no $$$$
lawlessness enthroned

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, LEO-cum-politicos like Sheriff Lee Baca want millions for new jail facilities to deal with "over-crowding." What's that all about? Well, forty per cent of the L.A. County Jail system is now illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico. With no place to house more inmates they're just letting them out or not imprisoning them, that's where we've arrived. Felons. Let loose. That has to be demoralizing for the LEOs who actually want to do the job they're paid for and risk their lives for. That has to be risky for the rest of us.

For the sake of an imaginary future voting bloc and the economic well-being of a small slice of American business, we are shredding the very essence of what America is all about.
Unfortunately there are those who can find no wrong with GWB.

They always related back to Slick Willie and he has been out of office for 6 years. What has gwb done during that time to help matters--nothing, or maybe it was to hold the wheel while the national debt went out of site or could it be his fumbling while gasoline prices almost trippled, and the entire world has shied away from us as if we carried the plague.

ANd no Camp David, no one wants to dismantle that but we do what to get back to the original intent and that is for them to become Americans, not foreign parasites.

BAck to the subject, The LEO's have began to wise up as has about 70% of the general population.
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