How about Hickock 45?

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  • His head is on straight. He is not an idiot.
  • He is capable of logical/rational thought.
  • He is knowledgeable.
  • He is able to, and careful to, distinguish between his opinions and fact--both very rare and highly desirable traits.
  • He understands that his experience is not the exclusive source of knowledge and fact.
  • He readily admits that he does not know everything and does not try to pontificate on topics where his knowledge/experience is lacking.
  • He does not take himself too seriously.
This list separates him from many (perhaps even most) of the people who attempt to provide serious gun reviews online and/or on video.
This list separates him from many (perhaps even most) of the people who attempt to provide serious gun reviews online and/or on video.
Or any other subject for that matter. When I'm thinking of a new gun I look to see if he has a video before I check anywhere else. He does take a bit of reading between the lines to see some flaws of different platforms but I grew up with men of not so sharp opinions so it doesn't bother me much. If I only watch one gun series (and I pretty much already do) it would be his.
I like Hickok45 though sometimes his reviews get a little short on substance. I really like Ian from Forgotten Weapons' content but obviously he focuses on older guns so you won't get info on new designs. I also enjoy watching TheYankeeMarshal.

One thing that I prize in a gun channel is actually talking about the guns. The type of action, history, design specs, etc. I don't care to watch them sit there and shoot a lot. It's a gun - it goes bang. If I'm not the one shooting it just seeing it fired for however many rounds isn't doing much for me.
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  • His head is on straight. He is not an idiot.
  • He is capable of logical/rational thought.
  • He is knowledgeable.
  • He is able to, and careful to, distinguish between his opinions and fact--both very rare and highly desirable traits.
  • He understands that his experience is not the exclusive source of knowledge and fact.
  • He readily admits that he does not know everything and does not try to pontificate on topics where his knowledge/experience is lacking.
  • He does not take himself too seriously.
This list separates him from many (perhaps even most) of the people who attempt to provide serious gun reviews online and/or on video.

I think all you missed was : He doesn't babble on endlessly, just to hear himself talk. &
He's brief, honest, and objective.
I don't think he's especially objective (he has obvious preferences, likes and dislikes) but he does seem to be honest. When he doesn't like a gun, or when he prefers one to another, he doesn't seem to have any problem saying so and explaining why. The key is that he differentiates between preference and actual problems which is something many have a very hard time managing.
I like his videos. He seems sincere and he is “matter of fact” versus the conjecture and BS found on many other videos. He doesn't blather to hear himself talk. He doesn’t move his hands all over the place like some of these wannabe hand models and if he makes a mistake he laughs about it and moves on. He critiques without going too negative and he seems to always look for the positive aspects of a gun. One thing I really like is he doesn’t compare every gun to his favorite 1911, or Glock, or S&W, or etc...
IMHO , If I was only allowed to watch videos from one gun reviewer It would be Hickock45. He seems like the kind of person you would like for a neighbor and friend.
I saw this thread and decided not to comment at first as I want sure where it would go.

My personal view of Hickok (and his son) is that he’s built a channel with lots of followers. IMHO he’s done it the right way by having good content, being honest and having fun.

I think he’s a good ambassador for us.

Overall I agree with the positive comments above.

I guess I’ll add in that I wish there were lots more like him as it would help us show those who are indifferent to 2nd Amendment Rights that we’re normal people who simply enjoy shooting firearms and caring about our freedom.
I like the Forgotten Weapons guy and Paul Harrell better.
I forget about Forgotten Weapons and just watched my first Paul Harrell video a couple weeks ago. Both great ambassadors to shooting as well. We really do need more guys like these representing us. I know a bunch of young guys that only know a gun exsits once they see someone talk about it on YouTube and I'd rather they hear it from a level headed source.
Hickock 45 i great, I agree, but I would not call his videos "short"!!! :)

Honestly, he is one of the first internet gun "stars" that I started following, and I still love to watch him.
One of my favorites (maybe the favorite) is the review of the Hi-Point 9mm handgun. He starts out being openly critical of it even going so far as to hold his nose but by the end of the video changes his opinion.

I like the fact that he doesn't take himself too seriously. There are enough youtube wannabe "stars" for that.

I like Ian on Forgotten Weapons for technical and historical education. In the last year or so I have become a follower of Sootch00 and Sensible Prepper. I have got a lot of good ideas from him.
I like his channel.
I work around too many people who take themselves way too seriously to not like his demeanor.
My favorites are his black powder videos.
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